


      英 [ˌaʊtˈsaɪd]

      美 [aʊtˈsaɪd, ˈaʊtˌsaɪd]




      prep.在 ... 外边



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  •       在外面,在外头,在外部,在外边,在露天
  •       向外面,向室外,向户外
  •       在户外,在室外
  •       向海上;在海上
  •       【体】出线,出界
  •       外表上


  •       外部,外侧,外头,外面
  •       外表,外观
  •       最大限度
  •       外界,外缘
  •       周围
  •       外手,外道,外围
  •       【电话】外线
  •       【体】出界
  •       外界人士,局外人


  •       外部的,外面的,外边的,外界的
  •       最高的
  •       不可能的,可能性极小的
  •       外来的
  •       极限的
  •       局外的
  •       外侧的
  •       门外的
  •       向外的
  •       主建筑以外的
  •       不属于本团体的
  •       不相关的
  •       外观上的
  •       肤浅的


  •       除了,除...外
  •       在...外
  •       向...外
  •       在...范围之外,不在…范围内,超出…的范围
  •       离开
  •       不属于


  •       在 ... 外边


  •       在外面,向外面 on or to the outside
  •       在户外,露天 in the open air; not enclosed


  •       [S]外面,外部 outer side or surface


  •       外部的,在外面的,对着外面的 of, on or facing the outer side
  •       不在主建筑物内的,外面的 not in the main building; not internal
  •       集团外的,组织外的,外界的,局外的 not included in or connected with a group, an organization, etc.
  •       (选择余地、可能性等)非常小 (of choice, possibility, etc.) very small
  •       可能性最大的,最可能的 greatest possible or probable


  •       (表示位置)在〔向〕…的外面 on or to a place on the outside of sth
  •       (表示范围)超出…的范围 not within the range or scope of sth
  •       (表示排斥)除了(某人) except for sb; other than

      The form outside of can also be used as a preposition. This form is more usual in American English. outside of 亦可用作介词,这在美国英语中更为常见。

      1. 外面;外部;外表
      The outside of something is the part which surrounds or encloses the rest of it.

      e.g. ...the outside of the building...
      e.g. Cook over a fairly high heat until the outsides are browned.

      2. 在外面;在室外;在建筑物近旁
      If you are outside, you are not inside a building but are quite close to it.

      e.g. 'Was the car inside the garage?' — 'No, it was still outside.'...
      e.g. I stepped outside and pulled up my collar against the cold mist...

      3. 在(房间)的外面
      If you are outside a room, you are not in it but are in the passage or area next to it.

      e.g. She'd sent him outside the classroom...
      e.g. He stood in the narrow hallway just outside the door.

      4. 外部(世界)的;外界的
      When you talk about the outside world, you are referring to things that happen or exist in places other than your own home or community.

      e.g. ...a side of Morris's character she hid carefully from the outside world...
      e.g. It's important to have outside interests.

      5. 不在…;在(某地)之外
      People or things outside a country, town, or region are not in it.

      e.g. ...an old castle outside Budapest...
      e.g. The number of warships stationed outside European waters roughly doubled.

      6. (车道)靠近路中间的,快车道的
      On a road with two separate carriageways, the outside lanes are the ones which are closest to its centre.

      e.g. It was travelling in the outside lane at 78mph.

      7. (人员、机构等)外部的
      Outside people or organizations are not part of a particular organization or group.

      e.g. The company now makes much greater use of outside consultants.
      e.g. ...church services given on Sundays by outside chaplains.

      8. 在(…领域)以外
      Outside a particular institution or field of activity means in other fields of activity or in general life.

      e.g. The condition is practically unknown outside psychiatry clinics.
      e.g. ...the largest merger ever to take place outside the oil industry.

      9. 在…范围以外
      Something that is outside a particular range of things is not included within it.

      e.g. She is a beautiful boat, but way, way outside my price range...
      e.g. When Cathy sings about love, you feel that she's singing about something outside her experience.

