


      英 [ɪnˈflɪkt]

      美 [ɪnˈflɪkt]


      形容词: inflictive 名词: inflicter 过去式: inflicted 过去分词: inflicted 现在分词: inflicting 第三人称单数: inflicts


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  •       加以
  •       处以刑罚,加刑
  •       施加,强加(于),施以
  •       造成
  •       肇事
  •       发泄
  •       给予(打击),使遭受打击
  •       (使)遭受,使承受,使受
  •       加害
  •       打击
  •       使吃苦头
  •       折磨


  •       vt. 使受苦; 把…强加给,使遭受,使承担 cause to suffer; force sth on


      1. impose something unpleasant

      e.g. The principal visited his rage on the students

      Synonym: bring downvisitimpose

      1. 予以(打击);使遭受(损伤、苦痛等)
      To inflict harm or damage on someone or something means to make them suffer it.

      e.g. Rebels say they have inflicted heavy casualties on government forces...
      e.g. ...the damage being inflicted on Britain's industries by the recession...

      ...without the unnecessary or cruel infliction of pain.

      1. 造成:除了不能自发施展治疗和造成(inflict)类法术外,在施展法术时也与一般牧师无二. 亵渎祭司的神术也没有领域概念,他们可以不受限制地施展任何领域任何阵营的神术. 亵渎祭司的施法者等级为人物的亵渎祭司等级+1/2该人物其他施法者等级.

      2. 使痛苦,施加 (伤害等):inflect 转向,改变 | inflict 使痛苦,施加 (伤害等) | influence 影响(力),权势

      3. inflict的解释

      3. 自虐,自我折磨 front 面对:afflict 一再地打击-->折磨 | inflict 自虐,自我折磨 front 面对 | confront 使面临,对抗

      4. 自虐,自我折磨:afflict 一再地打击-->折磨 | inflict 自虐,自我折磨 | front 面对

  •       常用短语

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    (将…)强加于某人 force sth on sb
    inflict sb/oneself/sth on〔upon〕 sb/sth

          Mary inflicted her children on her mother for the weekend.


          I'm afraid that the lawyer will inflict himself upon us for a long time.


          Don't inflict your ideas on me.


          Never inflict useless pain on dumb animal.


          He inflicted a heavy blow on the back of her head.


          They inflicted a crushing defeat on the enemy.


          The collapse of the company inflicted suffering on all the employees.


          The hurricane inflicted severe damage on the island.


          The judge inflicted the death penalty upon the murderer.


          The boy's poor health inflicted great worry on his parents.


      用作动词 (v.)

  •       We should be inflicted with less..twaddle and useless verbosity.

    出自:Macmillan's Magazine
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解


  •       inflict的基本意思是“使受苦”,即“予以(打击)”“使遭受”“使承受”,引申可表示为“处罚”“加刑”。
  •       inflict只用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,其后常与介词on〔upon〕连用。
  •       inflict oneself的意思是“打扰某人”,其后也常接介词on〔upon〕。


inflict, afflict
  •       inflict的意思是“使蒙受(损失、灾难),伤害,坏人受到应有的惩罚、报应”; 而afflict的意思是“某人不幸染上疾病”或“精神上遭受打击”,其过去分词常和介词with连用。
    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          Those projections make it easy to assume that affluence and technology inflict more harm on the environment.(这些做法很容易就得出结论:富裕以及科技对环境造成了更多的坏处。)

          "They are entitled to express their beliefs, but not to inflict them on others," he added.(“他们有权利表达他们的理念,但是不应该强加给其他人,”他又补充道。)

          These extraordinary images reveal the microscopic grains of pollen that inflict misery on millions of Britons every year.(这些惊人的图像展示了微小花粉颗粒的原形,正是它们每年造成数百万英国人的痛苦。)

          Every day, I saw more evidence about the evils humankind will inflict on their fellow humans, to gain or maintain power.(每一天,我看到更多的证据,证明邪恶的人类为了获得、维持权力而加害与他们同样的人类。)

          If you may think that the fleet is cratered it won't inflict the river fleet which is actively increased.(你可能认为舰队是陨石坑,但这不会造成河流船队的积极增加。)

          But financial crises tend to inflict a lot of damage on capacity.(但是金融危机常常会极大地影响产能。)

          The bursting of the bubble will inflict broad damage.(这场泡沫的破灭将造成广泛的影响。)

          This gorgeous take on the tattoo gun, for example, looks able to inflict serious damage.(比如说这款华丽的纹身枪,看起来会对人造成严重伤害。)

          These will inflict the most painful spending cuts in a generation.(这将是这一代人所面临的最艰难的开支削减计划。)

          He will not inflict on you the horrible diseases you knew in Egypt, but he will inflict them on all who hate you.(你所知道埃及各样的恶疾,他不加在你身上,只加在一切恨你的人身上。)

          inflict是什么意思 inflict在线翻译 inflict什么意思 inflict的意思 inflict的翻译 inflict的解释 inflict的发音 inflict的同义词
