


      英 [ɪnˈsɪst]

      美 [ɪnˈsɪst]



      副词: insistingly 名词: insistence 过去式: insisted 过去分词: insisted 现在分词: insisting 第三人称单数: insists


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  •       坚持,坚持认为,坚决认为
  •       强调
  •       坚决主张,一定要,硬要,坚决要求,定要
  •       执意继续做
  •       坚决宣称,坚持说,固执己见,断言


  •       vt. & vi. 力言,坚决主张 declare firmly
  •       vt. & vi. 坚持 order (sth to happen)


      1. assert to be true

      e.g. The letter asserts a free society

      Synonym: assert

      2. beg persistently and urgently

      e.g. I importune you to help them

      Synonym: importune

      3. be emphatic or resolute and refuse to budge

      e.g. I must insist!

      Synonym: take a firm stand

      1. 坚持;坚决认为(或主张、要求)
      If you insist that something should be done, you say so very firmly and refuse to give in about it. If you insist on something, you say firmly that it must be done or provided.

      e.g. My family insisted that I should not give in, but stay and fight...
      e.g. She insisted on being present at all the interviews...

      2. 坚称;坚持说
      If you insist that something is the case, you say so very firmly and refuse to say otherwise, even though other people do not believe you.

      e.g. The president insisted that he was acting out of compassion, not opportunism...
      e.g. 'It's not that difficult,' she insists...

      1. 坚持:如果 坚持(maintain) 可以让世界更美好,那麼我愿意尽其所能的继续坚持如果 放弃(abandon) 可以让成千上万的人获益,如果 坚持(insist)某件事 可以让世界更美好,如果 放弃(quit)做某事 可以让成千上万的人获益,

      2. 堅持要求:真正的问题在于西方政府继续坚持要求(insist)保持(retain)对全球(global)重大金融机构(institution)的控制,尽管他们正在游离(drift)全球自由贸易体系.

      3. 坚持说;主张:imply 暗示 | insist坚持说;主张 | maintain 主张;认为

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


    坚持; 强调 declare; order; demand
    insist on〔upon〕 sth

          He insisted on his demand.


          We insist on self-reliance.


          They always insist on a high standard.


          Most universities insist on an interview before they accept a student.


          I insist on quietness.


          From now on let's insist on good quality no matter how hard we have to work for it.


          We insist upon a definite answer.


          He did not insist upon that point.




    insist on〔upon〕 (sb's/sb/sth/) v-ing

          He insisted on going to the cinema.


          I insist on taking proper food for the expedition.


          The doctor insisted on performing an operation on the patient at once.


          He insisted on paying for the meal.


          They insisted on helping us in the kitchen.


          She insisted on seeing us off at the airport.


          He insists on driving her home.


          If they insist on fighting, we will keep them company.


          He insisted on carrying out the test.


          I insist on being present.


          They insisted upon sending a car over to fetch us.


          I insisted upon visiting London with my cousin.


          She insisted on not writing at once.


          She insisted on not letting out her real name.


          We insisted on his staying with us for a week again.


          He insisted on your giving a satisfactory answer to him.


          I insist on his taking a good rest.


          I insisted on your coming with me.


          We insist on your giving us a straight answer.


          I insist on your being there.


          He got wet, and so I insisted on his changing his clothes.


          He insists upon the teacher's coming back to his school immediately.


          The shop owner insisted on my sending the clothes to Bill.


          They insisted upon her staying in the rear.


          I insisted upon her leaving my house without delay.


          The teacher insisted on all the homework being handed in on Monday.



  •       I will have another glass if you insist.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       Socrates is not prepared to insist on the literal accuracy of this description.

    出自:B. Jowett
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       常见错误

  •       词源解说


  •       insist的基本意思是“坚持”,常用于坚持意见、看法、主张等。
  •       insist既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。作及物动词时,不能用名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语,只能接that引导的从句。若指尚未发生的动作,从句谓语常用虚拟语气(should+动词原形或直接用动词原形); 若表示一个已发生的动作或已存在的状态时,从句谓语多用陈述语气。that有时可以省略。
  •       insist用作不及物动词时,其后常须加介词on〔upon〕,然后接名词、代词或动名词。该动名词前可加物主代词或名词、人称代词的宾格形式作其逻辑主语,该动名词的否定形式是在其前直接加not。


