


      英 [ˌɪnəd'vɜ:tənt]

      美 [ˌɪnədˈvə:tn:t]


      副词: inadvertently


  •       详情解释

  •       英英释义

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  •       不注意的,疏忽的,不慎的,漫不经心的,粗心大意的,掉以轻心的,因疏忽造成的
  •       怠慢的
  •       非故意的,无意(中)的,出于无心的
  •       不被注意的



      1. happening by chance or unexpectedly or unintentionally

      e.g. with an inadvertent gesture she swept the vase off the table
      accidental poisoning
      an accidental shooting

      Synonym: accidental

      1. 无意的;并非故意的;因疏忽造成的
      An inadvertent action is one that you do without realizing what you are doing.


      e.g. The government has said it was an inadvertent error.

      I inadvertently pressed the wrong button.

      1. 偶然的:SUPERCHARGER 增压器 | INADVERTENT 偶然的 | LEAKAGE 漏、渗

      2. 无意,不注意的:extrovert 使外向,使外倾,外向之人 | inadvertent 无意,不注意的 | introvert 使内向,使内省,内向者,惯於自省之人

      3. 不注意的:inadvertency 不注意 | inadvertent 不注意的 | inadvertently 不注意地

      4. inadvertent

      4. 粗心大意的:inadvertence 漫不经心 | inadvertent 粗心大意的 | inadvisable 不明智的

  •       经典引文

  •       The pregnancy was inadvertent and unwanted by Rebecca.

    出自:V. Glendinning
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      This one is the familiar one, inadvertent opening of a pressurised safety or relief valve in a PWR or a safety valve in a BWR.(这一个是很熟悉的,增压安全阀的疏忽打开,或者是在压水式反应堆的减压阀,或者是在沸水式反应堆的安全阀。)

      The fourth quadrant (prudent and inadvertent) seems like it shouldn't exist - if you are prudent, how can it be inadvertent?(第四象限(谨慎、无意)似乎是不存在的—如果您是谨慎的、您有怎么可能疏忽呢?)

      The third quadrant (reckless and inadvertent) is the most troubling, because these developers incur debt without realizing it.(第三象限(轻率、无意)是最麻烦的,因为开发人员欠债了,但是他们并没有意识到。)

      You can remove the capabilities from the effective set but retain them in the permitted set to prevent inadvertent abuse of the capabilities.(可以将能力从有效集(effectiveset)中删除,但是保留在允许集(permittedset)中,从而防止滥用能力。)

      Google has said the data collection was inadvertent.(谷歌曾说,数据的收集是随意的。)

      For each story, we created a spoiler paragraph that briefly discussed the story and revealed the outcome in a way that seemed inadvertent.(我们在每个故事中设置了一段剧透,简明地交代故事,并以不经意的方式透露了结局。)

      This provides some protection against initiating an inadvertent drag operation.(这就提供了一种保护机制,避免无意中激活拖动操作。)

      They are designed to prevent inadvertent valve startup in their designed failure modes.(他们的目的是防止无意中阀启动的设计失效模式。)

      If money can buy me that inadvertent mistake, I bought their love, then it is not expensive.(如果这些钱可以买回我那个无心的错,买回我自己的爱情,那么它并不昂贵。)

      Norton GoBack is the perfect tool for random system crashes, failed installations, and inadvertent deletions.(NortonGoBack是完美工具,可用于处理随机系统崩溃、安装失败和无意删除的情况。)

      inadvertent是什么意思 inadvertent在线翻译 inadvertent什么意思 inadvertent的意思 inadvertent的翻译 inadvertent的解释 inadvertent的发音 inadvertent的同义词
