


      英 [ˈɪndɔ:(r)]

      美 [ˈɪnˌdɔr, -ˌdor]



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  •       英英释义

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  •       室内的
  •       位于室内的
  •       在室内进行的
  •       在室内使用的
  •       待在家里的
  •       救济院内的


  •       室内
  •       家务


  •       [A]室内的,户内的 carried on or situated inside a building; used in or suitable for the inside of a building


      1. within doors

      e.g. an indoor setting

      1. 室内的;户内的
      Indoor activities or things are ones that happen or are used inside a building and not outside.

      e.g. No smoking in any indoor facilities.
      e.g. indoor market.

      1. indoor的解释

      1. 户内:主要生产的产品如:餐桌椅.电脑桌椅.吧台桌椅.公文柜.置物架.沙发床等等各种户内(INDOOR)办公家私和民用家私;如各种折合系列的餐桌餐椅.沙滩椅.躺椅;各种堆高系列桌椅,躺椅等等及各种户外(OUTDOOR)野营类的产品.

      2. 室内的:individuality 个性 | indoor 室内的 | indoors 在室内

      3. 户内的:后端、末端 rear end | 户内的 indoor | 滑环 Slipping

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


  •       This is a kind of indoor sports.
  •       There is a big indoor swimming pool in this hotel.

      用作形容词 (adj.)

  •       I don't care for indoor games..but I..long to see a good English hunting-field.

  •       Mrs Dalloway paid for the luxury of an indoor lavatory.

    出自:L. Gordon
  •       Promoters whose plan it was to indoor pony-racing track in Atlantic City.

    出自:S. Morley
  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      The main materials it sells include fire hydraulic giant, fire hose, indoor and outdoor fire hydrant, firebox 1211 and 302 fire extinguisher, etc.(它卖的主要材料包括:火液压巨头、灭火水龙带、消防水带、室内外消防栓、1211消防箱、和302灭火器等等。)

      A I think I prefer the indoor events.(A我想我更喜欢室内项目。)

      It seems quite unlikely that any of these was an indoor temperature—a particularly chilly breeze is a more plausible explanation.(这些似乎都不太可能是室内温度造成的——更合理的解释是有一阵特别寒冷的微风。)

      Most of the houses in the capital don't have indoor plumbing.(首都大多数房屋没有室内管道装置。)

      So make sure you try an indoor gym first.(所以一定要先从室内攀岩场开始。)

      Indoor and outdoor living at its best.(最佳室内和室外生活。)

      What we need is an indoor equivalent of GPS.(我们需要一款室内GPS装置。)

      The Ouchidas are victims of indoor air pollution, which is not given sufficient attention partly because of the nation's drive to save energy.(Ouchidas是室内空气污染的受害者,室内空气污染之所以没有被给予足够的重视,部分原因是由于整个国家都在拼命地节省能源。)

      A I like the indoor events too.(A我也喜欢室内项目。)

      The hotel has a sauna, solarium and heated indoor swimming pool.(这家旅馆有一个桑拿浴室、日光浴室和室内温水游泳池。)

      indoor是什么意思 indoor在线翻译 indoor什么意思 indoor的意思 indoor的翻译 indoor的解释 indoor的发音 indoor的同义词
