


      英 [ɪnˈvɜ:t]

      美 [ɪnˈvɜ:rt]




      形容词: invertible 过去式: inverted 过去分词: inverted 现在分词: inverting 第三人称单数: inverts


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  •       (使)倒置,(使)上下颠倒,(使)前后倒置,(使)颠倒
  •       (使)反转,(使)倒转
  •       使反向
  •       【音】使转位
  •       【化】(使)转化
  •       翻过来,翻倒
  •       【音】转回
  •       (使)反演
  •       倒排
  •       求逆
  •       把…完全颠倒, 颠倒…的次序
  •       倒置…的位置
  •       转换…的方向
  •       使逆增
  •       用(某数)除1
  •       【计】 反置


  •       【生化】转化的
  •       倒的


  •       倒置物,颠倒物
  •       倒置者,倒悬者,颠倒的人
  •       【心】同性恋者,性欲颠倒的人
  •       【建】仰拱
  •       底板
  •       翻过来


  •       vt. 倒置,反转 put in the opposite position or order, especially upside down


      1. turn inside out or upside down

      Synonym: turn backreverse

      2. reverse the position, order, relation, or condition of

      e.g. when forming a question, invert the subject and the verb

      Synonym: reverse

      3. make an inversion (in a musical composition)

      e.g. here the theme is inverted

      1. 使反向;使倒置
      If you invert something, you turn it the other way up or back to front.

      e.g. Invert the cake onto a cooling rack.
      e.g. ...a black inverted triangle.

      2. 使颠倒
      If you invert something, you change it to its opposite.

      e.g. They may be hoping to invert the presumption that a defendant is innocent until proved guilty.
      e.g. ...a telling illustration of inverted moral values.

      1. invert在线翻译

      1. 反色:始),这是因为'当激活'(on active)参数设定的是开始(start over),如果你设为继续注意并不是所有的特效都有参数,比如反色(Invert)特效(这个特效反转RGB 颜色).

      2. invert的翻译

      2. 反相:Color)命令替换图像颜色 144.使用[可选颜色](Selective Color)命令校正图像颜色 145.使用[通道混合器](Channel Mixer)校正图像颜色 146.使用[渐变映射](Gradient Map)命令调整图像 147.使用[反相](Invert)命令反转图像颜色

      3. 转化:最后的(Utimate) 粘化层和低的盐基饱和度图单元氧化土Oxisols (法)Fr.Oxide 氧化物(Oxide) 氧化层, 无粘化层, 高度风化变性土Vertisols (拉)L.verto 转化(Invert) 高膨胀型粘粒, 干燥后裂缝深干旱土Aridisols (拉)L.aridus 干旱的(Arid)干旱土壤,

  •       常用例句


  •       He inverted the glass and the water ran out.
  •       If you invert “I can”, you have “can I”.
          如果你把I can两词前后颠倒一下,就成了can I。
  •       She caught the insect by inverting her cup over it.
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      I collect all the transparent Spaces, then invert it and assign it to the window.(我收集所有的透明区域,反转它,并将它分配给窗口。)

      In particular, on the exam, you will need to know how to invert a matrix by hand.(尤其是,在考试里,你们要知道怎么手算逆矩阵。)

      They may be hoping to invert the presumption that a defendant is innocent until proved guilty.(他们可能有望颠覆“被告在证实有罪之前是无辜的”这一假设。)

      The puzzle_scan_words() function has a $flip parameter that can invert the scan from horizontal to vertical.(puzzle_scan_words()函数有一个$flip参数,可以将扫描从水平方向转化为垂直方向。)

      Inundation is an in important factor in accelerating the invert of ferric oxide conformation.(淹水又是促进氧化铁形态转化的重要因素之一。)

      We've added a reverse option to the flying blocks parameters, allowing you to invert its thrust.(我们增加了一个逆向选择飞块参数,允许你翻转它的推力。)

      I think Dependency Inversion is so important that I want to invert the dependencies on Guice!(我认为依赖倒置非常重要,因此打算转换对Guice的依赖。)

      The principle, operation and repair of invert plasma are cutting machine are introduced in this paper.(本文介绍了逆变式等离子弧切割机的工作原理、使用方法和维修措施。)

      Please invert the word order in a sentence.(请把句中的词序颠倒下。)

      To invert Karl Marx, investment bankers may have nothing to gain but their chains.(将马克思的理论颠倒一下,这些投行也许除了锁链外什么也得不到。)

      invert是什么意思 invert在线翻译 invert什么意思 invert的意思 invert的翻译 invert的解释 invert的发音 invert的同义词
