


      英 [ˈaɪsətəʊp]

      美 [ˈaɪsətoʊp]


      形容词: isotopic 副词: isotopically


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  •       【化、物】同位素



      1. one of two or more atoms with the same atomic number but with different numbers of neutrons

      1. 同位素
      Isotopes are atoms that have the same number of protons and electrons but different numbers of neutrons and therefore have different physical properties.

      e.g. ...tritium, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen.

      1. 同位素:科学家估计宇宙的年龄是介乎一百亿至一百六十亿之间;2001年科学家利用南欧洲天文台(EuropeanSouthernObservatory)的望远镜,观察一颗称CS31082-001的星球,量度星球上放射性(tive)同位素(isotope)铀-238(Uranium-238)的光谱(trum),


      2. [化]同位素:erotogenic 性感应区的,动欲的,动情的,引起性欲的 | isotope [化]同位素 | teartape 撕条, 拉带

      3. 同种位;同位素:isotonic 等渗的 | isotope 同种位;同位素 | isotropic 各向同性的

      4. 同位元素:isomer-異性体 | isotope-同位元素 | Kelvin-絶対温度

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      What's more, it detected comparatively high levels of the isotope deuterium in Venus' upper atmosphere.(除此之外,探测器还在金星高层大气中检测到较高水平的氘。)

      The isotope does occur in nature but only extremely rarely.(钋的同位素在自然界中的确存在,但是相当罕见。)

      So if supersymmetry is true, there should be less of this isotope around than the Standard Model predicts.(因此,如果对超对称性确信无疑,那么宇宙空间中元素同位素的存在就会比标准模式预测的要少。)

      The experiment involved irregular ion movement theory and isotope theory.(这项实验涉及了不规则离子运动理论和同位素理论。)

      The isotope-labeled chemical is used for the researchers to track its fate in the human body.(研究人员使用这种同位素追踪人体中的轨迹。)

      The number after the element name identifies the specific isotope.(元素后面的数字表明特定同位素的身份。)

      It is a global record: there is remarkably little variation in isotope ratios in sedimentary specimens taken from different continental locations.(这是一个全球性的记录:在取自不同大陆位置的沉积标本中,同位素比率的变化非常小。)

      When the commonest isotope of iron (56Fe) absorbs a neutron, the result is not radioactive.(当最普通的铁(56Fe)的同位素吸收了一个中子,生成物无放射性。)

      Almost all the oxygen in water is oxygen 16, but a few molecules out of every thousand incorporate the heavier isotope 18.(水中几乎所有的氧都是氧16,但每一千个分子中就有几个含有较重的同位素18。)

      But the team found that on the Moon it was about 25 times that of the terrestrial chlorine isotope ratio.(但是研究团队发现在月球上氯的同位素的比率大约是地球上的25倍。)

      isotope是什么意思 isotope在线翻译 isotope什么意思 isotope的意思 isotope的翻译 isotope的解释 isotope的发音 isotope的同义词
