


      英 [ɪnˈdent]

      美 [ɪnˈdent]




      过去式: indented 过去分词: indented 现在分词: indenting 第三人称单数: indents


  •       英英释义

  •       词典解释

  •       网络解释


      1. the space left between the margin and the start of an indented line

      Synonym: indentationindentionindenture

      2. an order for goods to be exported or imported


      1. bind by or as if by indentures, as of an apprentice or servant

      e.g. an indentured servant

      Synonym: indenture

      2. notch the edge of or make jagged

      3. make a depression into

      e.g. The bicycle dented my car

      Synonym: dent

      4. cut or tear along an irregular line so that the parts can later be matched for authentication

      e.g. indent the documents

      5. set in from the margin

      e.g. Indent the paragraphs of a letter

      1. 缩格书写;行首留空格
      When you indent a line of writing, you start it further away from the edge of the paper than all the other lines.

      e.g. Indent the second line.

      1. 缩进:下列哪些选项可以在字符调板中设定在字符(Charactor)挑板中包含多种文字规格的设定,写列哪些选项可以在字符调板中设定A:字符大小(Size)B:字符行距(Leading)C:缩进(Indent)D:字间距(Tracking)下列关于段落样式(Paragraph Style)说法,

      2. 委托订购单:定单(order)是指由进口商或实际买主拟制的货物订购单;委托订购单(indent)是指由代理商或佣金商拟制的代客购买货物的订购单. 业务中,国外客户往往将定单或委托订购单寄来一式两份,要求我方签署后退回一份. 这种经磋商成交后寄来的订单或委托订购单,

      3. 订单:选港费optional charges | 订单 indent | 订货;订购 book; booking

  •       经典引文

  •       Five longitudinal ribs which indent the edges of the plate.

    出自:R. Tate
  •       Deep Scars were seen indented on his Breast.

  •       Deep in the neck his fangs indent their hold.

  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      If you must indent, use blank Spaces.(如果必须要有缩进,请使用空格。)

      Then we select Dialogue from Styles, which sets the left indent to 1.75″. Now we say what the character says(然后在列表里选择“对白”,左边距变为1.75“。)

      Enter for a new line, then press Tab to indent in to the activity level.(另起一行,然后按tab键来将其缩进到活动级。)

      You can set up the vi editor to automatically indent to adhere to a language-specific style when necessary.(如果需要,可以在vi编辑器中根据编程语言的样式设置自动缩进。)

      The usage of BLOCKQUOTE to indent text is deprecated in favor of style sheets.(用BLOCKQUOTE来缩进文本的用法是不推荐的,应采用样式表。)

      The indent agent takes a commission on the value of his purchase.(这种订货代理商按所订购的货物价值收取佣金。)

      perltidy, xmlpp, or indent).(到指定的外部程序(,perltidy,xmlpp,或者indent之一)。)

      It takes about 30 workdays on delivering for the big indent generally.(一般大额订货需要有30个工作日的运输时间。)

      Indent — Specify whether the generated XML should include whitespace to improve readability.(indent——指定生成的XML是否包含空白来提高可读性。)

      Visual user agents generally indent nested lists with respect to the current level of nesting.(可视化用户代理通常会对嵌套列表根据其嵌套的级别进行缩进。)

      indent是什么意思 indent在线翻译 indent什么意思 indent的意思 indent的翻译 indent的解释 indent的发音 indent的同义词
