


      英 [ɪnˈhɪbɪt]

      美 [ɪnˈhɪbɪt]


      形容词: inhibitable 过去式: inhibited 过去分词: inhibited 现在分词: inhibiting 第三人称单数: inhibits


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  •       抑制,阻止,阻碍
  •       禁止,不许
  •       约束,拘束,使拘束
  •       【宗】使停止教权
  •       使尴尬
  •       控制,压制


  •       vt. 阻止; 抑制 hold back


      1. to put down by force or authority

      e.g. suppress a nascent uprising
      stamp down on littering
      conquer one's desires

      Synonym: suppressstamp downsubdueconquercurb

      2. limit the range or extent of

      e.g. Contact between the young was inhibited by strict social customs

      3. control and refrain from showing
      of emotions, desires, impulses, or behavior

      Synonym: bottle upsuppress

      4. limit, block, or decrease the action or function of

      e.g. inhibit the action of the enzyme
      inhibit the rate of a chemical reaction

      1. 抑制;约束
      If something inhibits an event or process, it prevents it or slows it down.

      e.g. Wine or sugary drinks inhibit digestion...
      e.g. The high cost of borrowing is inhibiting investment by industry in new equipment.

      2. 禁止;阻止
      To inhibit someone from doing something means to prevent them from doing it, although they want to do it or should be able to do it.

      e.g. It could inhibit the poor from getting the medical care they need...
      e.g. Officers will be inhibited from doing their duty.

      1. 禁止:经放大后投射在矩阵式排列的光敏器件组上,并使各光敏器件产生对应的电信号,送入微处理器(C、P、U)中,配合软件的设计,就能构成一种移动方向与距离的输入装置;同时,借助禁止(Inhibit)或清除装置,可将X轴或Y轴方向的变化量清除,


      2. 抑制, 约束, 抑制:inhale vt. 吸入 vi. 吸气 | inhibit抑制, 约束, 抑制 | installment n. 部分

      3. 抑制, 约束, [化][医]抑制:inhabit vt.居住于, 存在于, 占据, 栖息 | inhibit 抑制, 约束, [化][医]抑制 | induce vt.劝诱, 促使, 导致, 引起, 感应

      4. inhibit:inhib; 抑制禁止

  •       常用短语

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    禁止,阻止 prevent sb from doing sth
    inhibit sb from v-ing

          The doctor inhibited the patient from taking that medicine.


          Shyness inhibited her from speaking.


          Fear inhibits me from talking.


          His bad English inhibits him from speaking freely.


          Nothing can inhibit Chinese people from modernizing their country.


          She was inhibited from making the decision to emigrate by the thought of her mother's loneliness.



  •       The mild weather has inhibited the sales of winter clothing.
  •       They have to inhibit wrong desires.
  •       His senses and reasons inhibited his wrong desires or impulses.
  •       His presence inhibits me.
  •       The new drug inhibited the spread of the disease.
  • 1
  •       He seemed to have been inhibited in his work.
  •       Having been laughed at for his lameness, the boy became shy and inhibited.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       A clause was..inserted which inhibited the Bank from advancing money.

    出自:Ld Macaulay
  •       词语用法


  •       inhibit的基本意思是“阻止”“禁止”,指当局颁布近似禁律而禁止,也指某一种特定形势或特定时期的需要而“禁止”,还可指人因心理障碍而产生的抑制或因人的意志与外部环境相互作用而产生的抑制,即“压制”。
  •       inhibit只用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,其后常接介词from。
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      There is no message you can send that will better inhibit team formation.(没有比不信任更能阻碍团队形成的信息了。)

      Most of the purported health benefits of tea come from antioxidants—compounds also found in beta carotene, vitamin E, and vitamin C that inhibit the formation of plaque along the body's blood vessels.(茶对健康的好处大多来自于抗氧化剂——在胡萝卜素、维生素E和维生素C中也发现了抗氧化剂化合物,它能抑制沿身体血管形成的斑块。)

      What happens is, they inhibit each other, they cancel each other out in a way, and a third seemingly irrelevant behavior surfaces through a process that we call "Disinhibition".(结果是,它们互相抑制,在某种程度上相互抵消,第三种看似无关的行为通过我们称之为“去抑制”的过程出现。)

      Sore nipples can inhibit the milk supply.(乳头疼痛可能抑制母乳分泌。)

      Radical Cure: Inhibit a receptor to slow brain activity to normal levels.(根治方法:抑制受体使大脑活动放慢到正常水平。)

      Alcohol can inhibit our ability to detect asymmetry in faces.(酒精能阻碍我们识别脸部不对称性的能力。)

      But there are foods that inhibit iron absorption such as calcium supplements tea and coffee.(但也有些食物会阻止铁的吸收过程,如钙的补充、茶和咖啡。)

      Severe stress can inhibit ovulation, and even mild stress can affect your fertility.(压力过大会延迟排卵,且即使只有少量的压力也能影响生育。)

      The effect, ironically, is to inhibit competition.(这种结果,讽刺的是,无疑在抑制竞争。)

      Indeed, mustard seeds contain compounds that studies suggest may inhibit the growth of cancer cells.(事实上,研究表明芥菜籽含有能抑制癌细胞生长的化合物。)

      inhibit是什么意思 inhibit在线翻译 inhibit什么意思 inhibit的意思 inhibit的翻译 inhibit的解释 inhibit的发音 inhibit的同义词
