


      英 [ɪnˈterəgeɪt]

      美 [ɪnˈtɛrəˌɡet]


      形容词: interrogational 名词: interrogation 过去式: interrogated 过去分词: interrogated 现在分词: interrogating 第三人称单数: interrogates


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  •       讯问,审问,质问
  •       【计】从...中获取数据


      1. pose a series of questions to

      e.g. The suspect was questioned by the police
      We questioned the survivor about the details of the explosion

      Synonym: question

      2. transmit (a signal) for setting off an appropriate response, as in telecommunication

      1. (尤指警察)讯问,审问
      If someone, especially a police officer, interrogates someone, they question them thoroughly for a long time in order to get some information from them.

      e.g. I interrogated everyone even slightly involved.

      I was well aware of what my interrogators wanted to hear.

      1. 询问:与放任自由主义者吓人的个人主义(the daunting individualism)遭遇, 自由派们必须在科学和理性以及英勇的个体(heroic individual)这类问题上长期询问(interrogate)他们自己的信念.


      2. 审讯:(3)警察:警察对嫌疑犯会拘留(custody / detention),在拘留过程中,进行审讯(interrogate),可能会有逼供(coerce)和诱供(deduce). 最后,如果证据充足,可以向检察院申请正式逮捕(arrest / apprehend).


      3. 对一个服务送出一个询问控制要求:GetKeyName--获得一个服务的服务键名. | interrogate--对一个服务送出一个询问控制要求. | pause----对一个服务送出一个暂停控制要求.

      4. 讯问,质问:interpose 置於中间,插入,仲裁 | interrogate 讯问,质问 | interrupt 打断,妨碍

      5. interrogate:int; 询问

  •       经典引文

  •       I sat between the two ladies and was amiably interrogated by both.

    出自:H. Spurling
  •       The French police interrogated him extensively and released him for lack of evidence.

    出自:E. Feinstein
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      Mason decides to interrogate Penticoff himself.(梅森决定亲自审问彭蒂科夫。)

      Interrogate or update a database.(查询或更新数据库。)

      Let's return to the family model example from Listing 1 and look at different ways in which you can interrogate it, as shown in Listing 2.(我们返回清单1的家庭模型,看一下可以查询它的不同方法,如清单2所示。)

      Interrogate further to see if he was brainwashed.(进一步调查看他是否被洗脑了。)

      Interrogate him! - he's not the Wolf!(审问他!-他不是狼!)

      The $ENV hash array contains the environmental variables, allowing us to interrogate the Accept HTTP header.($ENV哈希array包含了环境变量,它允许程序员重定义AcceptHTTP头信息。)

      The lawyers took two hours to interrogate the witness.(律师们花了两个小时的时间讯问证人。)

      Police interrogate his name and address.(警察询问他的名字和地址。)

      I do wish I would not interrogate you, but it seems to me that our time of interdependence is over, and I really should like to know why.(我真的不希望审问你,但是我觉得我们互相依赖的日子已经结束了,我很想知道为什么。)

      You can use the LIST HISTORY command to interrogate the database backup history.(您可以使用LISTHISTORY命令查询数据库备份历史。)

      interrogate是什么意思 interrogate在线翻译 interrogate什么意思 interrogate的意思 interrogate的翻译 interrogate的解释 interrogate的发音 interrogate的同义词
