


      英 [weɪt]

      美 [wet]


      vt.使 ... 负重;使倾斜

      过去式: weighted 过去分词: weighted 现在分词: weighting 第三人称单数: weights


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  •       重,重量,体重
  •       重物
  •       砝码
  •       重担,负担
  •       重要性
  •       重量单位
  •       压力,重压
  •       分量
  •       秤砣,秤锤
  •       势力
  •       镇石,文镇
  •       一磅重
  •       重任
  •       价值
  •       总重量


  •       压迫
  •       加重量于, 在...上加重量,加重压于
  •       使变重
  •       使负担,使负重, 使负重荷
  •       称...的重量, 掂估...的分量
  •       装载,装载过重
  •       折磨
  •       在(织品、丝等内)搀重晶石以增加分量
  •       【统】使加权
  •       附加加重值于
  •       视...为重要,重视,强调
  •       固定
  •       偏袒,偏重
  •       重压
  •       用金属盐处理
  •       使加权


  •       [U] [C] 重量,分量 the heaviness of sth, especially as measured by a certain system; amount that sth weighs
  •       [U] 重的特性; 重力 quality of being heavy; amount of force with which a body is drawn towards by gravity
  •       [C] [U] 重量单位 unit or system of units by which weight is measured and expressed
  •       [C] 秤砣,砝码; 重物 piece of metals of a known heaviness, with scales for weighing things; heavy object
  •       [S] 负荷,负担 load to be supported or burden of responsibility or worry
  •       [U] 重要性,严重性,影响力 importance, seriousness or influence


  •       vt. 使…变重 make sth heavier
  •       vt. 偏袒 bias


      1. an artifact that is heavy

      2. sports equipment used in calisthenic exercises and weightlifting
      it is not attached to anything and is raised and lowered by use of the hands and arms

      Synonym: free weightexercising weight

      3. the vertical force exerted by a mass as a result of gravity

      4. the relative importance granted to something

      e.g. his opinion carries great weight
      the progression implied an increasing weightiness of the items listed

      Synonym: weightiness

      5. an oppressive feeling of heavy force

      e.g. bowed down by the weight of responsibility

      6. (statistics) a coefficient assigned to elements of a frequency distribution in order to represent their relative importance

      Synonym: weighting

      7. a unit used to measure weight

      e.g. he placed two weights in the scale pan

      Synonym: weight unit

      8. a system of units used to express the weight of something

      Synonym: system of weights


      1. present with a bias

      e.g. He biased his presentation so as to please the share holders

      Synonym: slantangle

      2. weight down with a load

      Synonym: burdenburthenweight down

      1. 重量;分量;体重
      The weight of a person or thing is how heavy they are, measured in units such as kilograms, pounds, or tons.

      e.g. What is your height and weight?...
      e.g. This reduced the weight of the load...

      In British English, a person's weight is normally measured in stones and pounds. A stone is equivalent to 14 pounds, or 6.35 kilograms. When you are mentioning someone's weight, you often omit the word pounds, and stone usually has a singular form although its meaning is plural. Jodie confessed she now weighed 9 stone 12. In American English, pounds and kilos are used. I weigh 110 pounds.
      在英国英语中,体重的衡量单位通常是英石或磅。1英石相当于14磅或6.35千克。提到某人的体重时,常常省略“磅”,而英石通常用单数形式表示复数概念:Jodie confessed she now weighed 9 stone 12 (乔迪承认她现在体重有9英石12磅)。美国英语中用磅和千克:I weigh 110 pounds (我重110磅)。

      2. 过重;分量重
      A person's or thing's weight is the fact that they are very heavy.

      e.g. His weight was harming his health...
      e.g. Despite the vehicle's size and weight it is not difficult to drive.

      3. 重心
      If you move your weight, you change position so that most of the pressure of your body is on a particular part of your body.

      e.g. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other...
      e.g. He kept the weight from his left leg.

      4. 哑铃;杠铃片
      Weights are objects which weigh a known amount and which people lift as a form of exercise.

      e.g. I was in the gym lifting weights.

      5. 砝码;秤砣;秤锤
      Weights are metal objects which weigh a known amount and which are used on a set of scales to weigh other things.

      6. (尤指需举起的)重物
      You can refer to a heavy object as a weight, especially when you have to lift it.


      e.g. Straining to lift heavy weights can lead to a rise in blood pressure.

      7. 加重量于;使负重
      If you weight something, you make it heavier by adding something to it, for example in order to stop it from moving easily.

      e.g. It can be sewn into curtain hems to weight the curtain and so allow it to hang better.

      8. 权衡…的价值;加权重于
      If you weight things, you give them different values according to how important or significant they are.


      e.g. ...a computer program which weights the different transitions according to their likelihood...
      e.g. This takes account of the number of countries in which a company wins approval for a new drug, weighted by the size of each country's market.

      9. 权重;重要性
      If something is given a particular weight, it is given a particular value according to how important or significant it is.


      e.g. The scientists involved put different weight on the conclusions of different models...
      e.g. We had this understanding that courses were roughly the same weight.

