


      英 [ˈɪʃu:]

      美 [ˈɪʃu]



      形容词: issueless 名词: issuer 过去式: issued 过去分词: issued 现在分词: issuing 第三人称单数: issues


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  •       流出,涌出
  •       收益
  •       问题
  •       发行
  •       期号
  •       争论,争议
  •       一次发行量,发行额
  •       流出物
  •       结局
  •       发行物
  •       出口
  •       河口
  •       结果,成绩,收获
  •       颁布
  •       【病理】出血
  •       【法】子女,子孙,后裔


  •       发行(书刊),出版,发表
  •       发布(命令),发出,颁布,公布,宣布
  •       出来,出
  •       (使)流出,放出,排出,涌出
  •       生
  •       起
  •       得...结果
  •       发给,配给,核发,分配,分发,给
  •       由…得出,由…产生
  •       诞生,传代
  •       收益,生息
  •       供给
  •       冒出
  •       将…诉诸法律
  •       传出


  •       [C]问题,议题; 争论点 a subject to be talked about, argued about, or decided
  •       [C]发行物 sth which is produced so as to be publicly sold or given out
  •       [S]放出,流出; 发出,发行 the act of coming out or being produced
  •       [C]〈正〉结果,结局 what happens in the end; the result


  •       vt. 出版; 发行 bring out (especially sth printed and official) for the notice of the public
  •       vt. & vi. 出来; 流出 come〔go, flow〕 out



      1. the act of providing an item for general use or for official purposes (usually in quantity)

      e.g. a new issue of stamps
      the last issue of penicillin was over a month ago

      Synonym: issuingissuance

      2. the act of issuing printed materials

      Synonym: publication

      3. an opening that permits escape or release

      e.g. he blocked the way out
      the canyon had only one issue

      Synonym: exitoutletway out

      4. some situation or event that is thought about

      e.g. he kept drifting off the topic
      he had been thinking about the subject for several years
      it is a matter for the police

      Synonym: topicsubjectmatter

      5. an important question that is in dispute and must be settled

      e.g. the issue could be settled by requiring public education for everyone
      politicians never discuss the real issues

      6. one of a series published periodically

      e.g. she found an old issue of the magazine in her dentist's waiting room

      Synonym: number

      7. the becoming visible

      e.g. not a day's difference between the emergence of the andrenas and the opening of the willow catkins

      Synonym: emergenceegress

      8. the immediate descendants of a person

      e.g. she was the mother of many offspring
      he died without issue

      Synonym: offspringprogeny

      9. a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon

      e.g. the magnetic effect was greater when the rod was lengthwise
      his decision had depressing consequences for business
      he acted very wise after the event

      Synonym: consequenceeffectoutcomeresulteventupshot

      10. the income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property

      e.g. the average return was about 5%

      Synonym: returntaketakingsproceedsyieldpayoff

      11. supplies (as food or clothing or ammunition) issued by the government

      Synonym: military issuegovernment issue


      1. come out of

      e.g. Water issued from the hole in the wall
      The words seemed to come out by themselves

      Synonym: emergecome outcome forthgo forthegress

      2. prepare and issue for public distribution or sale

      e.g. publish a magazine or newspaper

      Synonym: publishbring output outrelease

      3. bring out an official document (such as a warrant)

      4. make out and issue

      e.g. write out a check
      cut a ticket
      Please make the check out to me

      Synonym: write outmake outcut

      5. circulate or distribute or equip with

      e.g. issue a new uniform to the children
      supply blankets for the beds

      Synonym: supply

      1. 重要问题;议题;争论的问题
      An issue is an important subject that people are arguing about or discussing.


      e.g. Agents will raise the issue of prize-money for next year's world championships...
      e.g. A key issue for higher education in the 1990's is the need for greater diversity of courses...
      20 世纪 90 年代,高等教育的一个重要议题是要使课程更加多样化。

      2. 首要事项;要点;问题的要害
      If something is the issue, it is the thing you consider to be the most important part of a situation or discussion.

      e.g. I was earning a lot of money, but that was not the issue...
      e.g. She avoided the issue by ordering a turkey sandwich...

