


      英 [ˈɪnəsnt]

      美 [ˈɪnəsənt]


      副词: innocently


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  •       清白的,无罪的,无辜的
  •       单纯的,天真的,纯真的
  •       无害的,无恶意的
  •       无知的,头脑简单的,愚钝的
  •       缺...的,无...的
  •       幼稚的
  •       无辜受害的,成为牺牲品的
  •       无冒犯之意的


  •       无辜者
  •       天真无邪的人
  •       头脑简单的人
  •       笨蛋,白痴
  •       幼稚的人
  •       英诺森(13位罗马教皇的任一个)


  •       清白的; 无罪的; 无辜的 not guilty
  •       无害的,没有恶意的 harmless
  •       涉世不深的; 天真的,单纯的 (of a person) having little experience of the world and not able to recognize evil
  •       头脑简单的; 愚钝的 foolishly simple


      1. a person who lacks knowledge of evil

      Synonym: inexperienced person


      1. (used of things) lacking sense or awareness

      e.g. fine innocent weather

      2. completely wanting or lacking

      e.g. writing barren of insight
      young recruits destitute of experience
      innocent of literary merit
      the sentence was devoid of meaning

      Synonym: barrendestitutedevoidfree

      3. lacking intent or capacity to injure

      e.g. an innocent prank

      Synonym: innocuous

      4. free from evil or guilt

      e.g. an innocent child
      the principle that one is innocent until proved guilty

      Synonym: guiltlessclean-handed

      5. lacking in sophistication or worldliness

      e.g. a child's innocent stare
      his ingenuous explanation that he would not have burned the church if he had not thought the bishop was in it

      Synonym: ingenuous

      6. free from sin

      Synonym: impeccantsinless

      1. 清白的;无罪的
      If someone is innocent, they did not commit a crime which they have been accused of.

      e.g. He was sure that the man was innocent of any crime...
      e.g. The police knew from day one that I was innocent.

      2. 天真的;幼稚的;不谙世故的
      If someone is innocent, they have no experience or knowledge of the more complex or unpleasant aspects of life.


      e.g. They seemed so young and innocent...
      e.g. He's curiously innocent about what this means to other people.

      The baby gurgled innocently on the bed.

      3. 无辜(受害)的
      Innocent people are those who are not involved in a crime or conflict, but are injured or killed as a result of it.

      e.g. All those wounded were innocent victims...
      e.g. The war was killing innocent women and children.

      4. 没有恶意的;无冒犯之意的
      An innocent question, remark, or comment is not intended to offend or upset people, even if it does so.

      e.g. It was a perfectly innocent question.

      1. 清白的:在我口袋里(in)一分钱(cent)都没有(no),足以说明我是清白的(innocent). 记忆:哈利波特(halibut)与大比目鱼. 记忆:斯威夫特(swift)才思敏捷,写作迅速. 记忆:莫斯科(mosque)郊外那美丽的清真寺. 记忆:在沙滩(suntan)被晒黑.


      2. 无辜的:也许更为严重的是,消费者无意中购买了假冒伪劣产品,发现这些产品并不如期望的那样时,他们会谴责(blame)无辜的(innocent)制造商. 有时,整个经济都会受损. 比如,肯尼亚和扎伊尔的农民使用假冒化B巴(fertilizer)时,

      3. 天真:说到天真(Innocent)啊,就是天真(無邪気)嘛!怎么又是英语又是日语的赖罗:可是,我没想过能遇到比你更合我波长的人...(KISS)舒服吗?中村悠一:他叫大宙(TAKAHIRO)啊?水岛大宙:不是不是,从最初就是这个名字啊!大宙(DAICHU)是昵称嘛.