      10. 在(某段时间)以外
      Something that happens outside a particular period of time happens at a different time from the one mentioned.

      e.g. They are open outside normal daily banking hours.
      e.g. ...nor does it help if your job involves working outside normal office hours.

      11. 除了…之外;不包括
      Outside of is used to introduce the only thing or person that prevents your main statement from being completely true.

      e.g. Every single relationship I've had with a man, outside of my husband, has ended in disaster.

      12. 最多;充其量;最晚
      You use at the outside to say that you think that a particular amount is the largest possible in a particular situation, or that a particular time is the latest possible time for something to happen.


      e.g. Give yourself forty minutes at the outside.

      1. outside是什么意思

      1. 外侧:牙医建议刷牙时谨守以下COI准则:根据咀嚼面(Chewingside)、外侧(Outside)和内侧(Inside)的次序,每部分刷一分钟. 牙刷以前后移动的方式清洁咀嚼面,以绕小圈的方式清洁外侧和内侧. 接着,还要漱口和清洁牙刷. 其实,随着宝宝的身体发育,

      2. 外部:Mastercam系统通常采用一个或几个无相互干涉的封闭串连(chain)来定义刀具的切削范围,而刀具的切削范围又可以设置为在所选取封闭串连的内部(Inside)、外部(Outside)、或仅在封闭串连上(Center)三种情况.

      3. 戶外:阅<>(Outside)杂志社已经考虑了可能的情况:Re: <>(Outside)杂志磨房用户优惠订阅Re: <>(Outside)杂志磨房用户优惠订阅Re: <>(Outside)杂志磨房用户优惠订阅Re: <>(Outside)杂志磨房用户优惠订

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      A:I’ve finished it all.


      B:It’s been a long day.

      A:It’s dark outside already.

      B:It’s time to go home.

      A:Let’s go home!


      A:Front Desk. Can I help you?

      B:Yes. I'm checking out now, and want to get a taxi to the cinema. Could you get one for me, please?

      A:Certainly, sir. I'll get a taxi for you. Are you going directly to the cinema?


      B:No. I need to stop by the shop.

      A:OK. There will be a taxi waiting outside in 10 minutes.It will take less than 5 minutes to check out.
      好,10分钟后会有一部出租车在外面等候。 退房最多只需5分钟。

      B:Good. Thank you. I'll be right down.



      A:Hi, I’m Josephine Chen, the tour guide for the Jade Agency. We have a reservation of twenty rooms for tonight.
      嗨!我叫陈佐芬,是翡翠旅游公司的领队,我们订了20 个房间。

      B:Please to meet you, Miss Chen. My name is Joey. Welcome to the hotel. Here are the keys, registration slips and breakfast vouchers. Breakfast will be served from seven tomorrow morning. Is there any change in your schedule?
      幸会,陈小姐,我叫祖儿,欢迎光临敝酒店。这是你们的房间钥匙、登记表及早餐券。早餐明早7 点供应。你们的行程有没有改变呢?

      A:No, our check-out time will still be 8:30 tomorrow.
      没有,我们依然会在明早8 点半退房。

      B:Then we will arrange a morning call at 7:30. Will that be fine?
      那么我把早晨唤醒服务安排在7 点半好吗?

      A:That’s alright.

      B:Please put your luggage outside your room by eight. The bellboy will pick them up.
      请告诉团友们早上8 点把行李放于房间外,我们的服务员会前来收集的。

      A:Thank you.

      B:Thank you very much. Hope you enjoy your stay.


    至多,充其量estimated or calculated as the highest possible figure; at the most

      1. at the (very) outside : 至多; 充其量;

      2. outside and in : 里里外外;

      3. get outside of : 吃, 喝;

      4. outside in : 里面翻到外面, 彻底地;



  •       It's quite dark outside, there's no moon.
  •       Wilson was waiting for him outside.
  •       Certainly I parked outside your door.
  •       Please let us in, it's cold outside.