      3. (报刊的)期,号,版次
      An issue of something such as a magazine or newspaper is the version of it that is published, for example, in a particular month or on a particular day.

      e.g. The growing problem is underlined in the latest issue of the Lancet...
      e.g. I read Germaine Greer's article in the March issue with particular interest.

      4. 发表;发布
      If you issue a statement or a warning, you make it known formally or publicly.

      e.g. Last night he issued a statement denying the allegations...
      e.g. The government issued a warning that the strikers should end their action or face dismissal...

      5. 向…颁发;(正式)发给
      If you are issued with something, it is officially given to you.

      e.g. On your appointment you will be issued with a written statement of particulars of employment...
      e.g. Staff will be issued with new grey-and-yellow designer uniforms.

      6. (液体、声音、气味)流出,发出,冒出
      When something such as a liquid, sound, or smell issues from something, it comes out of that thing.

      e.g. A tinny voice issued from a speaker.

      7. 争论中的;讨论中的
      The question or point at issue is the question or point that is being argued about or discussed.

      e.g. The problems of immigration were not the question at issue...
      e.g. One of the main points at issue is that the Community wants the representatives to be based in East Jerusalem.

      8. 使…引起关注;在…上挑起争论
      If you make an issue of something, you try to make other people think about it or discuss it, because you are concerned or annoyed about it.

      e.g. It seemed the Colonel had no desire to make an issue of the affair.

      9. 不同意;对…持异议
      If you take issue with someone or something they said, you disagree with them, and start arguing about it.

      e.g. Sister Morrison might take issue with me on that matter...
      e.g. I will not take issue with the fact that we have a recession.

      10. 在…方面有困难
      If someone has issues with a particular aspect of their life, they have problems connected with it.

      e.g. I think once you do have issues with food you're going to have them for the rest of your life.

  •       情景对话

  •       常用短语

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  •       经典引文


      A:Excuse me, could you help me?

      B:Yes. What seems to be the problem?

      A:Well, I was wondering if anyone has turned in a passport.


      B:I'm afraid not. Have you lost your passport?


      A:I think so. I can't find it anywhere in my hotel room, and I remember the last place I used it yesterday was in this department store.


      B:Where exactly did you use your passport in the store?


      A:In the suit-dress department. I had to show it to pay for these dresses with my traveler's checks.

      B:Well, let me call the suit-dress department to see if they've found a passport.Sorry-your passport's not been turned in there, either.

      A:Then what shall I do?

      B:You can fill in this lost property report, and I'll keep my eye out for it. Those kinds of things usually turn up eventually, but I suggest you contact your embassy and tell them about your situation, so they can issue you a new passport in case it doesn't show up.

      A:You're right. Do you have a pen?

      B:Here you are.

      A:Oh, I seem to lose something every time I travel.


    在审议〔争论〕中under consideration, especially because of some doubt


    (像对待大事一样)处理(小事)treat (a minor matter) as it needs serious discussion like a major matter

      1. in issue : 在争论中;

      2. in the issue : 结果;

      3. at issue : 在争论中;


  •       There was no issue at all between us.
  •       If you'd stayed at home, we wouldn't have had an issue.
  •       This has not been raised as an issue by the West.
  •       There is a new issue of Christmas stamps every year.
  •       A nosebleed is an issue of blood from the nose.
  •       I bought the book the day after its issue.
  •       There is no issue at all of a happy.
  •       His enterprise would have a prosperous issue.


  •       The government issues money and stamps.
  •       We also issued agricultural loans.
  •       The press issued a new magazine last year.
  •       The editor told me that he would issue my recent poems in about a month's time.
  •       The Commission shall issue its first report in about a month's time.
  • 1
  •       The inspiring call was issued by the President.

      用作名词 (n.)


      用作动词 (v.)

  •       The whole volume..escaped from beneath the ice..forming a fine arch at its place of issue.

