


      英 [ɪnˈkredəbl]

      美 [ɪnˈkrɛdəbəl]


      副词: incredibly 名词: incredibility


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  •       难以置信的 ,惊人的,不能相信的, 不可思议的
  •       不可信的,未必可能的
  •       极妙的,极好的
  •       极大的
  •       不能自圆其说的
  •       骇人听闻的
  •       不可捉摸的


  •       不能相信的,不可信的 too strange to be believed; unbelievable or very hard to believe
  •       〈非正〉难以置信的,不可思议的,惊人的 wonderful; unbelievably good


      1. beyond belief or understanding

      e.g. at incredible speed
      the book's plot is simply incredible

      Synonym: unbelievable

      1. 妙极的;惹人喜爱的;了不起的
      If you describe something or someone as incredible, you like them very much or are impressed by them, because they are extremely or unusually good.

      e.g. The wildflowers will be incredible after this rain...
      e.g. Thanks for taking me, I had an incredible time...

      Their father was incredibly good-looking.

      2. 不可思议的;难以置信的
      If you say that something is incredible, you mean that it is very unusual or surprising, and you cannot believe it is really true, although it may be.

      e.g. It seemed incredible that people would still want to play football during a war...
      e.g. We should not dismiss as lies the incredible stories that children may tell us.

      Incredibly, some people don't like the name.

      3. 惊人的
      You use incredible to emphasize the degree, amount, or intensity of something.

      e.g. We import an incredible amount of cheese from the Continent...
      e.g. There was an incredible din...

      It was incredibly hard work.

      1. 不可信的:人们发现,大的组织不要说政府,即使是大的企业提供激励的承诺也是很不可信的(incredible不是建立在市场经济分散化决策和通过价格进行资源配置基础上的这种组织盲目做大、做强,其内部提供的激励必然受到很大不好滴词汇,

  •       情景对话

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      Talking about Apartment-(谈论公寓)


      A:What do you think of? this flat?

      B:It’s not really all that good. The bedroom is a little small for us.


      A:Small but it should be enough for our needs, I think.

      B:But there’s no hot water after 10 at night. Sometimes I like to have a hot shower? before bed, especially in the winter. It feels good.

      A:That’s true. But I love the living room; it’s huge and filled with sunshine?.

      B:True, and I like the kitchen. It’s new and well equipped?.


      A:It has a great balcony with an incredible view of the park.


      B:You’re right. The view is spectacular. But that bedroom is so small. We’d never be able to fit all of our stuff in there.

      A:Maybe we could get some new furniture. Better stuff.

      B:I haven’t thought of that.


  •       Some planets run at incredible speed.
  •       It's an incredible method.
  •       She has an incredible house!

      用作形容词 (adj.)

  •       Wishes to reveal this figment of the Greek imagination as, literally, incredible.

    出自:F. Fergusson
  •       词语用法

  •       词源解说


  •       incredible指通过事实证明是难以置信的,其含意是正面的,不能用在否定句、疑问句和条件句中。
  •       ☆ 15世纪初期进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的incredibilis,意为不可相信的。
  •       考研真题例句

      考研真题例句OG 1.incredible

      Or, we can look at failure as the incredible learning experience that it often is.



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      We worked on two incredible dresses that were 3D printed.(我们设计了两件不可思议的3D打印礼服。)

      The hotel was incredible.(这家旅馆棒极了。)

      With so much dryness, so many communities to catch fire, so many fronts to fight, it becomes an almost incredible job.(干燥度如此之高,加上许多社区着火,有这么多前线要去战斗,这几乎成了一项不可思议的工作。)

      It's pretty incredible how it has managed to hijack the genes of the algae on which it feeds.(它劫持自身赖以生存的藻类基因的方式,真是不可思议。)

      He used his incredible sense of humour to lift my spirits.(他以不可思议的幽默感鼓舞了我的士气。)

      At first thought it seems incredible that there can be enough space in the "solid" ground underfoot to hold all this water.(乍一想,似乎难以置信的是,在脚下的“坚实”地面上居然有足够的空间来容纳这么多的水。)

      It seemed incredible that people would still want to play football during a war.(在战争期间人们仍然想踢足球,这似乎不可思议。)

      When used properly, worry is an incredible device.(如果运用得当,忧虑也是一种不可思议的工具。)

      The government will lend you money at incredible rates, between zero percent and 3 percent.(政府将会以0到3%的利率贷款给你,这真是不可思议。)

      I felt I'd made an incredible discovery.(我感到自己有了一个惊人的发现。)

      incredible是什么意思 incredible在线翻译 incredible什么意思 incredible的意思 incredible的翻译 incredible的解释 incredible的发音 incredible的同义词
