


      英 [ɪn'tɒksɪkeɪt]

      美 [ɪnˈtɑksɪˌket]

      vt. 下毒; 使 ... 陶醉

      形容词: intoxicative 副词: intoxicatingly 名词: intoxication 过去式: intoxicated 过去分词: intoxicated 现在分词: intoxicating 第三人称单数: intoxicates


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  •       喝醉的
  •       抹上毒药的
  •       被毒死的


  •       使陶醉
  •       使喝醉,使醉倒
  •       使狂喜,使激动不已
  •       使中毒
  •       毒杀
  •       使麻醉,使迷醉


  •       vt. (酒)使喝醉 (of alcohol) make drunk


      1. have an intoxicating effect on, of a drug

      2. make drunk (with alcoholic drinks)

      Synonym: soakinebriate

      3. fill with high spirits
      fill with optimism

      e.g. Music can uplift your spirits

      Synonym: elatelift upupliftpick up

      1. 使陶醉,使兴奋:intend 意欲,计划 | intoxicate 使陶醉,使兴奋 | intricate 复杂的

      2. 使陶醉:intoxicant 醉人的东西 | intoxicate 使陶醉 | intoxicated 喝醉的

      3. intoxicate

      3. 使醉:intonation 发声法 | intoxicate 使醉 | intricate 纠缠的

      4. intoxicate的意思

      4. 使喝醉,使陶醉:intoxicant 使醉的东西n | intoxicate 使喝醉,使陶醉 | tox毒

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


  •       Too much wine intoxicates people.
  •       Such sun and air make me intoxicate With a strange passion.

    出自:J. Todhunter
  •       The double scotch..makes a novice drinker feel unpleasantly intoxicated.

    出自:P. Parish
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      Fashion of lattice is the whirl wind that lasts, with ist simple and elegant style to intoxicate people of the world. Blowing from west to east, it is still so strong.(格子时尚是历久不散的旋风,以其简约高雅的风格迷倒世人,从西吹到东,依然强劲。)

      Verse and wine blending appearance is intoxicate.(诗与酒交融现象呈现为醉的状态。)

      My next stop was the wedding hall, where I was expected to pay an enormous sum of money to feed and intoxicate many people.(我的下一站是婚礼教堂,在那里有人期待我会出大量的钱来请很多人大吃大喝。)

      In fact, just intoxicate wine does not drink it remembered that unbearable past.(其实酒不醉人,只是在喝的时候想起了那些不堪的过往!)

      While tasting a variety of seafood, wine, while enjoying the beauty of the Daya Bay, the wine is really not intoxicate.(边品尝各种海鲜、美酒,边欣赏大亚湾的美丽景色,真是酒不醉人人自醉。)

      He does not drink at all; a little wine may intoxicate him.(他滴酒不沾;一点点葡萄酒就可能把他醉倒。醉倒。)

      Plain Maple has an eternal charm to intoxicate us.(清枫有一种恒久的魅力,足以让我们为之沉醉。)

      White clouds leisurely floating in the air, as pure as snow, like fine gauze intoxicate.(白云在空中悠悠飘动着,如雪一般纯洁,似轻纱般醉人。)

      Cherishing a rose means to intoxicate yourself on her beauty more than pull her thorns out.(珍爱玫瑰意味着沉醉在它的美丽中,而不是将它的刺拔掉。)

      He does not drink at all; a little wine way intoxicate him.(他根本不喝酒,因为一点酒就能使他醉。)

      intoxicate是什么意思 intoxicate在线翻译 intoxicate什么意思 intoxicate的意思 intoxicate的翻译 intoxicate的解释 intoxicate的发音 intoxicate的同义词
