


      英 [ˌɪnˈlænd]

      美 [ˈɪnlənd]




      名词: inlander


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  •       内陆的
  •       内地的
  •       国内的


  •       向内地,向内陆
  •       在内地,在内陆
  •       内陆地


  •       内地
  •       内陆
  •       国内


  •       [A]内地的,内陆的 done or placed inside a country, not near the coast or near other countries


  •       向内地,在内陆 towards or in the middle of the country


      1. situated away from an area's coast or border


      1. towards or into the interior of a region

      e.g. the town is five miles inland

      The adverb is pronounced /ɪn'lænd/. The adjective is pronounced /'ɪnlænd/. 副词读作 /ɪn'lænd/。形容词读作 /'ɪnlænd/。

      1. 在内地(或内陆);向内地(或内陆)
      If something is situated inland, it is away from the coast, towards or near the middle of a country. If you go inland, you go away from the coast, towards the middle of a country.

      e.g. The vast majority live further inland...
      e.g. It's about 15 minutes' drive inland from Cannes...
      从戛纳向内陆方向开车走约需 15 分钟。

      2. 内地的;内陆的
      Inland areas, lakes, and places are not on the coast, but in or near the middle of a country.

      e.g. ...a rather quiet inland town.

      1. 内陆:点击观看本新闻视频 新浪娱乐讯 2008年9月4日,威尼斯,第65届威尼斯电影节,电影<>(Inland)首映礼,导演塔里克特琪亚(Tariq Teguia)携男星Fethi Ghares及两位制片出席,头戴个性嬉皮帽出镜的塔里克特琪亚成为红毯上最引人瞩目的亮点.

      2. inland的翻译

      2. 内陆的:莫三比克(Mozambique)曾经是葡萄牙的殖民地因此首都--马布托(Maputo)市内的建筑大多都有葡萄牙的风格在某个小镇转车时 他说之前搭的巴士是台气味使人难受的(smelly)巴士 接著他又转搭另外一台巴士 往更内陆的(inland)城市去体验扫雷的过

      3. 内陆,国内,内地:initialstage初级阶段 | Inland内陆,国内,内地 | inlandcountry内陆国家

      4. 内地:inland waters 内陆水域 | inland 内地 | inlandeis 大陆 冰川

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


  •       Birmingham is an inland city.
  •       The Caspian sea is an inland sea.
  •       The economy of the inland towns and cities of our country also develops rapidly in recent years.


  •       We headed further inland.
  •       There are mountains inland.

      用作形容词 (adj.)

  •       Our inland is still very empty country, and a lot of it isn't easily accessible.

    出自:A. Garve
  •       词源解说

  •       ☆ 直接源自古英语的in lond,意为国内,内地。
  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      Rome is halfway down Italy's western coast, about 20km inland.(罗马是的一部分在意大利的西部海岸,内陆20公里。)

      Move inland to higher ground as quickly as possible.(这时要尽快撤到内陆的高地。)

      We beached the boat and headed inland.(我们想使船靠岸,朝内陆方向驶去。)

      Endogenous rivers often do not reach the sea but drain into inland basins, where the water evaporates or is lost in the ground.(内源河流通常不会流入大海,而是流入内陆盆地;在那里,水会蒸发或流失到地下。)

      Trucks carry goods inland, but return empty.(卡车往内地输送货物,回程却是空载。)

      An incident happened in an inland town.(一个事情发生在内陆的一个小镇。)

      A church would also be dismantled and moved inland.(这里的一所教堂也将被拆迁到内陆去。)

      The town lies a few kilometres inland.(这个城市位于内陆几公里处。)

      It's about 15 minutes' drive inland from Pensacola.(从彭萨科拉出发向内陆行驶,大约有15分钟的车程。)

      Wind caught the sudden puff of dust and blew it inland.(风夹裹着那股突然扬起的尘土,把它吹向内陆。)

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