


      英 [ɪˈneɪt]

      美 [ɪˈnet, ˈɪnˌet]


      副词: innately 名词: innateness


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  •       天生的,先天的,与生俱来的,生来的,天赋的
  •       固有的,内在的
  •       【植】底着的,内生的


  •       天生的,固有的,与生俱来的 (of a quality, feeling, etc.) that you have when you are born



      1. present at birth but not necessarily hereditary
      acquired during fetal development

      Synonym: congenitalinborn

      2. not established by conditioning or learning

      e.g. an unconditioned reflex

      Synonym: unconditionedunlearned

      1. 天生的;天然的;固有的
      An innate quality or ability is one which a person is born with.

      e.g. Americans have an innate sense of fairness.
      e.g. ...a society in which individuals could develop their innate abilities and capacities.

      I believe everyone is innately psychic.

      1. innate

      1. 先天的:1.免疫性(Immunity)通常是指动物机体对感染性疾病有高度的抗性,免疫性有先天的(Innate)抗性,也有获得的(Acquied)抗性. 免疫性不仅只是对疾病因子表现抗性,对所有能被机体免疫系统识别的物质包括外来的甚至是机体内的生物的和非生物的物质都表现出抗性.

      2. 固有,生来的:inlet 湾,海口 | innate 固有,生来的 | inner 内部,内在的

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


  •       You obviously have an innate talent for music.
  •       The horse has not half the innate sagacity of the ox.

    出自:T. Collins
  •       As believers in a democratic system, we have always had faith in its innate powers of resistance.

    出自:J. F. Kennedy
  •       The disagreement between biologists as to what is learned and what is innate.

    出自:A. Storr
  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      Some fears such as of loud noise, sudden movements and heights appear to be innate.(有些恐惧是天生的,例如大声,突然的动作和高度。)

      Each employee in your organization has certain innate talents.(你单位里的每一个员工都有一定的天生的才能。)

      Kukulkan is resource-poor, which along with the innate conservatism of its inhabitants inhibits its venerably ancient civilization from developing technologically.(库库尔坎是一个资源贫乏的地方,再加上当地居民天生的保守主义,阻碍了其令人尊敬的古老文明在技术上的发展。)

      And whatever its components, they're not all innate.(不管聪明的组成成分是什么,总不会都是天生的。)

      These preferences aren't completely innate though.(不过这种偏好不完全是天生的。)

      I learned to know my inward nature, my innate qualities, the relationship I had with Poesy.(我还学会了理解我的内在本性,我的内在品质,我与诗歌的关系。)

      The first defense is our innate common sense.(第一道防线是我们固有的常识。)

      Their innate tenacity is one of their greatest assets, though.(其内在的韧性是他们最大的资产之一。)

      We have an innate sense of duty. We admire people who sacrifice for the group.(我们的责任感是与生俱来的,我们敬仰为组织作出牺牲的人。)

      He thinks that snub reflects an innate cultural advantage enjoyed by India.(他觉得这种冷遇反映印度先天的文化优势。)

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