


      英 [ˈaɪədi:n]

      美 [ˈaɪədaɪn]


      简写符号: I


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  •       【化】碘(元素符号 I)
  •       碘酊,碘酒(用作抗菌剂)


  •       用碘酒处理


      1. a tincture consisting of a solution of iodine in ethyl alcohol
      applied topically to wounds as an antiseptic

      Synonym: tincture of iodine

      2. a nonmetallic element belonging to the halogens
      used especially in medicine and photography and in dyes
      occurs naturally only in combination in small quantities (as in sea water or rocks)

      Synonym: iodinIatomic number 53

      Iodine is a dark-coloured substance used in medicine and photography.

      1. 碘:部分海水中的次元素(Trace element)对珊瑚的成长有帮助, 例如锶元素(Strontium), 碘(Iodine)可以偶而补充一下, 但是对珊瑚的颜色似乎没有太大的关系.

      2. 碘酒:)3、碘酊或碘酒(Iodine)与酒精混合后,用於防止伤口感染. 但是,在阿登战役和兄弟连当中,MEDIC并没有用Iodine和iodoform(碘仿),而选择用了硫磺粉(Sulfur),是有多种原因的. 比如携带不方便,天气和气温等诸多的原因.

      3. iodine

      3. 碘、碘酒:investigation 调查、研究 | iodine 碘、碘酒 | irony 反话、讽刺

      4. (一三四) 碘:(一三三) 苯二酚 Hydroquinone | (一三四) 碘 Iodine | (一三五) 五羰铁 Iron pentacarbonyl

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      Iodine deficiency can easily be prevented at low cost.(碘缺乏症可很容易以低成本预防。)

      So do makers of iodine pills who fear losing their market.(而担心失去市场的碘片剂生产商也反对加碘盐。)

      SCOTT: There's some tape, iodine, and cloth bandages.(史考特:有胶带、碘酒和布绷带。)

      Is it true that lack of iodine really causes brain damage?(缺碘是否真的会造成脑损伤?)

      The ion-supported hypervalent iodine(iii) reagent is a kind of "task-specific ionic liquids".(离子负载的高价碘(iii)试剂是一种“功能化离子液体”。)

      Why give people iodine tablets?(为什么给人们派发碘片?)

      In many places, like Japan, people get iodine from seafood, seaweed, and vegetables grown in iodine-rich soil or animals that eat grass grown in that soil.(像日本等许多地方,人们通过食用海鲜、海藻得到碘,以及从生长在高碘土壤里的蔬菜中获取碘,或者从吃那种土壤中生长的草的动物中获取碘。)

      The patient lies back, hands behind their head as I clean each axilla with iodine.(病人躺下,手放在头后面,然后我用碘酒清洁每个腋窝。)

      Stunting can have many causes, but iodine deficiency is a prime culprit.(发育不良的原因有多种,但碘缺乏是罪魁祸首。)

      What was termed a small amount of radioactive iodine had, indeed, been released.(据说事实上还是有一小部分的放射性碘泄露了。)

      iodine是什么意思 iodine在线翻译 iodine什么意思 iodine的意思 iodine的翻译 iodine的解释 iodine的发音 iodine的同义词
