


      英 [ˈɪnə(r)]

      美 [ˈɪnɚ]



      副词: innerly 名词: innerness


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  •       内心的
  •       精神的,思想的
  •       内部的,里面的,内在的,内含的
  •       亲密的
  •       核心的
  •       隐晦的,含蓄的,秘密的
  •       向内的
  •       接近中心的


  •       里面,内部
  •       接近靶心部分
  •       射中接近靶心部分的一发
  •       杠内


  •       [A]内部的,里面的 (of the) inside
  •       [A]内心的 (of feelings) unexpressed

      1. 内部的;里面的
      The inner parts of something are the parts which are contained or are enclosed inside the other parts, and which are closest to the centre.

      e.g. She got up and went into an inner office...
      e.g. Wade stepped inside and closed the inner door behind him.

      2. 内心的
      Your inner feelings are feelings which you have but do not show to other people.

      e.g. Loving relationships will give a child an inner sense of security...
      e.g. Michael needed to express his inner tensions.

      1. inner的反义词

      1. 内部:对于隧道模式SA,有外部(outer)IP头,内部(inner)IP头. 外部IP头定义了IPsec处理的目的地,内部IP头定义了包最终地址. 安全协议头出现在外部IP头后内部IP头前. 如果在隧道模式中使用AH,外部IP头的部分将受到保护.

      2. 内:胡塞尔提出用内在(immanent)感知和超越(transzendent)感知的概念取代内(inner)感知和外(auber)感知的模糊概念. 而内在感知的概念在胡塞尔那里基本上是与现象学意义上的反思同义的. 胡塞尔的这个观点也为现象学的另一位代表人物舍勒所接受,

      3. 内在的:上帝按自己的形象造人,根据圣经人包含一个内在的(inner)自己和一个外在的自己. 人除了身体,还有灵魂(soul). 圣经基督教开始于上帝的启示,而不是自然. 创世纪说人不是大自然的孩子,而是特殊的受造物. 与其他受造物不同,

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


  •       I was led to an inner room.
  •       The label is on the inner side of the box.
  •       I could not guess what his inner thought might be.
  •       If he had inner doubts, it was not apparent to anyone else.
  •       From the entrance hall.., glassy corridors led away into the inner reaches of the school.

    出自:U. Bentley
  •       He was a widely social man with inner and outer circles of pals.

    出自:M. Piercy
  •       词语用法

  •       词源解说


  •       inner的基本意思是“内部的,里面的”; 引申可指感受、想法、情感等“存在于内心的”“未表达出来的”。
  •       inner在句中常用作定语,不用于比较等级。
  •       ☆ 直接源自古英语的innerra,意为内部的,里面的,内心的。
  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      His bedroom's his inner sanctum.(卧房是他的内室。)

      Loving relationships that a child makes will give him an inner sense of security.(儿童所建立的友爱关系会使他的内心有一种安全感。)

      Students' inner motivation is essential to their developments.(学生的内在动力对他们的发展至关重要。)

      All flowing water, though it appears to be uniform, is actually divided into extensive inner surfaces, or layers, moving against one another.(所有流水尽管看起来是一样的,实际上是分成了大量相互碰撞的内在表层。)

      Such attitudes are valueless unless they reflect inner cognition and certainty.(这种态度如果不能反映内心的认知和确定性就毫无价值。)

      She got up and went into an inner office.(她起身走进里间办公室。)

      The treatment involves the placement of twenty-two electrodes in the inner ear.(治疗包括在内耳安放22个电极。)

      She has a remarkable inner strength.(她有非凡的意志力。)

      He has no inner resources and hates being alone.(他没有什么内在精神寄托,因而害怕独处。)

      How do we convince our inner caveman to be greener?(我们如何说服我们内心的穴居人变得更环保?)

      inner是什么意思 inner在线翻译 inner什么意思 inner的意思 inner的翻译 inner的解释 inner的发音 inner的同义词
