


      英 [ɪnˈdʒekt]

      美 [ɪnˈdʒɛkt]


      名词: injector 过去式: injected 过去分词: injected 现在分词: injecting 第三人称单数: injects


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  •       注射
  •       引入
  •       投入
  •       注入
  •       注满
  •       插入
  •       把…射入(轨道)
  •       【机】喷射
  •       引射
  •       为(某人)注射
  •       插(话)
  •       增加
  •       添加
  •       投入(资金)


  •       vt. 注射,注入 put (liquid) into (sb) with a special needle; fill (sth with a liquid, etc.) by injecting


      1. give an injection to

      e.g. We injected the glucose into the patient's vein

      Synonym: shoot

      2. to introduce (a new aspect or element)

      e.g. He injected new life into the performance

      3. to insert between other elements

      e.g. She interjected clever remarks

      Synonym: interjectcome ininterposeput inthrow in

      4. feed intravenously

      5. take by injection

      e.g. inject heroin

      6. force or drive (a fluid or gas) into by piercing

      e.g. inject hydrogen into the balloon

      Synonym: shoot

      1. 给…注射
      To inject someone with a substance such as a medicine means to put it into their body using a device with a needle called a syringe.

      e.g. His son was injected with strong drugs...
      e.g. The technique consists of injecting healthy cells into the weakened muscles...

      2. 添加,注入(某种特性)
      If you inject a new, exciting, or interesting quality into a situation, you add it.


      e.g. She kept trying to inject a little fun into their relationship...
      e.g. The result might inject more sense into future bargaining.

      3. 投入(金钱或资源)
      If you inject money or resources into a business or organization, you provide more money or resources for it.

      e.g. He has injected £5.6 billion into the health service.
      他已经为公共医疗卫生服务投入了 56 亿英镑。

      1. 投入:我准备投入(Inject)我所能给予的``对你忠诚(Loyal)体贴`用心(Observant)感受你`照顾你`爱护你`勇敢(Valiant)面对以后的日子`我愿意(Yes)跟你分享我的所有`我的喜悦``

      2. 加入:initiate 发起,开始 | inject 加入 | injunction 训令,命令,禁令

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


    给…添加 add sth needed to sth


  •       The doctor has injected him under the skin.
  • 1
  •       This drug can't be swallowed; it has to be injected.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       They had begun to inject the drug into the veins in their necks.

    出自:A. Davis
  •       Cavity fills may be blown or injected into the cavity wall after construction.

    出自:J. S. Foster
  •       词语用法


  •       inject的基本意思是“注射”,指把液体通过注射器或其他仪器注入另一物体。引申可表示为“给某人灌通思想、精神等”。
  •       inject只用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。
  •       inject在非正式书面语体里,可用来引出直接引语,意思是“顺势问道”。
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      I think something like this could inject new life into our sales campaigns.(我认为像这样的一些技术可以给我们的销售活动注入新的活力。)

      'When I inject myself I never numb,' Brandt chimes in.(“当我自己给自己注射时我从不麻痹皮肤,”布兰德插了一句。)

      Thus far the virus has only been used to inject malware into PCs.(迄今为止,该病毒只是注入恶意软件进入电脑。)

      I wanted to inject a little humor and quirkiness into the film.(我希望他在影片中注入一点幽默和诡诈。)

      So officials are also trying to inject cash and confidence into the banking system.(因此官员们也试图向银行系统注入资金和信心。)

      Once you inject one class, it leads to injecting the next and the next.(注入一个类后,它会导致注入下一个类,依此类推。)

      It is only someone looking on from outside that can inject the dangerous thoughts.(只有外部的旁观者才能灌输危险的思想。)

      It finds any fields you annotate and tries to inject the appropriate dependency.(字段注入查找注释的所有字段并试图注入相应的依赖项。)

      They will get infected without knowing how to inject correctly.(如果不知道正确注射,他们会感染的。)

      'I can't inject anything to take it away,' Brandt says sadly.(“我不能注射任何东西来拿掉它,”布兰德惋惜地说。)

      inject是什么意思 inject在线翻译 inject什么意思 inject的意思 inject的翻译 inject的解释 inject的发音 inject的同义词
