


      英 [ɪnˈeksərəbl]

      美 [ɪnˈɛksərəbəl]



      副词: inexorably 名词: inexorability


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  •       无情的,无动于衷的,冷酷的,铁面无私的,毫不宽容的
  •       不可阻挡的,无法改变的,不可抗拒的,不屈不挠的,不可动摇的


  •       坚定不移的人

      1. 不可阻挡的;不容变更的
      You use inexorable to describe a process which cannot be prevented from continuing or progressing.

      e.g. ...the seemingly inexorable rise in unemployment.
      e.g. ...his steady, inexorable decline.

      Spending on health is growing inexorably...
      The crisis is moving inexorably towards war.

      1. inexorable

      1. 无情的:inevitable不可避免得 | inexorable无情的a | exorabe可说服的

      2. 不屈不挠的/冷酷的/无:imperious 傲慢的, | inexorable 不屈不挠的/冷酷的/无 | clique 小集团

      3. inexorable

      3. 不为所动的,坚决不变的:inebriate 使醉;酒鬼 | inexorable 不为所动的,坚决不变的 | inexpedient 不适当的,不明智的

      4. 不会动摇的,阻挡不住的:Naught:淘气的,顽皮的; | Inexorable:不会动摇的,阻挡不住的; | Outweight:比......更有价值;

  •       经典引文

  •       He was therefore dismissed with gracious but inexorable firmness.

    出自:H. James
  •       The train, slow and inexorable as time, slid on.

    出自:O. Manning
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      For so many abuses in power industry, power system reform has been an inexorable trend.(电力工业出现了诸多的弊端,电力体制改革成为大势所趋。)

      It is an abrupt reversal of a once seemingly inexorable trend.(曾经看似不可逆转的趋势突然来了个一百八十度的大转弯。)

      Under this background, it is an inexorable choice for China to join the WTO.(在此背景下,加入世界贸易组织(WTO)似乎成为中国的必然选择。)

      This is not the first time the seemingly inexorable upward trend in killings has temporarily abated.(这似乎是无可改变的灭杀趋势暂缓已经不是第一次。)

      Globalisation is something "out there", a pitiless, inexorable process, or else a shadowy, threatening conspiracy.(从某些方面来看,全球化是一个“不合时宜”的,无情的,和不可逆转过程,也可以说它像一个幽灵,或恐怖的阴谋。)

      Judicial interpretation is an inexorable means that makes possible the application of laws and regulations.(司法解释是法律法规得以具体应用的一种必然手段。)

      CHINA's rise has long appeared inexorable.(长期以来,中国的崛起似乎势不可挡。)

      The transition of trade associations becomes the inexorable trend.(行业协会的转型成为必然趋势。)

      Some effort is being made to protect African languages from this apparently inexorable decline.(为了阻止非洲语这种明显而无情的衰落状况,各方正付诸于一些努力。)

      As these alternatives start to roll out in earnest, their rise, optimists hope, will become inexorable.(在这些替代品开始正式铺开的时候,乐观者认为其增长将不可动摇。)

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