


      英 [ˈɪntɪgreɪt]

      美 [ˈɪntɪˌɡret]



      形容词: integrative 过去式: integrated 过去分词: integrated 现在分词: integrating 第三人称单数: integrates


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  •       (使)获得平等待遇,使不受歧视
  •       【数】求积分
  •       使结合;使并入,使合并
  •       使成一体,使一体化,使成整体
  •       使完整;使完善
  •       与...结合起来,成一体
  •       表示...的总和
  •       取消种族隔离;使取消隔离
  •       表示...的平均值
  •       融入群体,加入,融入
  •       整合


  •       完整的
  •       完全的
  •       整体的
  •       组合的


  •       vt. & vi. (使)融入,(使)结合 join or cause (a member of a social group) to joint in society as a whole; join to sth else so as to form a whole


      1. make into a whole or make part of a whole

      e.g. She incorporated his suggestions into her proposal

      Synonym: incorporate

      2. become one
      become integrated

      e.g. The students at this school integrate immediately, despite their different backgrounds

      3. calculate the integral of
      calculate by integration

      4. open (a place) to members of all races and ethnic groups

      e.g. This school is completely desegregated

      Synonym: desegregatemix

      1. (使)加入;(使)融入
      If someone integrates into a social group, or is integrated into it, they behave in such a way that they become part of the group or are accepted into it.

      e.g. He didn't integrate successfully into the Italian way of life...
      e.g. Integrating the kids with the community, finding them a role, is essential...

      He thinks we are living in a fully integrated, supportive society.
      ...the integration of disabled people into mainstream society.

      2. (使)(种族)融合;使取消种族隔离
      When races integrate or when schools and organizations are integrated, people who are black or belong to ethnic minorities can join white people in their schools and organizations.

      e.g. Schools came to us because they wanted to integrate...
      e.g. Encouraging teacher transfer would not, by itself, integrate the teaching corps.

      ...a black honor student in Chicago's integrated Lincoln Park High School.
      Lots of people in Chicago don't see that racial border. They see progress towards integration.

      3. (使)(与…)成为一体;(使)结合;(使)合并
      If you integrate one thing with another, or one thing integrates with another, the two things become closely linked or form part of a whole idea or system. You can also say that two things integrate .

      e.g. Integrating the pound with other European currencies could cause difficulties...
      e.g. Ann wanted the conservatory to integrate with the kitchen...

      There is, he said, a lack of an integrated national transport policy.
      ...a more integrated approach to land uses in a rural environment.
      With Germany, France has been the prime mover behind closer European integration.

      1. 积分:通过软件增强GPS接收灵敏度的一般做法是增加对比时积分(Integrate)的时间,这样可以使卫星信号峰值更加明显,从而使其被接收设备识别. 但这种对峰值的放大并不是很明显,并且它也带来了另一个问题,即可能出现多个伪峰值,

      2. integrate的近义词

      2. 结合:B代表著我们建立(Build)全球能源综合企业R代表著我们对雇员、股东及整体社会负责(Responsible)I代表著我们结合(Integrate)人才、技术、梦想与抱负G代表著我们透过能源勘探及生产不断壮大(Grow)H代表著我们提升(Heightened)企业管理

  •       常用短语

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    与…成为一体 make (sb or sth) part of (sth)
    integrate sb/sth into sth

          Most State governments in the United States have promised to integrate black children into their school systems.


          I integrated your suggestion into my plans and it improved them.


          He integrated all their activities into one program.


          Immigrants are integrated into the community.


          All the department reports should be integrated into one annual statement.



  •       They have lived in this country for ten years, but have never really integrated.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       The particular doctrines which integrate Christianity.

    出自:W. Chillingworth
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


  •       integrate作动词时的意思是“把…结合在一起,使…成为一体”,指紧密地连接或完全融合,暗示结合后,被结合或融合的部分都已失去了原来的特性。引申可指“消除…之间的隔离”。
  •       integrate可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语。


integrate, articulate, concatenate
  •       这组词的共同意思是“把…连接在一起”。其区别是:
  •       integrate强调紧密地连接或完全地融合,暗示被结合或融合的部分都已失去了原先的特性; articulate强调的是把动物的关节连接起来,引申指把各部分紧密地连起来,但各部分又未失去自己的特性或功能; concatenate则是指把较小的东西连成链锁状。
    •       ☆ 1630年左右进入英语,直接源自古典拉丁语的integratus,意为提供。
    •       高考真题例句

    •       考研真题例句

          高考真题例句OG 1.integrate

          They had begun to integrate(融合) the kinds of play and teamwork they had seen the day before into their game.



          考研真题例句OG 1.integrate

          As many took on the duty of trying to integrate reasoning and scientific philosophies into the world, the Renaissance was over.



          考研真题例句OG 2.integrate

          Some are up in arms over a proposal to integrate it within cross-cutting topics of sustainable development.



          考研真题例句OG 3.integrate

          The idea is to force social scientists to integrate their work with other categories.



    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          Now it's time to integrate. Huh?(现在是时候进行集成了。)

          Why integrate your metadata?(为什么要集成元数据?)

          Integrate and Test.(集成和测试。)

          They have not made any effort to integrate with the local community.(他们完全没有尝试融入本地社区。)

          Circulate or integrate?(流通还是一体化?)

          One warning: unless you integrate your reading of graphics with the text, you may make a wrong assumption.(有一个注意事项:如果你不把图表和文本结合起来看的话,你可能会得出一个错误的假设。)

          We integrate well with other open source products.(我们可以和其他开源产品很好的集成。)

          How do integrate social media into someone's job?(如何把社会媒体融入到一个人的工作中去?)

          The strategy is to integrate the development of these cities for a better economic structure.(策略就是整合这些城市的发展,以便形成更好的经济结构。)

          Writing about a topic helps you integrate new knowledge with what you already know.(围绕某一题目写作有助于你将新知识和已有知识结合起来。)

          integrate是什么意思 integrate在线翻译 integrate什么意思 integrate的意思 integrate的翻译 integrate的解释 integrate的发音 integrate的同义词
