


      英 [ɪnˈvestɪgeɪt]

      美 [ɪnˈvɛstɪˌɡet]


      形容词: investigable 过去式: investigated 过去分词: investigated 现在分词: investigating 第三人称单数: investigates


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  •       调查
  •       研究
  •       审查
  •       试验
  •       追查
  •       勘查
  •       侦查
  •       调研


  •       vt. 调查; 审查 examine carefully, or inquire about the reasons for (sth), the character of (sb), etc.


      1. conduct an inquiry or investigation of

      e.g. The district attorney's office investigated reports of possible irregularities
      inquire into the disappearance of the rich old lady

      Synonym: inquireenquire

      2. investigate scientifically

      e.g. Let's investigate the syntax of Chinese

      Synonym: look into

      1. 调查;审查
      If someone, especially an official, investigates an event, situation, or claim, they try to find out what happened or what is the truth.


      e.g. Gas officials are investigating the cause of an explosion which badly damaged a house in Hampshire...
      e.g. The two officers were being investigated by the director of public prosecutions...

      He ordered an investigation into the affair...
      He has been notified by magistrates that he is under investigation for corruption.

      1. 研究:个别人可能还记得几何学(geometry)中的这个物体. 构造函数接受三个参数:名称,圆环的半径,圆环截面的半径(它有多粗). 让我们研究(investigate)一下按键按下时的方法做了什么:

      2. 研究,调查:interpret 解释 | investigate 研究,调查 | ionisation energy 电离能(从原子或分子中移走一个电子至无穷远处所需的能量,以电子伏特eV表示)

  •       情景对话

  •       常用例句

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  •       经典引文

      Getting Started-(成立公司)


      A:Let's review our start-up plans. When do you think we will be able to move into our new office?


      B:Well, we can move in any time after July first, but moving in and actually getting started are two different things.

      A:Good point. Anyway, I have our new marketing manager, Helen Parker, helping us get set up.

      B:What is she doing?


      A:She's overseeing the purchase of equipment and so forth.

      B:Does she have a background in that sort of thing?

      A:As a matter of fact, it turns out she practically ran her last company, from marketing to finance.

      B:I'm looking forward to meeting her.

      A:Have you begun to investigate factories? I'm so glad we aren't going to try to run our own factory at first.

      B:Yes, I've started. And I've found some good people for R and D, too. Then there are the art people designing our logos-

      A:Oh, no! Millions of details: logos, slogans, letterhead, name cards . . .

      B:You thought setting up a company was going to be easy?


  •       He has carefully investigated the allegations.
  •       They investigated the market for sales of a product.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       Police and fire brigade officials are investigating the cause of the fire.

    出自:Dumfries Courier
  •       R. B. a member of the Home Office committee investigating prisons had access to any prison.

    出自:R. Ellmann
  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


investigate, examine, inspect, scrutinize
  •       这四个词均有“检查”“审查”的含义。它们之间的区别是:examine为最普通的用语,可指任何方式地、粗略或仔细地检查; inspect和scrutinize都有仔细检查的含义,前者强调通过检查找出缺点或漏洞,后者强调在检查时注意细节的审视。另外examine, inspect, scrutinize既可用于人,又可用于物,而investigate只能用于表示对情况、事态等的调查或检查。试体会下例中这四个词的运用:The detective investigating the murder case examined the body, inspected the scene of the crime, and scrutinized the weapon for clues.正在调查这一谋杀案的侦探检查了尸体,察看了犯罪现场,并仔细检查了凶器以寻找线索。
    •       ☆ 直接源自拉丁语的investigare,意为沿踪迹搜寻。
    •       考研真题例句

          考研真题例句OG 1.investigate

          Biological factors behind eye contact are being investigated.



          考研真题例句OG 2.investigate

          After a spouse has been selected, each family investigates the other to make sure its child is marrying into a good family.



    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          An independent body has been set up to investigate the affair.(已成立了一个独立机构调查这件事。)

          Now we need to begin to investigate the reasons why you think it's the right thing to do.(现在我们需要开始调查为什么你认为这是正确的事情。)

          An objective of this particular cruise was to investigate the floor of the Mediterranean and to resolve questions about its geologic history.(这次特别巡航的目的之一是调查地中海的海床,并解决有关其地质历史的问题。)

          I need to investigate their suggestions.(我需要调查他们的建议。)

          The bill creates an oversight board with the authority to investigate and punish accounting firms.(该法案创建了一个有权调查并处罚会计师事务所的监督委员会。)

          These results caused us to investigate the makeup of our site more.(这些结果促使我们进一步调查我们网站的构成。)

          The police decided to investigate further.(警方决定作进一步调查。)

          A database administrator can further investigate these transactions to isolate the problem using of the domain expert capabilities that OPM EE offers.(数据库管理员可以使用OPMEE提供的域专家功能进一步研究这些事务以隔离问题。)

          We have to investigate why she was not happy with her husband.(我们必须调查为什么她和她丈夫在一起时不开心。)

          Police roped off the street to investigate the accident.(警察用绳子将街道圈起来调查事故。)

          investigate是什么意思 investigate在线翻译 investigate什么意思 investigate的意思 investigate的翻译 investigate的解释 investigate的发音 investigate的同义词
