


      英 [ˈhəʊmtaʊn]

      美 [ˈhoʊmtaʊn]




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  •       家乡
  •       故乡
  •       老家
  •       自已出生的市镇
  •       住惯的市镇


  •       家乡的故乡的


      1. the town (or city) where you grew up or where you have your principal residence

      e.g. he never went back to his hometown again

      1. 家乡;故乡
      Someone's hometown is the town where they live or the town that they come from.

      e.g. I went to work as a painter in my hometown, Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania.


      1. 故乡:比如'故乡(HOMETOWN)一词,英国人认安.查利斯(ANN CHALLIS)女士虽然与劳里先生同在一所学校任教,在湖北宜昌三峡师范学院见到米莉(MILLIE)小姐的时候,她的模样讲到了中国人攻击性强(AGGRESSIVE)的问题,这使我颇感纳闷.

      2. 故里:华州城在今日的陕西渭南一带,在<>的故事里,这里是少西岳英雄朱武,杨春,陈达聚义的舞台,也是大名(Daming)鼎鼎的九纹龙史进的故里(Hometown). 在华州城系列任务中,少西岳的义军里出了特工,阴险调皮的贺太守妄想从内部瓦解少西岳,

      3. 老家:这个梦想,也许会实现,可是这片土地已经千疮百孔......我最为自豪的老家(hometown)都江堰已经不复往昔的繁华,几乎所有的房屋将重新修建,许多景点损毁严重,而死去的人们也不计其数......

  •       高考真题例句

      高考真题例句OG 1.hometown

      After five years away from my hometown, I find that the neighborhood which I used to live in has changed a lot.

      离开家乡五年后, 我发现我过去居住的社区发生了很大的变化。


  •       临近词



      The next day, after Al and I went for a jog in Little Rock, we flew to his hometown, Carthage, Tennessee.(第二天,艾尔和我一起在小石城里慢跑了一下,然后我们飞到了他的家乡——田纳西州的迦太基。)

      I think this scene was filmed in my hometown.(我想这个场景是在我的家乡拍摄的。)

      A boy named Jack was well down in his hometown because he couldn't hear anything.(有个叫杰克的男孩住在自己的家乡,过得很好,因为他什么也听不见。)

      Tran Lam, an employee of an oil and gas company, said that his hometown is a poor village in the central region.(春林是一家油气公司的员工,他说他的家乡是中部一个贫困的村庄。)

      I'm going to begin by showing you a look at my hometown, a bus ride.(首先,我要带你们看一看我的家乡,一趟巴士之旅。)

      Can you tell us about the Phoenix Suns, your hometown basketball team?(你能给我们讲讲你家乡的篮球队——凤凰城太阳队吗?)

      Once, when I was on my way back to my hometown, I lost my purse without even knowing it.(有一次在我回家乡的路上,我把钱包弄丢了都不知道。)

      It's my hometown, Xichang.(这是我的家乡,西昌。)

      Jane stayed in our hometown to be a social worker.(简留在家乡做社会工作者。)

      Her strong local accent betrayed her hometown.(从她满口浓浓的乡音可以知道她的家乡。)

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