


      英 [ˈdʒɜ:ki]

      美 [ˈdʒɜ:rki]



      副词: jerkily 比较级: jerkier 最高级: jerkiest 名词: jerkiness


  •       英英释义

  •       词典解释

  •       网络解释


      1. meat (especially beef) cut in strips and dried in the sun

      Synonym: jerked meatjerk



      1. having or revealing stupidity

      e.g. ridiculous anserine behavior
      a dopey answer
      a dopey kid
      some fool idea about rewriting authors' books

      Synonym: anserinedopydopeyfoolishgooseygoosygooselike

      2. marked by abrupt transitions

      e.g. choppy prose

      Synonym: choppy

      3. lacking a steady rhythm

      e.g. an arrhythmic heartbeat

      Synonym: arrhythmicjerking

      1. 突然的;急促的;颠簸的;不平稳的
      Jerky movements are very sudden and quick, and do not flow smoothly.


      e.g. Mr Griffin made a jerky gesture.

      Using his stick heavily, he moved jerkily towards the car.
      Avoid jerkiness by breathing easily throughout the exercise.

      1. jerky什么意思

      1. 牛肉干:maltose 麦芽糖 | jerky 牛肉干 | dried beef slices 牛肉片

      2. 急拉的:jerky movement 抖动 | jerky 急拉的 | jerky 急拉的急扔的急动的

      3. 急拉的急扔的急动的:jerky 急拉的 | jerky 急拉的急扔的急动的 | jerque note 海关检验证明

      4. jerky的近义词

      4. 不平稳的:harvest 收获 | jerky 不平稳的 | merchant 商人

  •       经典引文

  •       The rather jerky succession of short stage scenes is given smoothness and continuity in the cinema.

    出自:G. Greene
  •       He kept making quick jerky little movements with his head.

    出自:R. Dahl
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      How to reduce jerky happening and the ache when reducing cramp?(怎样减少抽筋的发生和减轻抽筋时的疼痛?)

      Jerky is undergoing something of a Renaissance.(牛肉干正在经历一次复兴。)

      Quicker and the scene looks jerky, slower and the scene gets boring.(比如那些看起来更快也更跳跃的场面,或者看上去更慢、让人厌烦的场面。)

      She lit a cigarette with quick, jerky movement.(她用急促的动作点着了香烟。)

      The steps-based animation that people try to use with setInterval code just ends up looking jerky.(用setInterval代码实现基于步骤的动画看起来有些抖动。)

      The four-toed Eohippus preceded the three-toed Miohippus, for example, but North American fossil evidence suggests a jerky, uneven transition between the two.(例如,四趾的始祖鸟先于三趾的始祖鸟出现,但北美的化石证据表明,这两种动物之间有一个急促而不均衡的转换过程。)

      More and more frustration boiled over at how herky-jerky the allocation process had become.(这种没有逻辑的分配资金的过程让很多人感到沮丧。)

      Smoked or dried meats like beef jerky.(牛肉干等烟熏火干制肉制品。)

      Then he had some beef jerky and drinks.(他吃了几块牛肉干,并喝了一些饮料。)

      The prototype refreshes its image every two seconds so movement is jerky and slow.(这个装置的原型每两秒钟会刷新一次图像,所以图像的移动有点慢,不太流畅。)

      jerky是什么意思 jerky在线翻译 jerky什么意思 jerky的意思 jerky的翻译 jerky的解释 jerky的发音 jerky的同义词
