


      英 [rɪˈgɑ:d]

      美 [rɪˈgɑ:rd]

      v.尊敬;视为;注视;留意;和 ... 有关


      过去式: regarded 过去分词: regarded 现在分词: regarding 第三人称单数: regards


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  •       注意,留意
  •       注视,凝视
  •       看待,对待
  •       注重
  •       尊敬,尊重,敬重
  •       看,瞧
  •       关心
  •       考察
  •       考虑
  •       顾虑
  •       重视
  •       把...看做,把...视为,把...认为,将...认为,把...看作
  •       与...有关


  •       关心,关注,牵挂,惦念
  •       尊重,尊敬,敬佩
  •       注意,留意
  •       致意,问候
  •       考虑
  •       好感
  •       关系
  •       注重,器重
  •       注视,凝视,注目
  •       事项


  •       vt. 认作 consider in the stated way
  •       vt. 注视; 注意 look at in the stated way; pay attention to


  •       [U]注意,关心 attention to or concern for sb/sth
  •       [U]尊重,尊敬 esteem or consideration; respect
  •       [P]致意,问候 kind wishes; greeting
  •       [U]关于某人或某事,在这点上 in connection with sb/sth; in this〔that〕 connection; concerning sb/sth


      1. a long fixed look

      e.g. he fixed his paternal gaze on me

      Synonym: gaze

      2. paying particular notice (as to children or helpless people)

      e.g. his attentiveness to her wishes
      he spends without heed to the consequences

      Synonym: attentivenessheedpaying attention

      3. (usually preceded by `in') a detail or point

      e.g. it differs in that respect

      Synonym: respect

      4. an attitude of admiration or esteem

      e.g. she lost all respect for him

      Synonym: respectesteem

      5. (usually plural) a polite expression of desire for someone's welfare

      e.g. give him my kind regards
      my best wishes

      Synonym: wishcompliments

      6. a feeling of friendship and esteem

      e.g. she mistook his manly regard for love
      he inspires respect

      Synonym: respect

      7. the condition of being honored (esteemed or respected or well regarded)

      e.g. it is held in esteem
      a man who has earned high regard

      Synonym: esteemrespect


      1. deem to be

      e.g. She views this quite differently from me
      I consider her to be shallow
      I don't see the situation quite as negatively as you do

      Synonym: seeconsiderreckonview

      2. look at attentively

      Synonym: consider

      3. connect closely and often incriminatingly

      e.g. This new ruling affects your business

      Synonym: involveaffect

      1. 认为;把…看作
      If you regard someone or something as being a particular thing or as having a particular quality, you believe that they are that thing or have that quality.

      e.g. He was regarded as the most successful Chancellor of modern times...
      e.g. I regard creativity both as a gift and as a skill.

      2. 对…怀有(某种感情);以(某种感情)看待
      If you regard something or someone with a feeling such as dislike or respect, you have that feeling about them.

      e.g. He regarded drug dealers with loathing...
      e.g. Displays of emotion are regarded with suspicion...

      3. (以某种方式)看,注视
      If you regard someone in a certain way, you look at them in that way.

      e.g. She regarded him curiously for a moment...
      e.g. The clerk regarded him with benevolent amusement.

      4. 尊重;重视;敬爱
      If you have regard for someone or something, you respect them and care about them. If you hold someone in high regard, you have a lot of respect for them.

      e.g. I have a very high regard for him and what he has achieved...
      e.g. There were armed people about, people with little regard for human life...

      5. 问候,致意(尤用于信中表示问好)
      Regards are greetings. You use regards in expressions such as best regards and with kind regards as a way of expressing friendly feelings towards someone, especially in a letter.


      e.g. Give my regards to your family...
      e.g. My best regards to Mary.

      6. 至于;关于
      You can use as regards to indicate the subject that is being talked or written about.

      e.g. As regards the war, Haig believed in victory at any price.

      7. 关于;至于
      You can use with regard to or in regard to to indicate the subject that is being talked or written about.

      e.g. The department is reviewing its policy with regard to immunisation.

      8. 在这/那方面;就这/那一点
      You can use in this regard or in that regard to refer back to something that you have just said.

      e.g. In this regard nothing has changed...
      e.g. I may have made a mistake in that regard.

