


      英 [ɪnˈherɪt]

      美 [ɪnˈhɛrɪt]


      名词: inheritor 过去式: inherited 过去分词: inherited 现在分词: inheriting 第三人称单数: inherits


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  •       继承(财产)
  •       经遗传而获得
  •       成为财产的继承人
  •       获得性格的遗传
  •       接受遗产
  •       成为继承人
  •       由上一代得到
  •       秉承
  •       接替
  •       继任
  •       经遗传获得接替
  •       原义
  •       遗传
  •       继承遗产
  •       遗传


  •       vt. & vi. 继承 receive (property, a title, etc.) left by sb who has died


      1. obtain from someone after their death

      e.g. I inherited a castle from my French grandparents

      2. receive by genetic transmission

      e.g. I inherited my good eyesight from my mother

      3. receive from a predecessor

      e.g. The new chairman inherited many problems from the previous chair

      1. 继承(金钱或财产)
      If you inherit money or property, you receive it from someone who has died.

      e.g. He has no son to inherit his land.
      e.g. ...paintings that he inherited from his father.

      2. (从前人、前任等)接过,得到
      If you inherit something such as a task, problem, or attitude, you get it from the people who used to have it, for example because you have taken over their job or been influenced by them.


      e.g. The government inherited an impossible situation from its predecessors...
      e.g. Our legal system inherited laws from the English system.

      3. 经遗传获得(特征、特质等)
      If you inherit a characteristic or quality, you are born with it, because your parents or ancestors also had it.

      e.g. We inherit from our parents many of our physical characteristics...
      e.g. Her children have inherited her love of sport...


      1. 继续:由于哺乳动物类是需要更加精确定义的动物,所以它可以从动物类继续(inherit)所有的属性. 一个深度继续的子类继续了类层级(class hierarchy)中它的每个祖先的所有属性. Java语言概述 像所有其他的计算机语言一样,Java的各种要素不是独立存在的,

      2. 继承 <动词>:implementation 实作 . | inherit 继承 . | inheritance 继承 .

      3. 遗传:inherent variability 固有变异性 | inherit 遗传 | inheritability ratio 遗传率

  •       常用短语

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    从…继承…; 从…得到… gain sth from sb
    inherit sth from sb

          I inherited this ring from my grandmother.


          We think that Mary inherits her blue eyes from her father.



  •       If he dies without making a will, his closest relative will inherit.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       Good master, what shall I doe to inherit eternall life?

    出自:Bible (AV): Luke
  •       词源解说

  •       ☆ 直接源自晚期拉丁语的inhereditare,意为继承。
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      New directories also inherit the same cipher.(新的目录同样继承相同的密码。)

      He has no son to inherit his land.(他没有儿子来继承他的土地。)

      I don't have to inherit from anything.(而不必继承任何东西。)

      A frame can inherit content from a previous or an earlier frame.(框架可以从先前的或者早期框架继承内容。)

      I was lucky enough to inherit a couple of fine China tea cups.(我的福分不浅,从长辈那里继承了一套精美的瓷质茶杯。)

      Carl and Martin may inherit their grandmother's possessions when she dies. The thought agitates her.(他们的祖母去世后,卡尔和马丁可能会继承她的财产。这个念头令她焦虑不安。)

      We inherit from our parents many of our physical characteristics.(我们从父母的遗传中得到许多体貌特征。)

      This is the mess that Mr Brown is about to inherit.(这就是布朗先生将要接手的烂摊子。)

      Could fetuses inherit property?(胎儿是否有权继承财产?)

      Good as it is to inherit a library, it is better to collect one.(继承藏书虽好,收集藏书更有意义。)

      inherit是什么意思 inherit在线翻译 inherit什么意思 inherit的意思 inherit的翻译 inherit的解释 inherit的发音 inherit的同义词
