


      英 [ˈɪntərɪm]

      美 [ˈɪntərɪm]




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  •       暂时的,临时(性)的,暂定的
  •       间歇的
  •       期中的
  •       过渡期间的,过渡(性)的
  •       中间的
  •       阶段性的
  •       其时的,其间的


  •       间歇,间隔时间
  •       过渡期间,过渡时期
  •       在其间, 期间,中间时期,其时
  •       在其前
  •       暂时,临时
  •       临时协定
  •       【史】临时敕令
  •       暂定


  •       [A]暂时的,临时的 as a less complete part of sth to be given in full later


  •       [U]间歇,过渡期间 transition period


      1. the time between one event, process, or period and another

      e.g. meanwhile the socialists are running the government

      Synonym: meantimemeanwhilelag


      1. serving during an intermediate interval of time

      e.g. an interim agreement

      1. 暂时的;临时的;过渡期间的
      Interim is used to describe something that is intended to be used until something permanent is done or established.

      e.g. She was sworn in as head of an interim government in March.
      e.g. interim report.

      2. 在过渡期间;在间歇期
      In the interim means until a particular thing happens or until a particular thing happened.

      e.g. But, in the interim, we obviously have a duty to maintain law and order...
      e.g. He was to remain in jail in the interim.

      1. 暂时的:但是,第39号国际会计准则还只是一项暂时的(INTERIM)金融工具确认和计量会计准则,距离IASC金融工具会计准则的终级目标(核心是以公允价值计量金融资产和金融负债)还有一段路要走.

      2. interim什么意思

      2. 中期:在这种情况下,您需要在税务年度底,填写一份申报个人所得税表格(IR3),待国税局收到表格后会根据您的学生贷款计算出您下一年以及下一年中期(interim)所需要偿还的数额,并且您必须在下年度2月7日前(或者如果您有税务代理,

      3. 暂时:金哥占卜者(augur),e加螺丝钻(auger)里面四牛在暗示(insinuate),前面mate灵长类(primate)里面书店在安装(install),里面仍然在滴注(instill)中间有门是监禁(intern),我在中间是暂时(interim),中间说话要禁止(interdict),

  •       常用短语

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    在此期间,与此同时during the time that comes between; meantime

      1. in the interim : 在这期间, 在过渡期间;


  •       They submitted an interim report.
  •       The government is taking interim measures to help those in immediate need.

      用作形容词 (adj.)

  •       How we shall prevent the guilty person from escaping in the interim.

    出自:Sir W. Scott
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      It will be a year of pursuing "interim goals", says a senior official.(一位高官表示,这将是追求“过渡目标”的一年。)

      The advantage here is that this interim stylesheet is completely generic.(好处是这个过渡样式表是完全通用的。)

      On Wednesday, Mr.Sanchez ended two months as an interim prime-time anchor.(周三时候,桑切斯结束了两个月作为黄金时段主持人的日子。)

      An interim ruling on that case is expected in December.(此案的临时裁定有望在12月份宣布。)

      Her new job does not start until May and she will continue in the old job in the interim.(她的新工作要到五月份才开始,在这期间她将继续原有的工作。)

      Despite everything that had happened in the interim, they had remained good friends.(不管在此间所发生的一切,他们还是好朋友。)

      Please give me an interim receipt.(请给我一张临时收据。)

      Let this sad interim like the ocean be.(任这凄凉的间歇像浩瀚的海洋。)

      Applying refresh packs, fix packs, and interim fixes are examples of an upgrade.(应用更新包、补丁包和临时包都属于升级。)

      Recommended fixes are usually fix packs or refresh packs, not interim fixes.(建议修复通常是修复包或刷新包,而不是临时修复。)

      interim是什么意思 interim在线翻译 interim什么意思 interim的意思 interim的翻译 interim的解释 interim的发音 interim的同义词