      1. regard的近义词

      1. 关心:只要性别情趣正常,那么每个男人都是关心(regard)异性同事朋友的,而且每个男人也都是在关心异性同事朋友,但是并不是每个男人都善于关心异性同事朋友. 如果想关心而不关心,那么可能会被异性同事朋友认为有性骚扰的嫌疑,


      2. 注视:最经常地表露注视(regard)的东西,就是两个眼球凝聚在我的身上. 但是,它也完全可以因树枝的沙沙声,寂静中的脚步声,百叶窗的微缝,窗帘的轻微幌动而表现出来. 军事袭击时,在灌树丛匍葡前进的人们所要逃避的注视,不是双眼,


      3. 视为:1608 refuse 拒绝 | 1609 regard 视为 | 1610 regret 后悔

  •       常用短语

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    关于,至于 concerning or connected with sb/sth
    as regards sb/sth

          As regards John,I will write to him at once.


          As regards the contract, the second paragraph must be changed.


          You needn't worry as regards the cost of the operation.


          As regards money,I have enough.



    以(某种心态)来看(某人或某事) have an opinion about (sb/sth) showing (a way of feeling about him〔her〕 or it)
    regard sb/oneself/sth with sth

          She was regarding me with smiling eyes.


          For a moment she regarded me with wide eyes.


          The tidy committee men regard them with horror, knowing that no pigeonholes can be found for them.


          She regarded dressmaking with great dislike.


          Mary's father regarded Jim with disapproval even after they were married.


          He was small and well dressed, and seemed to regard himself with some importance.


          I regard his behaviour with suspicion.


          We regard these developments with grave concern.


      1. in this regard : 在这点上;

      2. with regard to : 关于;


  •       Don't regard this very seriously.
  •       They don't regard my opinion about such matters.
  •       If you fail to regard my warning, you may be sorry.
  •       He booked the holiday without regarding my wishes.
  •       He seldom regards my advice.
  •       They all regarded him highly.
  •       That does not regard me.
  •       The matter does not regard you at all.
  •       He regarded me thoughtfully.
  •       The man regarded them curiously.
  •       I do not regard the prospects of the company favourably.
  • 1
  •       Since then his work has been highly regarded.
  •       His work is highly regarded by other painters.
  •       He has been highly regarded in his hometown.


  •       You never regard what I say.

      用作动词 (v.)


      用作名词 (n.)

  •       I am a bard of no regard Wi' gentlefolks.

    出自:R. Burns
  •       Views differ as to how the book is to be regarded.

    出自:J. Orr
  •       She tended to regard most children.

    出自:B. Pym
  •       词语用法

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  •       词源解说


  •       regard的基本意思是指通过了解以后,将某人或某物看成是某一个人或事物,即“认作”。还可指将目光或注意力集中在某人或某物上来彻底地进行观察,即“注视,注意”。引申还可指“尊重”“和…有联系”。
  •       regard多用作及物动词,后接名词、代词或由疑问词引导的从句作宾语,有时可接由as短语充当宾语补足语的复合宾语,其中as不可以省略。可用于被动结构。
  •       regard作“注意,重视”解时,一般只用于否定句、疑问句或条件句中。
  •       当regard作“和…有关”解时,后面常跟代词,特别是人称代词作宾语。
  •       regard常与程度副词或with短语连用,表示“对…持某种态度”。


  •       regard用作名词时意思是对某人或某事的“注意,关心”或对某人的“尊重,尊敬”,也可指出于礼貌对别人所表示的一种友好的问候,即“致意,问候”。
  •       regard作“致意,问候”解时,多用复数形式,常与give, send, convey, present等动词连用,也常用于best regards, with warm regards等短语中。
  •       with〔in〕 regard to作“关于,在这点上”解,其中介词to不可用其他介词代替。


regard, adore, esteem, honour, respect
  •       这几个词都有“尊敬,尊重”的意思。其区别在于:respect指对人的意见,行为,品德及才华等的尊重; esteem和regard比respect庄重,程度也更进一步,指十分尊重,并含有爱戴的意思; honour指公开表示尊重; adore在口语中还有非常喜欢的意思,作“敬爱,崇拜,爱慕”解。例如:
  •       He was such a selfless man; everybody respected him. 他是这样一个大公无私的人,人人都尊敬他。
  •       The old teacher was much loved and esteemed.这位老教师很受大家的爱戴。
  •       I have always regarded him highly.我一直很尊重他。
  •       He adores a famous scientist.他崇拜一位著名的科学家。
  •       Flowers are placed before his grave to honour his memory.人们在他墓前放上鲜花以表示对他的敬意。
  •       n.(名词)

