


      英 [ɪˈnɜ:t]

      美 [ɪˈnɜ:rt]


      副词: inertly 名词: inertness


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  •       不活泼的
  •       呆滞的
  •       无生气的
  •       惰性的
  •       迟钝的
  •       迟缓的
  •       无活动能力的
  •       无行动力的
  •       【物】无自动力的
  •       无活力的
  •       【化】惰性的
  •       非活性的
  •       【医】无作用的
  •       中性的
  •       毫无生气的


  •       惰性
  •       不活泼
  •       惯性



      1. slow and apathetic

      e.g. she was fat and inert
      a sluggish worker
      a mind grown torpid in old age

      Synonym: sluggishsoggytorpid

      2. unable to move or resist motion

      3. having only a limited ability to react chemically
      chemically inactive

      e.g. inert matter
      an indifferent chemical in a reaction

      Synonym: indifferentneutral

      1. 不动的;静止的
      Someone or something that is inert does not move at all.

      e.g. He covered the inert body with a blanket.

      2. 无生气的;呆滞的
      If you describe something as inert, you are criticizing it because it is not very lively or interesting.

      e.g. The novel itself remains oddly inert.
      e.g. ...her inert personality.

      3. 惰性的;不活泼的
      An inert substance is one which does not react with other substances.


      e.g. ...inert gases like neon and argon.

      1. 惰性的,无效的:indutrial X-ray machin 工业X射线机 | inert 惰性的,无效的 | inference 推论,推断

      2. 不适泼的:inelastic 无弹性的 | inert 不适泼的 | inert dust 惰性岩粉

  •       经典引文

  •       If matter is essentially inert, every change in it must be produced by the mind.

    出自:F. Bowen
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      They are chemically inert.(它们的化学性质不活泼。)

      Each one has an inert electronic structure.(都是惰性气体结构。)

      "Close to a tipping point the system becomes more inert," Scheffer said.(系统接近转折点时,会变得更加迟钝。)

      There's no inert gas.(没有惰性气体。)

      It's another plastic that we have for decades considered an inert plastic.(这是另一种用了几十年并认为是惰性的塑料。)

      So it's like an inert gas sitting on top of the water.(所以这里的情况是在水的上方,有一部分惰性气体。)

      It is, though, surprisingly inert.(这是,但是,令人惊讶的惰性。)

      Name: Noble gases, inert gases.(命名:稀有气体,惰性气体。)

      Both these moods leave you — the ordinary citizen — inert.(这两种情绪都让作为普通公民的你充满惰性。)

      What if I had a little bit more A, in the presence of the inert gas?(我稍稍增加A的量会怎么样,如果在存在惰性气体的情况下?)

      inert是什么意思 inert在线翻译 inert什么意思 inert的意思 inert的翻译 inert的解释 inert的发音 inert的同义词
