


      英 [kwi:n]

      美 [kwin]


      过去式: queened 过去分词: queened 现在分词: queening 第三人称单数: queens


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  •       王后,女王,皇后
  •       酋长夫人,女酋长
  •       (权利、地位或相貌等)出众的女人
  •       出类拔萃的女子,选美比赛中的王后
  •       受崇拜的女子,女神
  •       (同类事物中)首屈一指者,胜地,首邑
  •       爱妻,情妇,心上人,女友
  •       【棋】王后
  •       【牌】皇后
  •       同性恋男子
  •       (蜂、蚁等的)后,(育种的)母猫


  •       使成为女王或王后,当女王
  •       【棋】使兵变后
  •       女王或王后般行事,摆女王的架子


  •       [C]女王,女酋长,女首领 female ruler of an independent state
  •       [C]王后 wife of a king
  •       [C]出众的女性〔地方、事物〕 woman, place or thing regarded as best or most important in some way
  •       [C]蜂王,蚁王 fertile female insect that produces eggs for the whole group
  •       [C]棋后,(纸牌的)王后 (in chess) the most powerful piece on the board, used for attack and defence; (in a pack of playing cards) any of the four cards with the picture of queen on
  •       [C]男性同性恋者 a male homosexual


  •       vt. & vi. (使…)升为后 (in chess) change (a pawn) into a queen by moving it across the board to the opponent's end; be changed in this way


      1. female cat

      Synonym: tabby

      2. the only fertile female in a colony of social insects such as bees and ants and termites
      its function is to lay eggs

      3. an especially large mole rat and the only member of a colony of naked mole rats to bear offspring which are sired by only a few males

      Synonym: queen mole rat

      4. (chess) the most powerful piece

      5. one of four face cards in a deck bearing a picture of a queen

      6. offensive term for an openly homosexual man

      Synonym: fagotfaggotfagfairynancepansyqueerpoofpoovepouf

      7. a competitor who holds a preeminent position

      Synonym: kingworld-beater

      8. a female sovereign ruler

      Synonym: queen regnantfemale monarch

      9. the wife or widow of a king

      10. something personified as a woman who is considered the best or most important of her kind

      e.g. Paris is the queen of cities
      the queen of ocean liners


      1. become a queen

      e.g. her pawn queened

      2. promote to a queen, as of a pawn in chess

      1. 女王;女皇
      A queen is a woman who rules a country as its monarch.

      e.g. ...Queen Victoria...
      e.g. She met the Queen last week.

      2. 皇后;王后
      A queen is a woman who is married to a king.


      e.g. The king and queen had fled.

      3. (某一活动的)女王,出众的女子
      If you refer to a woman as the queen of a particular activity, you mean that she is well-known for being very good at it.

      e.g. ...the queen of crime writing.

      4. (女性化的)同性恋男子
      A queen is a male homosexual who dresses and speaks rather like a woman.


      5. (国际象棋中的)后
      In chess, the queen is the most powerful piece. It can be moved in any direction.

      6. (纸牌中的)王后(牌),Q(牌)
      A queen is a playing card with a picture of a queen on it.


      e.g. ...the queen of spades.

      7. 蜂王
      A queen or a queen bee is a large female bee which can lay eggs.


      1. 虫后:1,虫后(Queen),虫间失格,从女皇贬到杂鱼身份. 现在Zerg可以造复数只虫后了. 当然,这意外着她的能力也跟着一起渣了. 她依然是Ter 1单位,需要消耗气体,不再拥有进化成高级形态的升级. 攻击力和机动力一如既往的不能期待,

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


    这不是新闻,是众所周知的 expression to indicate that a statement is old news


    对…似掌权者行事 behave as if in a position of power over sb
    queen it over sb

          Since her promotion she queens it over everyone else in the office.


          She's not the kind of girl to let promotion go to her head.Not the sort to queen it over the ordinary nurses.



  •       The queen of England is a hereditary ruler.
  •       The queen's robes were garnished with gems and fur.
  •       The maids helped to divest the queen of her robes.
  •       By a cunning trick he became the queen's confidant.
  •       Queen Marie Antoinete of France was the wife of Louis the 16th.
  •       The royal family consists of the king and queen and their relatives.
  •       Inside the pyramids are the rooms for kings and queens.
  •       She is elected as May Queen this year.
  •       Owing to the link with medicine, botany was queen.
  •       London is the queen of British cities.
  •       Venice is the queen of the Adriatic.
  •       The queen bee never leaves the hive.
  •       There is the queen of hearts in his hands.
  •       Have you seen that womanish man?He's a queen.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       Hermione, Queen to the worthy Leontes, King of Sicilia.

    出自:Winter's Tale,Shakespeare
  •       Spenser..flourished in the reign of Queen Elizabeth.

  •       Nan..still queened it over the rest of the staff.

    出自:J. Gathorne
  •       The bride was in full folly, queening it before the groom.

    出自:V. S. Pritchett
  •       词语用法

  •       词源解说


  •       queen的基本意思是“女王”,是独立政体的女王、女酋长、女首领等的头衔,通常是世袭的,用作专有名词时首字母要大写,常与介词of连用。
  •       queen也可指“皇后”,是国王的妻子,引申可表示最好或最重要的女子、地方或事物,也可表示节日或庆典中最重要的女子,常与介词of连用。
  •       queen也可作“蜂王,蚁王”解,指为群体产卵的雌性昆虫。
  •       queen还可指国际象棋的“后”或纸牌的“王后”,常与介词of连用。
  •       在俚语中, queen也可作“男性同性恋者”解,指男性同性恋者中充当女人角色的那个男子,常用于贬义。


  •       queen用作动词的意思是“(使…)升为后”。
  •       queen可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词、代词作宾语。
  •       在口语中queen常接一个没有意义的it作宾语,表示一定的情绪。
  •       ☆ 直接源自古英语的cwen,意为皇后。
  •       高考真题例句

      高考真题例句OG 1.queen

      Helen Mirren stars in the play by Peter Morgan, about Queen Elizabeth II of the UK and her private meetings with twelve Prime Ministers in the course of sixty years.

      海伦·米伦在这部彼得·摩根的戏剧中出演, 这部戏剧讲述了英国女王伊丽莎白二世以及她在60年间与12位首相的私人会晤。


      高考真题例句OG 2.queen

      With 500 years of history, Hampton Court was once the home of four Kings and one Queen.

      汉普顿宫有500年的历史, 曾经是四位国王和一位女王的家。


      高考真题例句OG 1.queen

      I was the queen of the playground.



  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      The Queen Mary 2 is currently docked at the shipyard.(“玛丽女王2号”现在停泊在修船厂。)

      Queen Elizabeth was crowned in 1952.(伊丽莎白女王于1952年加冕。)

      A queen becomes a witch.(王后变成了一个女巫。)

      The flag flies when the Queen is in residence.(女王的王宫及驻跸处均有国旗飘扬。)

      This is an abridged version of her new novel "The Queen and I."(这是她的新小说《女王与我》的缩写版。)

      Now she is busy finishing off a biography of Queen Caroline.(现在她正忙于完成卡罗琳女王的传记。)

      Where did the Snow Queen go to?(白雪皇后去哪儿了?)

      The queen spent one year travelling.(女王花了一年时间旅行。)

      This compelling story begins with the crowning of Queen Victoria in 1837.(这个吸引人的故事开始于1837年维多利亚女王的加冕。)

      The Queen smiled and passed on.(王后微笑着走开了。)

      queen是什么意思 queen在线翻译 queen什么意思 queen的意思 queen的翻译 queen的解释 queen的发音 queen的同义词
