


      英 [ˈsli:pə(r)]

      美 [ˈslipɚ]




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      1. an unexpected hit

      e.g. that movie was the sleeper of the summer

      2. tropical fish that resembles a goby and rests quietly on the bottom in shallow water

      Synonym: sleeper goby

      3. a piece of furniture that can be opened up into a bed

      4. pajamas with feet
      worn by children

      5. a passenger car that has berths for sleeping

      Synonym: sleeping carwagon-lit

      6. one of the cross braces that support the rails on a railway track

      e.g. the British call a railroad tie a sleeper

      Synonym: tierailroad tiecrosstie

      7. a rester who is sleeping

      Synonym: slumberer

      8. an unexpected achiever of success

      e.g. the winner was a true sleeper--no one expected him to get it

      9. a spy or saboteur or terrorist planted in an enemy country who lives there as a law-abiding citizen until activated by a prearranged signal

      1. 睡觉…者;睡眠…的人
      You can use sleeper to indicate how well someone sleeps. For example, if someone is a light sleeper, they are easily woken up.


      e.g. I'm a very light sleeper and I can hardly get any sleep at all...
      e.g. Poor sleepers take longer to fall asleep than good sleepers.

      2. (英国英语的)卧铺车厢,卧铺铺位(在美国英语中,sleeping car 指卧铺车厢,roomette 则指一个卧铺的铺位)
      In British English, a sleeper is a carriage on a train containing beds for passengers to sleep in at night, or a section of such a carriage. The usual American words are sleeping car for the carriage and roomette for the section.

      3. 卧铺列车
      A sleeper is a train with beds for its passengers to sleep in at night.


      4. (铁路上的)枕木
      Railway sleepers are large heavy beams that support the rails of a railway track.


      in AM, use 美国英语用 ties

      5. 出乎意料的成功者;爆冷门的人(或事物)
      If you describe someone or something as a sleeper, you mean that they unexpectedly become successful, often after a long period of being inactive or unknown.


      e.g. ...Menno Meyjes, a young Dutch writer, who had had his first success with the sleeper 'The Children's Crusade'.


      1. 傻瓜大闹科学城:之后她和导演及联合主演伍迪.艾伦一起合作了<>(Play It Again, Sam)、<>(Sleeper)和<>(Love and Death),从而确定了她喜剧演员的风格.

      2. 卧铺:印度火车,一般分空调车(AC),普通卧铺(Sleeper)和坐席(Coach). 空调车安全舒适准时,一等车厢和我们的软卧差不多,但列车员的服务更细致到位. 二等车厢分上下两层铺位,每个铺位都装有布帘,睡觉时帘子一拉,自成一体,很惬意. 当然价格贵些,

      3. sleeper

      3. (沉睡者):之前有消息称,汤姆克鲁斯是这部漫画改编电影的主角,但最新消息显示莱奥纳多迪卡普里奥(Leonardo DiCaprio)已经取代他成为这部名为<>(Sleeper)的漫画改编电影主角,而大导演莱德利斯科特(Ridley Scott)将会执导该片.

      4. sleeper是什么意思

      4. 道(垫)木:手拉葫芦 Chain block | 道(垫)木 Sleeper | 转速表 Tachometer

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      I'd like to reserve a sleeper to Chicago.(我要预订去芝加哥的卧铺。)

      I've always been a light sleeper.(我睡觉总是容易醒。)

      And I am a light sleeper. The least sound awakens me.(我睡觉时很容易惊醒的,一点点声音都会惊醒我。)

      He sacrificed his sleeper to a sick old lady.(他把自己的卧铺让给了一个生病的老太太。)

      I'd heard from my grandfather that his mother was a poor sleeper.(我从爷爷那儿得知曾祖母睡眠不好。)

      Could I change to a sleeper, please?(我可换到卧铺车厢吗?)

      It has its challenges (one kid is a light sleeper).(这是它们的挑战(其中一个小家伙有点失眠)。)

      The carriage stopped; and the sleeper being roused, was lifted to the ground by his uncle.(马车停了下来,睡着的人被唤醒了,被他舅舅抱出车外。)

      The sleeper effect isn't the great news for advertisers (and advertising agencies) you might imagine.(“睡眠者效应”并不能如你想象中那般成为广告商们的如意金箍棒(貌似可以的嘛——译者)。)

      This sustained, repeated disturbance is enough to rouse all but the heaviest sleeper.(这种持续,反复的骚扰足以振奋所有人,除了最严重的酣睡者。)

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