      10. (事物的)分量,重量,重压
      If you talk about the weight of something, you mean that it is large in amount or has great power, which means that it is difficult to oppose or fight against.

      e.g. The weight of expectation was getting to them...
      e.g. Companies found themselves collapsing under the weight of debts.

      11. 重要性;分量
      If someone or something gives weight to what a person says, thinks, or does, they emphasize its significance.

      e.g. The fact that he is gone has given more weight to fears that he may try to launch a civil war...
      e.g. Do you think, perhaps, that what happened today might lend weight to that criticism?

      12. 重要性;影响力
      If you give something or someone weight, you consider them to be very important or influential in a particular situation.

      e.g. Consumers generally place more weight on negative information than on the positive when deciding what to buy.
      e.g. ...the overwhelming weight Freud assigned parents in our development.

      13. 负担;重担
      If you feel a weight on you, you have a problem or a responsibility that is difficult for you to manage and that you are very worried about.


      e.g. The relief was indescribable. It was freedom after years of slavery. A great weight lifted from me.

      14. see also: weighting
      see also: dead weight

      15. 有分量;有影响力
      If a person or their opinion carries weight, they are respected and are able to influence people.

      e.g. That argument no longer carries as much weight...
      e.g. Senator Kerry carries considerable weight in Washington.

      16. 非常有价值;十分重要
      If you say that someone or something is worth their weight in gold, you are emphasizing that they are so useful, helpful, or valuable that you feel you could not manage without them.

      e.g. Any successful manager is worth his weight in gold.

      17. 尽本分;做好分内事
      If you pull your weight, you work as hard as everyone else who is involved in the same task or activity.

      e.g. He accused the team of not pulling their weight.

      18. 仗势欺人;盛气凌人
      If someone throws their weight around or throws their weight about, they act aggressively and use their authority over other people more than they need to.

      19. (利用自己的影响等)全力相助,鼎力支持
      If you throw your weight behind a person, plan, or campaign, you use all your influence and do everything you can to support them.

      e.g. The administration is throwing its full weight behind the UN plan.

      20. a weight off your mind -> see mind

      相关词组:weight down

      1. 体重:180 cm 体重(Weight):63kg 身份(Status):学生 毕业中学: 广州东环中学 就读院校(School):广外艺校(全称 广州外语艺术职业学校) 特长(Specialty):乐器、表演、唱歌、运动 家庭成员(Family):父母、外公、外婆 嗜好(Hobby):听歌、唱歌、运动、shopping、表演 对自己的评价(Appraise):能歌善舞的人 座右铭(Motto):时间是一个贼,

      2. 权数:指数的计算一定要有理性的分析和考证,如典型的指数往往由指标(indicator)体系与权数(weight)体系结合构成,前者解决测量某类问题所需要考虑的因素的范围与数量;后者解决不同因素对于整体的结果所具有的不同贡献度.

      3. weight:w.; 投掷器械

  •       情景对话

  •       常用短语

  •       相关词组

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


      B:We have inspected the rice, and we're surprised to know that the weight is short.

      A:We sell our goods on loaded weight and not on landed weight.


      B:I see.


      A:I wonder what we should have for dinner this evening.

      B:Are you asking me?

      A:Yes, I am. I really don’t feel much like cooking, but the family must eat.


      B:Well, you know me. I can always eat pizza – or spaghetti.

      A:So I’ve noticed. You’re putting on a little weight, aren’t you?


      B:I know. Don’t remind me. I’m starting a new diet the day after tomorrow.

      A:It’s about time.


      A:Where are you going?

      B:I’m just off to the gym.


      A:You’re always going to the gym these days.


      B:Yes, I’m trying to lose some weight. Once I turned 30, everything started going downhill.
      对,我在想办法减肥,一到30 岁一切情况都开始下降了。


      A:Well, I think you look great! Where’s the gym?

      B:It’s not far from here at all. Do you know Mr. Gold’s Gym?
      离这儿不是很远。你知道 Gold 先生健身房吗?

      A:Yes. The one by the Farmer’s Market?

      B:No, the other one—the one by Big Lake.

      A:I didn’t know that had two locations now.

      B:It just opened. I signed up for a gym membership on the opening day and got it for half the price.

      A:Do they have trainers there to help you?

      B:Yes, on the first day, they assigned me a trainer who gave me a fitness test. I had to do some running on the treadmill, some sit ups, push ups, and some weight lifting. He asked me about my goals, and then came up with a plan just for me.

      A:That sounds great. Is it working?

      B:I think so. I feel much better anyway!


