


      英 [ɪnˈveəriəbl]

      美 [ɪnˈveriəbl]



      副词: invariably 名词: invariability


  •       英英释义

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      1. a quantity that does not vary

      Synonym: constantconstant quantity



      1. not liable to or capable of change

      e.g. an invariable temperature
      an invariable rule
      his invariable courtesy

      1. 不变的;始终如一的;一贯的
      You use invariable to describe something that never changes.

      e.g. It was his invariable custom to have one whisky before his supper.

      1. invariable的反义词

      1. 不变的:让我们考虑以下一些因素.值得指出的是,该模型的参数(parameter)并不是不变的(invariable).同时必须充分注意

      2. 不变的;不变量:intrude 闯入 ;把(自己的思想)强加于人 | invariable 不变的;不变量 | inventory 详细目录 ;存货;总量

      3. 不变的;守恒的:intact 未经触动的,未受损的,原封不动的 | invariable 不变的;守恒的 | juice (菜蔬,果实,植物等的)汁,液,浆


      4. 漠不关心的, 不很重要的, 冷淡的:Diffident 无自信的, 谦虚谨慎的, 羞怯的 | Invariable 漠不关心的, 不很重要的, 冷淡的 | Kindly indulgence 温和地纵容, 任性的, 温和地宽容

  •       经典引文

  •       She had asked Phil to dinner many times; his invariable answer had been 'Too busy'.

    出自:J. Galsworthy
  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      It was his invariable custom to have one whisky before his supper.(晚饭前来杯威士忌,这是他一直以来的习惯。)

      Of course, the division of population age structure is comparative, but not invariable.(当然,对人口年龄结构的划分是相对的,而不是一成不变的。)

      Uses the appropriate mental healing method, do not defend stubbornly some kind of invariable rule mechanically.(使用合适的心理治疗手段,不要机械地固守某种不变的规则。)

      Both calculations with variable parameter model and invariable parameter model are made and compared to field test data.(把变参数模型和定参数模型的计算结果与现场实测数据进行了比较。)

      And that parallel mode requires the servo system to have good speed stability to ensure invariable output of speed.(平行式要求伺服系统具有良好的速度稳定性,保证恒定的速度输出。)

      Let the sea tide accompany me to bless you, please do not forget that I am forever invariable the yellow the face.(让海潮伴我来保佑你,请别忘记我永远不变黄色的脸。)

      How long no matter how many suffers waits for, is still invariable to your love.(不管多少折磨多久守候,对你的爱依然不变。)

      Chinese is an analytic language which depends on the invariable roots and word order to indicate its grammatical relations.(汉语是分析型语言,其语法关系取决于不变的词根和词序。)

      I don't HAs any feelings facing him. I'm completely invariable.(我对他么有任何感觉,我完全不感兴趣。)

      Regardless of being happy or sad, my love has been invariable.(无论是开心还是难过,我的爱一直不变。)

      invariable是什么意思 invariable在线翻译 invariable什么意思 invariable的意思 invariable的翻译 invariable的解释 invariable的发音 invariable的同义词