insist, persist, stick to
  •       三者都可作“坚持”解。其区别在于:
  •       1.insist常用于坚持意见、看法、主张等; persist一般用于坚持行动,偶尔用于对某种意见坚持不变; 而stick to多用于坚持原则、计划、决定、诺言、意见等。例如:
  •       I insist on telling him how great you are.我一定要告诉他你是多么了不起。
  •       I persisted that we should walk there.我坚持我们步行去。
  •       Jack always sticks to his promise.杰克总是信守自己的诺言。
  •       2.insist后接介词on+名词或动名词,也可接that从句; 而persist后接介词in〔with〕加名词或动名词构成的短语,而不接不定式。例如:
  •       He insisted on trying again, regardless of the consequences.他不顾后果,执意要再试一试。
  •       He persisted in saying so.他坚持这样说。
  •       v.(动词)


            误 She insisted to leave because it was so late.

            正 She insisted on leaving because it was so late.

            析 insist后面不能用动词不定式作宾语。表示“坚持做某事”,应该说insist on〔upon〕 doing sth,其中insist是不及物动词,在介词on或upon后常接动名词。


            误 We insisted in him coming.

            正 We insisted on〔upon〕 him coming.

            析 insist作不及物动词用,后面加介词on或upon,表示“坚持做某事”,但不能加介词in。


            误 She insisted on that we should have supper there.

            正 She insisted that we should have supper there.

            析 当insist后跟that从句作宾语时,不能再加介词on,此时insist是及物动词,表示“坚决要求,一定要”。


            误 Since her blood pressure is much higher than it should be, her doctor insists that she will not smoke.

            正 Since her blood pressure is much higher than it should be, her doctor insists that she should not smoke.

            析 insist连接that引导的宾语从句指尚未发生的动作时,从句使用虚拟语气。


            误 The Arab insisted that he should never seen the camel.

            正 The Arab insisted that he had never seen the camel.

            析 insist表示坚持已存在的事实或已发生的动作时, that引导的宾语从句不用虚拟式,而须用陈述式。

    •       ☆ 1586年进入英语,直接源自古典拉丁语的insistere:in(在……上) + sistere (采取立场),意为采取立场。
    •       高考真题例句

          高考真题例句OG 1.insist

          If men insisted on being free from the burden of self-dependence and responsibility for the common good, they would cease to be free.

          如果人们坚持要从自力更生的负担和公共利益的责任中解脱出来, 他们将不再自由。


    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          They insist on sticking to the letter of the law.(他们坚持严守法律的字面意义。)

          Taxi drivers in Taipei will refuse to transport passengers who ignore the sign and insist on lighting up inside the taxi.(台北出租汽车司机将拒载无视该标志并坚持在出租汽车里吸烟的乘客。)

          Some people think it is a good thing to donate blood for it could save somebody's life while others insist that we should not donate blood for it may cause some illnesses.(有些人认为献血是一件好事,因为它可以挽救某人的生命,而其他人坚持认为我们不应该献血,因为这可能会导致一些疾病。)

          They insist they were in Afghanistan to help the poor, not to convert them.(他们坚称,他们来阿富汗是为了帮助穷人,而不是让他们改变信仰。)

          Remember that boys who insist on having their own way, sooner or later come to grief.(记住,那些坚持按自己的方式行事的孩子,早晚要倒霉的。)

          You see, he will insist on driving himself, and he's hopelessly incapable.(你知道,他坚持自己开车,却无可救药地没有那本事。)

          Police insist that Michael did not follow the correct procedure in applying for a visa.(警方坚持认为迈克尔没有按正确的程序申请签证。)

          Don't insist on a firm mattress if softer ones can send you to dreamland faster.(如果软床垫能让你快快进入梦乡,不要固执地睡在硬床垫上。)

          And while many employers don't insist on a particular degree subject, a third prefer to hire those with a STEM-related subject.(尽管许多雇主并不坚持要某个特定的学位,但三分之一的雇主更愿意聘用那些学过STEM相关课程的人。)

          The psychologists insist, however, that they are not being prescriptive.(然而,心理学家坚称他们并非一味说教。)

          insist是什么意思 insist在线翻译 insist什么意思 insist的意思 insist的翻译 insist的解释 insist的发音 insist的同义词
