


      英 [ˈɪnfənt]

      美 ['ɪnfənt]





  •       详情解释

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  •       英英释义

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  •       婴儿,幼儿,婴孩,小娃娃
  •       【律】未成年人,未成年者,法定未成年者
  •       生手,初学者
  •       四岁到七岁之间的学童
  •       7岁以下的学童,幼儿
  •       初级阶段的事物


  •       婴儿的,幼儿的
  •       初创的,初创期的
  •       幼小的
  •       供婴幼儿用的,婴儿用的
  •       幼稚的
  •       【律】未成年的
  •       新兴的
  •       刚刚出生的
  •       初期的,早期的


  •       [C]婴儿,幼儿 a very young child, especially one who has not learnt to speak or walk


      1. a very young child (birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk

      e.g. the baby began to cry again
      she held the baby in her arms
      it sounds simple, but when you have your own baby it is all so different

      Synonym: babybabe

      1. 婴儿
      An infant is a baby or very young child.

      e.g. ...young mums with infants in prams...
      e.g. The family were forced to flee with their infant son.

      2. (5-7岁的)幼儿
      Infants are children between the ages of five and seven, who go to an infant school.

      3. 供婴儿用的
      Infant means designed especially for very young children.

      e.g. infant carrier in the back of a car.

      4. (组织、运动等)初期的,初创的
      An infant organization or system is new and has not developed very much.

      e.g. The infant company was based in Germany.
      e.g. ...the infant health service.

      1. infant的解释

      1. 幼儿:因此,假如我刚刚听到婴儿(baby)一词,继而马上听到幼儿(infant)一词,我会很快从长时记忆的英语单词中找到幼儿这个词,并确定它确实是单词,这样就比我先听到书(book)这类无关的词再听到幼儿确认起来要快.


      2. 小孩:要从台北飞波士顿经东京及纽华客转机我们是在波士顿念书今年要带小孩(infant)回台湾,拿的是F1 F2签证,如果在纽华客入境转国内转机时间两小时够吗?因为有带小孩,很怕如果赶不上班机,要睡机场就麻烦了!我们是在波士顿念书今年要带小孩(infant)回台湾,

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


  •       The infant crawled across the room.
  •       The sole survivor of the crash was a infant.
  •       This shop sells infant clothes.
  •       They are still in their infant years.
  •       She is still an infant chatters.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       If the mother is intoxicated while breast feeding, the infant will be intoxicated.

    出自:D. W. Goodwin
  •       I slept, glad to be free of squalling infants and the attentions of the Professor.

    出自:J. Crace
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


  •       infant指襁褓中的幼儿,不论男女,常用于医学术语或在法律上指未及法定年龄。


infant, baby, boy, child, lad
  •       这组词都表示未成年的孩子。其区别在于:
  •       1.child广义地说指出生至成年前的孩子,一般指从2岁到14岁的孩子; boy泛指自出生至青春期的孩子,可指大、中、小学的学生; baby和infant两个词均表示“新生婴儿”或仍在“襁褓中的幼儿”,但baby是日常用语; lad则指青春期的小伙子。例如:
  •       This child is six months old.这婴儿六个月。
  •       The boys felt amused by the clown.孩子们被滑稽演员逗得发笑。
  •       The operation on the new-born infant was a failure.给那个新生儿做的手术失败了。
  •       He's just a lad.他还只是个小青年。
  •       2.boy和lad一般只用于指“男孩”或“男青年”; 其他三词则通常不分男孩女孩。
  •       3.baby具有更多的个人特色,且含有十分亲近和喜爱的感情色彩; 而infant听起来则有点非人格化或医学、法律用语的味道,暗指未到法定年龄。例如:
  •       He was the infant king at that time.他当时是未成年的国王。
  •       4.baby还可以表示两个或两个以上兄弟姐妹中最后出生的一个或一组成员中最年轻的一位。例如:
  •       The baby of her family is now six years old.她家中最小的孩子今年6岁了。
    •       ☆ 14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的infans,意为抱在手中的孩子,不会说话的。
    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          The nation's infant mortality rate has reached a record low.(该国的婴儿死亡率已达历史最低。)

          By the 1740s, about the time that infant mortality was dipping, the drink was common.(到18世纪40年代,大约是婴儿死亡率下降的时候,这种饮料已经很常见了。)

          If you put an infant on Mars, they would adapt to varying degrees of the new environment.(如果你把一个婴儿放在火星上,他们就会适应不同程度的新环境。)

          Often the rapid and diffuse movements of the infant make it difficult to get an accurate record of the number of responses.(婴儿快速而散乱的动作常常使得准确记录反应数量变得困难。)

          Milton can join his voice to the angel choir and have the honor of being first to greet the "Infant God".(弥尔顿可以加入天使唱诗班,并有幸成为第一个向“婴儿上帝”致意的人。)

          In his role here as a mute, as an infant, Christ is serving, I think, an important function for Milton.(基督在这里的角色是一个哑巴,一个婴儿,我认为,他对弥尔顿起到了很重要的作用。)

          While others looked on in horror, Anderson jumped out of his vehicle and crawled into the car through the shattered rear window to try to free the infant.(当其他人惊恐地看着的时候,安德森从他的车里跳出来,从破碎的后窗爬进车里,试图救出婴儿。)

          Trade publications counselled department stores that, in order to increase sales, they should create a "third stepping stone" between infant wear and older kid's clothes.(行业出版物建议百货商店,为了增加销售额,他们应该在婴儿装和大童装之间建立“第三块垫脚石”。)

          Each of the preceding techniques provides the researcher with evidence that the infant can detect or discriminate between stimuli.(上述的每一种技术都为研究者提供了证据,证明婴儿能够察觉或辨别不同的刺激。)

          Within two days an infant can imitate sad and happy faces.(两天之内,婴儿就能模仿悲伤和快乐的表情。)

          infant是什么意思 infant在线翻译 infant什么意思 infant的意思 infant的翻译 infant的解释 infant的发音 infant的同义词