  •       The door was locked on the outside.
  •       The building has a magnificent outside.
  •       One should not judge a thing by the outside.
  •       He was annoyed with complaints made from outside.


  •       All the outside doors have locks.
  •       Work went on as usual inside, uninterrupted by outside repairs.
  •       They needed the outside help.
  •       There's just an outside chance we'll get the contract after all.


  •       They stood outside the door.
  •       You'll have to do it outside office hours.
  •       That's outside my jurisdiction.
  •       Outside Tom she has no real friends.

      用作副词 (adv.)


      用作名词 (n.)


      用作形容词 (adj.)


      用作介词 (prep.)

  •       Coats..are all reversible with soft knitted mohair on the outside and..dishcloth knitting inside.

  •       It looked like a suitcase because the outside was sheathed in leather.

    出自:R. Dahl
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解


  •       outside表示时间时,作“在…时间以外,在…期间以外”解。


outside, out of
  •       1.这两个介词都可表示“在…外面”。outside仅表示“在某一位置或处所之外”; out of往往强调由于外向的动作而产生的结果或者在某一区域或范围之外。
  •       2.这两个介词还均可表示动作的方向, outside往往表示超出某一地域、范围或限度的运动; out of则指由内向外的运动。
    •       高考真题例句

    •       考研真题例句

          高考真题例句OG 1.outside

          By the time the group got up to leave, it was pouring outside.

          当这群人起身准备离开时, 外面正下着倾盆大雨。


          高考真题例句OG 2.outside

          A woman saw him crying and told him to wait outside the shop.

          一个女人看见他哭了, 让他在商店外面等着。


          高考真题例句OG 3.outside

          Go outside and work out a plan to translate your childhood memories into your grown-up garden.

          走出去, 制定一个计划, 把你童年的记忆转化成你长大后的花园。


          考研真题例句OG 1.outside

          Until now, many sellers have been able to avoid charging sales taxes when they ship to addresses outside those states.



          考研真题例句OG 2.outside

          You'd think this might fuel the efficiency mind-set, but in fact, such ritualistic behaviour helps us "step outside time's flow" into "soul time."



          考研真题例句OG 3.outside

          As of 2005, there were almost half a million professional social scientists working both inside and outside academia.



          考研真题例句OG 1.outside

          Young people were more likely than older adults to maintain that children are best served by two parents working outside the home.



          考研真题例句OG 2.outside

          And for women who work outside the home, they often are playing catch-up-with-household tasks.



          考研真题例句OG 3.outside

          This is why people who work outside the home have better health.



          考研真题例句OG 1.outside

          Furthermore, the highest CEO salaries are paid to outside candidates, not to the cozy insider picks.



          考研真题例句OG 2.outside

          Manuscript will be flagged up for additional scrutiny by the journal's internal editors, or by outside peer reviewers.



          考研真题例句OG 3.outside

          If we know female job screeners are more likely to reject attractive female applicants, we can hire outside screeners.



          考研真题例句OG 1.outside

          One of the main purposes was to allow people to get insurance outside of employment.



    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          She's outside, working on the car.(她在外面修理汽车。)

          The house is painted green outside.(房子的外面漆成了绿色。)

          It's pouring outside.(外面下着瓢泼大雨。)

          He dropped me outside the hotel.(他让我在旅店外下了车。)

          I heard footsteps outside.(我听到外面的脚步声。)

          It's over 80 degrees outside.(外面超过80度。)

          It's freezing cold outside.(外面极为寒冷。)

          Let's talk all about it outside, eh?(让我们到外面好好谈这事,嗯?)

          He heard a commotion outside.(他听到外面一阵骚动。)

          The blizzard was still raging outside.(外面暴风雪仍在肆虐。)

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          outside是什么意思 outside在线翻译 outside什么意思 outside的意思 outside的翻译 outside的解释 outside的发音 outside的同义词
