


      英 [ɪnˈdʒi:niəs]

      美 [ɪnˈdʒinjəs]


      副词: ingeniously 名词: ingeniousness


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  •       巧妙的
  •       足智多谋的
  •       制作精巧的
  •       机灵的
  •       有独创性的
  •       心灵手巧的
  •       善于创造文明的
  •       精巧的
  •       灵敏的
  •       别出心裁的
  •       乖巧
  •       有心计的
  •       足智多谋
  •       诡计多端的
  •       天才的
  •       有见识的


  •       灵巧的,善于创造发明的 (of a person) clever at finding new or simple solutions for complex problems
  •       设计独特的,制作精巧的 (of a thing) original in design and well suited to its purpose


      1. showing inventiveness and skill

      e.g. a clever gadget
      the cunning maneuvers leading to his success
      an ingenious solution to the problem

      Synonym: clevercunning

      1. 巧妙的;制作精巧的;新颖独特的
      Something that is ingenious is very clever and involves new ideas, methods, or equipment.

      e.g. ...a truly ingenious invention...
      e.g. Gautier's solution to the puzzle is ingenious.

      The roof has been ingeniously designed to provide solar heating.

      1. 有独创性的:500强欢迎有现代化思维(Deliberate thinking)、战略眼光(Strategy vision)、有独创性的(Ingenious)能力,富创造力的(Creative)创新思想,能够创造成功(Create victory),为企业创造有价值(value)新意的员工,在面试时常会问到:你最近的一次创新活动是什么?

      2. ingenious的反义词

      2. 智谋棋:游戏人数:2-5 游戏特征:建设 游戏时长:80分钟 发行时间:2009 适合年龄...战线 (Battle Line) 设计者:Reiner Knizia 游戏人数:2-2 游戏特征:战争 游戏时长:30分钟 发行时间:2000 适合年龄:12+ ...智谋棋 (Ingenious) 设计者:Rein

      3. 独创性的:如:500强欢迎有现代化思维(Deliberate thinking)、战略眼光(Strategy vision)、有独创性的(Ingenious)能力,富创造力的(Creative)创新思想,能够创造成功(Create victory),为企业创造有价值()新意的员工,在面试时常会问到:你最近的一次创新活动是什么?

      4. 有发明天才,灵敏的:infuse 灌输,鼓舞 | ingenious 有发明天才,灵敏的 | ingenuous 坦白,老实,诚朴的

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


  •       She is an ingenious girl.
  •       The ingenious boy made a radio set for himself.
  •       Try to think of unusual and ingenious solutions.
  •       This mousetrap is an ingenious device.

      用作形容词 (adj.)

  •       Wine..makes the dull ingenious.

    出自:T. Brown
  •       Travels of Cyrus..worthy the Perusal of every ingenious Person.

    出自:T. Gent
  •       To be ingenious about devising activities is the mark of the 'imaginative' teacher.

    出自:J. Barzun
  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


ingenious, clever, expert, proficient, skilled
  •       这组词意思不同:ingenious意为“机灵的”,常指人的头脑聪明,有发明的才能; clever意为“聪明的”,使用较广泛,着重于学习,表示学得快、解决问题快; expert意为“有专门技巧的,熟练的”,强调有经验的或在某方面特别精明、熟练; proficient意为“精通的,熟练的”,常指擅长于某事,侧重技艺或科学方面; skilled意为“熟练的,有技能的”,强调实际的,真正的功夫。
    •       ☆ 15世纪初期进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的ingeniosus,意为有天赋的。
    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          His smartness of the morning had seemed to Tom a good joke before, and very ingenious.(汤姆之前觉得他早上耍的小聪明是个很好的笑话,而且很有独创性。)

          Spider webs are more than homes, and they are ingenious traps.(蜘蛛网对蜘蛛来说不仅仅是家,它们还是奇妙的引虫入网的陷阱。)

          The sculptures enthrall tourists with their ingenious construction.(这些雕塑以其精妙的设计使很多游客着迷。)

          He did an ingenious experiment.(他做了一个独创性的实验。)

          Goofy, yes. But also ingenious.(傻瓜式的,是啊,但是也很新颖。)

          He found two ways to save the books, both ingenious.(他用两种绝妙的方式拯救书籍。)

          She's very ingenious when it comes to finding excuses.(她很善于找借口。)

          Descartes comes up with an ingenious program.(笛卡尔想出了一个天才的计划。)

          All clockwork, but some of them are quite ingenious.(全部是依靠机械力,但有些是很有创意的。)

          This ingenious idea has immediate face validity.(这一巧妙的主意有直接的表面效用。)

          ingenious是什么意思 ingenious在线翻译 ingenious什么意思 ingenious的意思 ingenious的翻译 ingenious的解释 ingenious的发音 ingenious的同义词
