


      英 [ˌɪntəˈlektʃuəl]

      美 [ˌɪntlˈɛktʃuəl]



      副词: intellectually 名词: intellectuality


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  •       知识分子
  •       有很高智力的人
  •       精神
  •       知识界
  •       脑力劳动者,劳心者
  •       凭理智做事者
  •       有知识者
  •       爱用智力的人,爱动脑筋的人


  •       智力的,脑力的
  •       理智的
  •       需智力的
  •       聪明的,智力发达的
  •       理性的
  •       凭理智行事的
  •       打动别人理智的
  •       知识分子的
  •       知识上的
  •       知识产权的
  •       知性的
  •       善于思维的
  •       有才智的
  •       智能的
  •       用理智的


  •       [A]智力的; 善于思维的 concerning the intellect; of interested in or able to deal with things of the mind


  •       [C]知识分子 a person who has the ability to reason well, and who uses this ability in their work


      1. a person who uses the mind creatively

      Synonym: intellect


      1. appealing to or using the intellect

      e.g. satire is an intellectual weapon
      intellectual workers engaged in creative literary or artistic or scientific labor
      has tremendous intellectual sympathy for oppressed people
      coldly intellectual
      sort of the intellectual type
      intellectual literature

      2. of or associated with or requiring the use of the mind

      e.g. intellectual problems
      the triumph of the rational over the animal side of man

      Synonym: rationalnoetic

      3. involving intelligence rather than emotions or instinct

      e.g. a cerebral approach to the problem
      cerebral drama

      Synonym: cerebral

      1. 智力的;脑力的;理智的
      Intellectual means involving a person's ability to think and to understand ideas and information.

      e.g. High levels of lead could damage the intellectual development of children...
      e.g. He has written seven thrillers, and clearly enjoys intellectual pursuits.

      ...intellectually satisfying work...
      Intellectually, I was completely prepared for that type of work.

      2. 知识分子;脑力劳动者
      An intellectual is someone who spends a lot of time studying and thinking about complicated ideas.

      e.g. ...teachers, artists and other intellectuals.


      1. 智力的:这样的培训方式是以学习者的行动为中心(Activity-centered)的,同时通过体力运动及多种感官来完成培训任务,如:躯体的(Somatic)、听觉的(Auditory)、视觉的(Visual)和智力的(Intellectual),即SAVI.

      2. 理智的:在齐美尔的论述中,理智不是寻常意义上的思维能力,而是和韦伯的工具理性十分接近的概念,在文中,理智的(intellectual)和理性的(rational)交替使用;明确这一点,才能理解齐美尔的理智带来的诸多效应以及为甚么将它们归为非人格.


      3. 智者:Linus是Charlie的朋友,在这帮小孩子里面,他是真正的智者(intellectual),他富有哲理的语言(philosophical revelations)以及解决问题的方法常使他的朋友们大吃一惊(flabbergast).

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


  •       Maths is an intellectual exercise.
  •       Do you know the intellectual property rights?
  •       She is an intellectual woman.


  •       His father is a high intellectual.
  •       These views were common among intellectuals.

      用作形容词 (adj.)


      用作名词 (n.)

  •       Spiritually bankrupt Intellectual snobs.

    出自:L. MacNeice
  •       The moment of his greatest intellectual awakening was his discovery of the geometry of Euclid.

    出自:A. J. Ayer
  •       They applied their intellectual the practical details of domestic life.

    出自:F. Weldon
  •       词语用法


  •       intellectual用作形容词的意思是“智力的,善于思维的”,可用于人、人的言行或特性,侧重于人的才华。在句中一般用作定语。
  •       高考真题例句

      高考真题例句OG 1.intellectual

      Intellectual growth and flexibility are fostered by strict debate and questioning.



  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      Intellectual growth and flexibility are fostered on debate and questioning.(智力的增长和灵活性是通过辩论和提问来培养的。)

      This argument is untenable from an intellectual, moral and practical standpoint.(从知识、道德和现实的角度来看,这种论点是站不住脚的。)

      He was an intellectual, scholarly man.(他是一个聪明博学的人。)

      High levels of lead could damage the intellectual development of children.(高含铅量会损害儿童的智力发育。)

      In the modern society, we all should learn something about intellectual property.(在现代社会,我们都应该学习一些关于知识产权的内容。)

      Legal protection is provided for the owners of intellectual property.(知识产权所有者受到法律保护。)

      They were very intellectual and witty.(他们非常聪明、机智。)

      Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans.(社会科学是寻求研究人类的知识探索的一个分支。)

      The wish to impose order upon confusion is a kind of intellectual instinct.(对混乱进行有序管理的希望是一种高智力的本能。)

      What is an intellectual?(什么是知识分子?)

      intellectual是什么意思 intellectual在线翻译 intellectual什么意思 intellectual的意思 intellectual的翻译 intellectual的解释 intellectual的发音 intellectual的同义词
