


      英 [tu:m]

      美 [tum]





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  •       英英释义

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  •       坟墓,坟地
  •       死,死亡
  •       墓碑
  •       葬身之地
  •       冢,墓,墓穴,陵墓
  •       监狱


  •       埋葬
  •       把…葬入坟墓


  •       [C]墓穴 a burial room or grave with a monument over it



      1. a place for the burial of a corpse (especially beneath the ground and marked by a tombstone)

      e.g. he put flowers on his mother's grave

      Synonym: grave

      1. 坟墓;冢
      A tomb is a large grave that is above ground and that usually has a sculpture or other decoration on it.

      1. tomb的翻译

      1. 墓:位於The Citadel城堡的东北方与南方,从Mamluk王朝时期开始,有上百个坟墓(Tomb)、陵墓(Mausoleum)、清真寺(Mosque)建於此. 所建的王室陵墓虽不豪华,但不同於一般墓园,这里面有街道、门牌号码、邮政服务. 虽然这一区有一大部分的居民都已不在人世,


      2. 陵墓:Mahal我知道,印度几乎每个宫殿都叫作Mahal, Hawa Mahal, Chandra Mahal等等,大概全国只有泰姬陵(Taj Mahal)并非真的宫殿,大约在印度人眼中,它过于美丽,因此不忍心像对待胡马雍陵等那样以陵墓(Tomb)打发了事.

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


  •       A few red roses were scattered on the tomb.
  •       Some ancient tombs were opened.
  •       They were buried in vaulted underground tombs.

    出自:R. L. Fox
  •       The muttering tomb / of a museum reading-room.

  •       词义讲解


tomb, grave
  •       grave和tomb均指埋葬尸体的“坟墓”。
  •       1.grave指一般的“土墓”; tomb可译为“陵墓”,是坟墓的雅称,指建在地下的墓室,也可是一种带墓碑的建筑,既可安放死者,又可作纪念物。
  •       2.tomb表示“坟墓”时,比grave更庄重,在说“扫墓”时,多用tomb。
  •       3.grave作“死”及“死亡”解时,一般不用tomb代替。
    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          Where's the tomb?(墓穴在何处?)

          The tomb had been robbed of its treasures.(这座坟墓里的财宝早已被盗。)

          This place is like a tomb.(这个地方像是一座坟墓。)

          They carried his body to the tomb.(他们把他的遗体抬到坟墓。)

          No one knows where the tomb is.(这座墓没有人知道在哪儿。)

          He found the large tomb.(他找到了那个大坟墓。)

          The earliest indication of silk paper being used was discovered in the tomb of a noble who is estimated to have died around 168 AD.(最早的丝绸纸使用迹象是在一个贵族的坟墓中被发现的,据估计,这位贵族逝世于公元168年左右。)

          This isn't a palace; it's a tomb.(这不是宫殿,而是陵墓。)

          Take away love and our earth is a tomb.(没有了爱,我们的地球就是一个坟墓。)

          Burnt incense scattered on the charred ground in front of the tomb.(烧过的香在墓前面一块块烧焦的地上散落着。)

          tomb是什么意思 tomb在线翻译 tomb什么意思 tomb的意思 tomb的翻译 tomb的解释 tomb的发音 tomb的同义词
