


      英 [ɪnˈdɪfrənt]

      美 [ɪnˈdɪfərənt, -ˈdɪfrənt]


      副词: indifferently


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  •       不感兴趣的
  •       冷淡的
  •       中立的
  •       无关紧要的
  •       不关心的
  •       平庸的
  •       不好的
  •       中等的
  •       随遇的
  •       一般的
  •       不偏不倚的
  •       不重要的
  •       一般性的
  •       相当差的
  •       【化、物】惰性的
  •       中性的
  •       【生】不分化的
  •       不很好的


  •       冷淡的人
  •       无关紧要的事


  •       [P]不关心的,冷淡的; 中立的 having no interest in sb/sth; not caring about sb/sth; neither or nor against sb/sth
  •       较差的,平庸的 of rather low quality or ability

      1. 不感兴趣的;不关心的;冷淡的
      If you accuse someone of being indifferent to something, you mean that they have a complete lack of interest in it.


      e.g. People have become indifferent to the suffering of others.
      e.g. ...the row over the police's indifferent attitude to the killings.

      'Not that it matters,' said Tench indifferently.

      2. (水平或质量)一般的,平庸的,差的
      If you describe something or someone as indifferent, you mean that their standard or quality is not very good, and often quite bad.


      e.g. She had starred in several very indifferent movies...
      e.g. Much of the food we eat is of very poor or indifferent quality.

indifferently eight-year-old girl who reads tolerably and writes indifferently.
      阅读尚可、写作很一般的 8 岁女孩

      1. 冷漠的:作者的语气可能是客观的(objective),冷漠的(indifferent),愤怒的(wrathful),幽默的(hum orous)等. 讽刺(irony)及嘲讽(satire)是作者常用的表达语气的手段. 有关作者态度及文章语气题的常用形式是:

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


  •       He is an indifferent cook.
  •       She is an indifferent teacher.

      用作形容词 (adj.)

  •       They dare not go before an impartial judge and indifferent jury.

    出自:H. P. Brougham
  •       词源解说

  •       ☆ 直接源自拉丁语的indifferens,意为冷淡的。
  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      Indifferent relationships are neither positive nor negative.(冷淡的关系既不是积极的也不是消极的。)

      Kasab has sat through the trial largely indifferent to the testimony, though he has complained recently that his food might be laced with poison.(卡萨伯尽管最近抱怨他的食物中可能被注入了毒素,但他在审判过程中对证词基本漠不关心。)

      A: But his indifferent attitude irritates me.(可是他显得无所谓,真叫我恼火。)

      It can be choosy but not indifferent.(虽然可以挑三拣四但不能漠不关心。)

      Every time I made a move to get it some passing eye detected my purpose, and of course I straightened up then, and looked indifferent and pretended that I hadn't been thinking about the pear at all.(每当我想要把梨拿走的时候,总有一些过路的眼睛看出了我的意图,于是我当然就直起了腰,摆出一副无所谓的样子,假装根本没有想过梨的事。)

      The indifferent is just that indifferent.(冷漠就是冷漠。)

      People have become indifferent to the suffering of others.(人们已经变得对别人的痛苦漠不关心。)

      As noted above, indifferent relationships may not always be the most helpful approach in resolving some of the issues that pop up at work.(如上所述,在解决工作中出现的一些问题时,冷淡的关系并不总是最有用的方法。)

      Even the Belgians appear indifferent.(甚至比利时人看起来也漠不关心。)

      Mr Webb is an indifferent campaigner.(韦伯是一位平庸的竞选者。)

      indifferent是什么意思 indifferent在线翻译 indifferent什么意思 indifferent的意思 indifferent的翻译 indifferent的解释 indifferent的发音 indifferent的同义词
