


      英 [ɪnˈvælɪd]

      美 [ˈɪnvəlɪd]




      副词: invalidly 名词: invalidity 过去式: invalided 过去分词: invalided 现在分词: invaliding 第三人称单数: invalids


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  •       有病的,生病的
  •       病弱的
  •       【律】无效的
  •       供病人用的
  •       残废的,伤残的
  •       不得力的,无效果的,无用的,无价值的
  •       不能成立的
  •       作废的
  •       不承认的,无充分事实的,站不住脚的
  •       不能识别的


  •       病人,病号
  •       残疾者,残废人,病废者
  •       病弱的人,病弱者,久病衰弱者
  •       伤残退役军人,伤病军人
  •       无效部位
  •       无效面积


  •       使病弱
  •       使伤残,使病残,使残废
  •       使退役, 因伤病而退伍,令…退役
  •       把...作为伤病员处理
  •       把伤病员撤离战斗地区
  •       成为病残者
  •       失去健康


  •       无适当根据的 not properly based or able to be upheld by reasoning
  •       无用的,无效的 not usable; not legally recognized
  •       有病的 be ill


  •       [C]病人,残疾者 person weakened through illness or injury; one who suffers from ill health for a very long time


      1. someone who is incapacitated by a chronic illness or injury

      Synonym: shut-in



      1. injure permanently

      e.g. He was disabled in a car accident

      Synonym: disableincapacitatehandicap

      2. force to retire, remove from active duty, as of firemen


      1. no longer valid

      e.g. the license is invalid

      2. having no cogency or legal force

      e.g. invalid reasoning
      an invalid driver's license

      The noun is pronounced /'ɪnvəlɪd/. The adjective is pronounced /ɪn'vælɪd/ and is hyphenated in|val|id. 名词读作 /'ɪnvəlɪd/。形容词读作 /ɪn'vælɪd/,分音节为in|val|id。

      1. 病人;病弱者;伤残者
      An invalid is someone who needs to be cared for because they have an illness or disability.

      e.g. I hate being treated as an invalid.

      2. 无效的;作废的
      If an action, procedure, or document is invalid, it cannot be accepted, because it breaks the law or some official rule.

      e.g. The trial was stopped and the results declared invalid...
      e.g. We cannot accept liability if you are refused entry because of invalid documents.

      ...the invalidity of the marriage ceremony.

      3. (论据、结论)站不住脚的,错误的
      An invalid argument or conclusion is wrong because it is based on a mistake.

      e.g. We think that those arguments are rendered invalid by the hard facts on the ground.

      1. 无效:MOESI协议由6个状态组成,这些状态说明如下:无效(Invalid) 在无效状态的Cache行不能持有数据的有效拷贝. 数据的有效拷贝可能在主内存或其他处理器的Cache中. 独占(Exclusive) 在独占状态的Cache行持有数据最近的和正确的拷贝.

      2. 无效的:客户将提供它的证书给服务,并且必须(MUST)服务必须(MUST)验证客户的证书是有效的. 服务将通常检查证书是被已知的CA签发的,以及在客户的证书链中没有哪个证书是无效的(invalid)和被撤销(revoked). 服务做这些

      3. invalid

      3. 非法:不久之前,TomTom为此吃了苦头,只得向微软妥协了事. Tridgell想了一个办法,其实很简单,把一个长文件名转化为11个非法(invalid)字符组成的字符串从而躲过操作系统(被操作系统所忽视),此想法确实很妙也.

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


  •       This is an invalid assumption.
  •       He had to look after his invalid brother.


  •       Their marriage is invalid.

      用作形容词 (adj.)


      用作名词 (n.)

  •       He declared the wills technically invalid because of some legal flaw.

    出自:R. Graves
  •       His invalid son, who had just suffered his first attack of epilepsy.

    出自:J. Barnes
  •       Wounded in the lung and..invalided out of the army with TB.

    出自:M. Scammell
  •       词义讲解


invalid, case, patient
  •       这组词的共同意思是“病人”。其区别在于:
  •       1.patient的含义是“病人”,跟医生相对而言,可指医生受理的各种病人,包括正在接受或已接受治疗的、住院的或去医院就诊的以及不去医院但接受治疗的所有病员。
  •       2.case在作“患病的人”解时含义是“病例”。例如:
  •       Worst cases are sent to hospital.病情最坏的人被送到医院。
  •       3.invalid主要指因伤病而身体虚弱的人。例如:
  •       At that time, life for families with invalids was even harder.那个时候,家中有病人的生活更苦。
    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          She found out that because he had been an invalid he had not learned things as other children had.(她发现,因为他是一个病人,他了解事物的方式和其他孩子不一样。)

          An invalid escape sequence error is generated.(生成了一个无效的转义序列错误。)

          Even an invalid patent can be useful.(甚至一个无效的专利也将很有用。)

          Master Colin says if he keeps sendin' for more food, they won't believe he's an invalid at all.(柯林少爷说,如果他一直叫人送更多食物来,他们根本不会相信他是一个病人。)

          The contract was stated to be invalid.(那份合同宣布作废。)

          The trial was stopped and the results declared invalid.(审判被终止了,其结果被宣布无效。)

          Invalid values will cause errors.(无效值会引起错误。)

          Is there defaulted or invalid data?(是否有默认的数据或无效的数据?)

          This certificate is invalid.(此证明无效。)

          Now, if we try to sneak in a new employee's computer with an invalid network ID, our application knows not to accept it.(现在,如果我们试图用一个无效的网络ID潜入新员工的计算机,我们的应用程序不会允许。)

          invalid是什么意思 invalid在线翻译 invalid什么意思 invalid的意思 invalid的翻译 invalid的解释 invalid的发音 invalid的同义词