    regard, consider
  •       这两个词都有“把…看作”“认为”的意思。它们之间的区别是:
  •       1.consider强调经过考虑后得出比较客观的看法; 而regard则常指对外表的看法或凭眼睛所见而作的评价,强调主观地认为。试比较:
  •       They consider his brother an honest man.
  •       他们认为他哥哥是个诚实的人。
  •       We regard her as a poor woman.
  •       我们把她当作穷女人。(但实际上她 却可能很有钱)
  •       2.consider不仅能直接带复合宾语,而且能用to be或as结构,且to be/as常可省略; regard只可接as,且不能省略。下面几个句子的意思相同:
  •       I consider him a fool.
  •       I consider him as a fool.
  •       I consider him to be a fool.
  •       I regard him as a fool.
  •       我认为他是一个傻瓜。
  •       3.consider后可以接that从句,而regard则不可以。
  •       v.(动词)


            误 I regarded him to be a dangerous person.

            正 I regarded him as dangerous.

            正 I regarded him as a dangerous person.

            析 regard后不能接“to be+ n./adj. ”充当宾语补足语的复合宾语,但可接“as+ n./adj. ”充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。


            误 He is regarded the most promising player.

            正 He is regarded as the most promising player.

            析 regard用于被动结构时仍然要和as搭配,即be regarded as。


            误 Ade is regarded as being a talented youth.

            正 Ade is regarded as a talented youth.

            析 regard as后面可直接接名词,也可接形容词,但不能接动名词。


            误 They said nothing as regard the matter.

            正 They said nothing as regards the matter.


            误 As regard the wages,I have a few words to say.

            正 As regards the wages,I have a few words to day.


            误 I knew very little as regard the subject two years ago.

            正 I knew very little as regards the subject two years ago.

            析 as regards为固定短语,表示“关于”,相当于regarding,不可说as regard。



            误 Please give my kind regard to your family.

            正 Please give my kind regards to your family.

            析 give one's regards to sb 为固定词组,表示“向…致意”或“代…向…问候”, regard须用复数形式。


            误 I have always had the greatest regard to him.

            正 I have always had the greatest regard for him.

            析 regard后接介词to时表示“注意…,关心…”; 表示“尊敬…”时用regard for。


            误 With regards to your suggestions, we shall discuss them thoroughly.

            正 With regard to your suggestions, we shall discuss them thoroughly.

            析 in〔with〕 regard to为固定词组,其中的regard用单数形式。


            误 He does everything without regard of the consequences.

            正 He does everything without regard to the consequences.

            析 without regard to是一个固定词组,表示“不考虑…”,不可说without regard of。

    •       ☆ 14世纪中期进入英语,直接源自古法语的regard:re (强调) + gard (看,观察),意为仔细观察。
    •       高考真题例句

    •       考研真题例句

          高考真题例句OG 1.regard

          Mountains are regarded as spiritual places by many cultures.

          在许多文化中, 山被视为心灵之地。


          考研真题例句OG 1.regard

          This is why researchers generally regard so-called moral guilt, in the right amount, to be a good thing.



          考研真题例句OG 2.regard

          When GDP is no longer regarded as the sole measure of a country's success, the world looks very different.



          考研真题例句OG 3.regard

          The French measures, however, rely too much on severe punishment to change a culture that still regards beauty as skin-deep — and bone-showing.



          考研真题例句OG 1.regard

          Their opinions should be considered in regards to proximity to friends and social activities, if possible.



          考研真题例句OG 2.regard

          not competitive enough with regard to its cost



          考研真题例句OG 3.regard

          With regard to mass sports, the author holds that governments should invest in public sports facilities.



    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          She is held in very high regard by her colleagues.(她很受同事们的敬重。)

          She had an almost Germanic regard for order.(她简直像德国人一样讲究条理。)

          People regard job stability as part of their standard of living.(人们把工作稳定性作为他们生活标准的一部分。)

          I regard myself as a bad person.(我把自己看作一个坏人。)

          In regard to disaster activity, long-term partnerships are ideal.(关于灾难活动,长期合作关系是理想的。)

          These women regard his death as an act of providence.(这些妇女将他的死看成是天意的展现。)

          We regard her as our younger sister.(我们把她当做自己的妹妹。)

          In this regard at least, F. Scott Fitzgerald was wrong.(至少在这方面,斯科特·菲茨杰拉德是错误的。)

          Regard each failure as a stimulus to further efforts.(把每次失利看成对进一步努力的激励。)

          He seemed to regard the whole thing as a joke.(他似乎是把整件事当成玩笑。)

          regard是什么意思 regard在线翻译 regard什么意思 regard的意思 regard的翻译 regard的解释 regard的发音 regard的同义词
