


      英 [ɪnˈdɪgnənt]

      美 [ɪnˈdɪɡnənt]


      副词: indignantly


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  •       愤慨的
  •       愤怒的
  •       义愤的
  •       生气的
  •       气愤的
  •       气势汹汹的
  •       愤愤不平的


  •       愤怒的,愤慨的,义愤的 angry and scornful, especially at injustice or because of undeserved blame, etc.


      1. angered at something unjust or wrong

      e.g. an indignant denial
      incensed at the judges' unfairness
      a look of outraged disbelief
      umbrageous at the loss of their territory

      Synonym: incensedoutragedumbrageous

      1. 愤怒的;愤慨的
      If you are indignant, you are shocked and angry, because you think that something is unjust or unfair.

      e.g. He is indignant at suggestions that they were secret agents...
      e.g. MPs were indignant that the government had not consulted them...

      'That is not true,' Erica said indignantly.

      1. 愤:粘到自己的身上. 指定的日子到了,所有的鸟一起站在宙斯面前,宙斯一眼就看到了花花绿绿的寒鸦,在众鸟中,它显得格外漂亮,准备立它为王. 众鸟十分气愤(indignant),从寒鸦身上纷纷拔下属于自己的羽毛,于是,寒鸦又变成了丑陋(ugly)的鸟了.

      2. 气愤:粘到自己的身上. 指定的日子到了,所有的鸟一起站在宙斯面前,宙斯一眼就看到了花花绿绿的寒鸦,在众鸟中,它显得格外漂亮,准备立它为王. 众鸟十分气愤(indignant),从寒鸦身上纷纷拔下属于自己的羽毛,于是,寒鸦又变成了丑陋(ugly)的鸟了.

      3. 愤怒的:anger 愤怒 | indignant 愤怒的 | happy 高兴的

      4. 义愤的:imposture骗子的行为 | indignant义愤的 | inexcusable不可原谅的

  •       常用例句

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  •       The indignant customer complained to the manager.
  •       The indignant old lady glanced at the young man.

      用作形容词 (adj.)

  •       He feels indignant that Helena's brother should dispose of him so coolly.

  •       He published an indignant pamphlet on the subject of his wrongs.

    出自:C. R. Markham
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


  •       indignant是由于不公平的或冤屈的事情而使人感到气愤,含有抱不平的意思。indignant表示“对某人气愤”时常与介词with连用,而表示“对某事气愤”时则多与at, about等介词连用。


indignant, angry, furious, raging
  •       这组形容词在语义上的差异与相应的名词相同,参见anger条。
    •       ☆ 1580年左右进入英语,直接源自拉丁语 indignans,意为不值得。
    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          Ben was so indignant that be seized the man by the collar.(本气极了,揪住了那个人的衣领。)

          On the other hand Germans also feel indignant.(另一方面,德国也同样感到很生气。)

          Verily, he is not indignant at their modes of consolation and ingratitude.(其实,他并不气恼他们自我安慰和忘恩负义的模式。)

          He was very indignant with his wife over her improper conduct.(他对他妻子的不端行为感到非常愤慨。)

          Imagine that you know you're an evil git, but you know that the person you're playing against or with, is an indignant angel.(想象一下,你知道你是个邪恶的卑鄙小人,但是,你知道,和你一起玩或对抗的人是一个愤愤不平的天使。)

          Cried Catherine, sucking her damaged lip, and watching the conflagration with indignant eyes.(凯瑟琳叫着,吮着她那受伤的嘴唇,用愤怒的眼睛瞅着这场火灾。)

          They may be perfectionist, greedy, self-righteous, paranoid, indignant, or insecure.(他们性格可能太过完美主义、贪婪、自以为是、虚妄、易怒或者不可靠。)

          She was so indignant that she almost felt like talking to somebody.(她是如此地气愤伤心,几乎想找个人聊一聊。)

          Tess was indignant and ashamed.(苔丝又羞又气。)

          I was indignant at their mean actions.(我对他们的卑劣行径感到愤慨。)

          indignant是什么意思 indignant在线翻译 indignant什么意思 indignant的意思 indignant的翻译 indignant的解释 indignant的发音 indignant的同义词