    出自:J. Tyndall
  •       Mr. Alden might be seen at church time issuing from his mansion.

    出自:G. Santayana
  •       Words issuing as sounds from people's mouths.

    出自:P. Brook
  •       An English family nervously issuing forth to see the show.

    出自:C. Peters
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


  •       issue的基本意思是“问题”“争论点”,多指所思、所说及所写的主要事件或观点,引申可作“要点”“争吵原因”解,一般只用单数形式。
  •       issue作“事情的结果”“结局”解时,一般用于正式场合或文学作品中。


  •       issue的基本意思是“如同从母体降生般出现并生存下来”。通常译作“使书等出版、发行”,尤指“使…流出,放出,送出,排出”。
  •       issue既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后可接名词、代词作宾语; 也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转换为介词to的宾语,介词不可用for;也可接介词from,表示“从…涌出”;issue还可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。


issue, emerge
  •       这组词都表示“出来”“涌现”。其区别是:
  •       1.emerge通常是指从被掩盖、包藏或不明的情况下出现,而issue则一般指(人、烟、声音等)从出口或通道出来。
  •       2.emerge可引申指一种前所未有的新事实、新意见的出现或形成,而issue则没有此义。
    •       ☆ 1300年左右进入英语,直接源自古法语的issue,意为出口,解决方法;最初源自拉丁语的exire:ex (出去) + ire (走),意为走出,离开。
    •       高考真题例句

    •       考研真题例句

          高考真题例句OG 1.issue

          As a first-year, I was afraid to make any noise towards campus issues that I noticed.

          大一的时候, 我害怕对我注意到的校园问题发表任何意见。


          考研真题例句OG 1.issue

          Discussing the issue in private will make the powerful person feel less threatened.



          考研真题例句OG 2.issue

          In other words, the choice to share news on social media may be the heart of the issue.



          考研真题例句OG 3.issue

          Part of the issue is that the government did't anticipate the steep increase in airline travel.



          考研真题例句OG 1.issue

          The Food Standards Authority (FSA) has issued a public warning about the risks of a compound called acrylamide.



          考研真题例句OG 2.issue

          It is against that background that the information commissioner, Elizabeth Denham, has issued her damning verdict against the Royal Free hospital trust under the NHS.

          正是在这种背景下,信息专员Elizabeth Denham发表了对英国国家医疗服务系统(NHS)下的皇家免费医院信托基金的指控。


          考研真题例句OG 3.issue

          Last year, European Commission Vice President Viviane Reding issued a call to voluntary action.

          去年,欧盟委员会副主席Viviane Reding呼吁自愿采取行动。


          考研真题例句OG 1.issue

          At issue before the U.S. Court was the latest take of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on net neutrality, adopted on a party-line vote in 2017.



          考研真题例句OG 2.issue

          At issue is the TMT's planned location on Mauna Kea.



          考研真题例句OG 1.issue

          Starting around 2012, requests for the visas rose sharply; from 2011 to 2016 the number of visas issued more than doubled.



          考研真题例句OG 1.issue

          The valuable examples which they furnish of the power of patient purpose and steadfast integrity, issuing in the formation of truly noble and manly character, exhibit.



    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          The issue was put to the vote.(这一问题被付诸表决。)

          The issue has divided the government.(这个问题在政府中引起了意见分歧。)

          The government is ducking the issue.(政府在回避这个问题。)

          Employment is a very sensitive issue.(就业是一个非常敏感的问题。)

          Agreement on this issue is almost universal.(这个问题几乎取得全体一致的意见。)

          The issue is still under negotiation.(这个问题还在商讨之中。)

          The issue needs further examination.(这个问题需要进一步考察。)

          He politely skated over the issue.(他礼貌地避开了那个问题。)

          On this issue he is completely immovable.(他在这个问题上坚定不移。)

          You're just avoiding the issue.(你只不过是在回避问题。)

          issue是什么意思 issue在线翻译 issue什么意思 issue的意思 issue的翻译 issue的解释 issue的发音 issue的同义词