    有影响力 have influence


    努力做好自己分内的工作 do one's full share of work

      1. by weight : 按重量计算;

      2. put on weight : 体重增加;

      3. throw one's weight about : 仗势欺人;

      4. under weight : 重量不足;


  •       That man is twice my weight.
  •       What is your weight?
  •       The weight of the coffee is shown on the packet.
  •       The branches could hardly sustain the weight of fruit.
  •       You'll lose weight if you don't eat.
  •       Which has more weight a box filled with lead, or a box of equal size filled with loose paper?
  •       She was troubled because she had reached the weight of 180 pounds.
  •       The weight of all these things together was 150 pounds.
  •       Some sorts of fruit are sold by weight; others are not sold by weight.
  •       It's smaller in size but greater in weight.
  •       Air hasn't much weight.
  •       Lead is often used because of its weight.
  •       The weight of the overcoat made it incomfortable to wear.
  •       The pound is a common weight in English-speaking countries.
  •       He wrote down the weights of the boxes.
  •       The pillars have to support the weight of the roof.
  •       It is worked by heavy weights which make the wheels turn slowly.
  •       The doctor has ordered me not to lift heavy weights because my heart is weak.
  •       He can lift heavy weights because of his strength.
  •       The dressmaker put small weights in the hem of the dress.
  •       The full weight of decision-making falls on her.
  •       That's a great weight off my mind.
  •       He is a man of weight in the government.
  •       Recent events give added weight to their company.
  •       The jury were convinced by the weight of the evidence against her.


  •       The elevator is weighted too heavily.
  •       Fishing nets are weighted.
  •       Circumstances are weighted in his favour.

      用作名词 (n.)


      用作动词 (v.)

  •       The proportions of acid and water were equal by weight.

    出自:A. T. Thomson
  •       The most conspicuous quality in which all bodies on earth shared was weight.

    出自:A. Koestler
  •       Their weighted and sorrowful life..succeeded with..joy.

    出自:T. Boston
  •       A House of Commons..not weighted with..the landed class.

    出自:George Eliot
  •       You walked slowly, weighted..by your immense fatigue.

    出自:M. Sinclair
  •       词语用法

  •       常见错误

  •       词源解说


  •       weight的基本意思是“重量,分量”,也可指“重的特性”“重力”,是不可数名词,引申可表示“负荷,负担”,作此解时通常只用于单数形式。
  •       weight也可作“重量单位”或“不同分量”解,是可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。
  •       weight还可作“秤砣,砝码”“重物”解,是可数名词。
  •       weight还可表示“重要性、严重性或影响力(的程度)”,是不可数名词。


  •       weight用作动词的基本意思是“使…变重”,指在某物上加重量或用矿物质处理(织物)使之加重,引申可作“偏袒”解,指计划或组织(某事物)使之偏向某人或某集体。
  •       weight是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,多用于被动结构。



          误 He weights 120 pounds.

          正 He weighs 120 pounds.

          正 His weight is 120 pounds.

          析 weight是名词,也可用作及物动词,其后须接宾语。不及物动词是weigh。

  •       ☆ 直接源自古英语的gewiht;最初源自原始日耳曼语的wekhtiz,意为重量。
  •       中考真题例句

  •       高考真题例句

  •       考研真题例句

      中考真题例句OG 1.weight

      "Health" means eating well, getting enough exercise, and having a healthy weight.



      中考真题例句OG 2.weight

      C. Give some examples of losing weight successfully.



      中考真题例句OG 3.weight

      Having no breakfast will not help you lose weight .



      中考真题例句OG 1.weight

      He felt like there was a heavy weight on his shoulders as he walked home alone.



      高考真题例句OG 1.weight

      A Swiss study reported that while the weight of electronic goods represented by precious metals was relatively small in comparison to total waste, the concentration of gold and other precious metals was higher in So-called e-waste than in naturally occurring minerals.

      瑞士的一项研究报告称, 以贵重金属为代表的电子产品的重量与总废弃物相比相对较小, 但在所谓的电子废弃物中, 黄金和其他贵金属的浓度要高于天然矿物。


      考研真题例句OG 1.weight

      Since weight loss is not my goal, it is less important for me to track my weight each week.



      考研真题例句OG 2.weight

      Many employers have instituted weight loss and fitness initiatives.



      考研真题例句OG 3.weight

      An adult with a BMI of 18 to 25 is often considered to be normal weight.



      考研真题例句OG 1.weight

      In musical expression, he did not feel restrained by the weight of convention.



      考研真题例句OG 1.weight

      It is deeply uncomfortable – it's the emotional equivalent of wearing a jacket weighted with stones.



  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      Her height and weight are normal for her age.(她的身高和体重对于她的年龄来说是正常的。)

      The table creaked and groaned under the weight.(那张桌子在重压下嘎吱嘎吱作响。)

      I have lost a lot of weight.(我体重减轻了不少。)

      He does a lot of weight training.(他进行大量的举重训练。)

      She's starving herself to try to lose weight.(她试图通过节食来减肥。)

      His weight was harming his health.(他沉重的体重正危害着他的健康。)

      The ice will not sustain your weight.(这冰承受不了你的体重。)

      I've gained weight recently.(最近我的体重增加了。)

      Bananas are sold by weight.(香蕉按重量出售。)

      What is your height and weight?(你的身高和体重是多少?)

      weight是什么意思 weight在线翻译 weight什么意思 weight的意思 weight的翻译 weight的解释 weight的发音 weight的同义词
