


      英 [tʌn]

      美 [tʌn]




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  •       许多
  •       吨(英国为2/f240磅即长吨;美国为2/f000磅即短吨)
  •       大量
  •       公吨
  •       很重的分量
  •       每小时 100 英里的速度
  •       注册吨(船舶大小的计量单位1 吨等于 100 立方英尺)
  •       吨位(船舶大小的计量单位1 吨等于100立方英尺)
  •       非常沉重
  •       极为严厉
  •       时兴
  •       时髦
  •       流行
  •       沉重的重量
  •       短吨
  •       长吨
  •       美吨


  •       [C]吨 a measure of weight
  •       [C]大量,许多 a very large quantity


      1. a British unit of weight equivalent to 2240 pounds

      Synonym: long tongross ton

      2. a United States unit of weight equivalent to 2000 pounds

      Synonym: short tonnet ton

      1. 吨(在英国等于2,240 磅;在美国等于 2,000 磅)
      A ton is a unit of weight that is equal to 2240 pounds in Britain and to 2000 pounds in the United States.

      e.g. Hundreds of tons of oil spilled into the sea...
      e.g. Getting rid of rubbish can cost $100 a ton.
      清除垃圾每吨要花费 100 美元。

      2. 同 tonne
      A ton is the same as a tonne .


      3. 对…大发雷霆;怒斥
      If someone comes down on you like a ton of bricks, they are extremely angry with you and tell you off because of something wrong that you have done.

      e.g. If you do something awful they all come down on you like a ton of bricks.

      4. 非常重;沉得要命
      If you say that something weighs a ton, you mean that it is extremely heavy.



      1. 音:基本音乐名词解释 音(Ton)是一种物理现象. 物体振动时产生音波,通过空气传到耳膜,经过大脑的反射被感知为声音. 人所能听到的声音在每秒振动数为16-2000次左右,而使用到音乐中的音(不含泛音),一般只限于每秒振动27-4100次的范围内.

      2. 开通时间:在UC3852的内部,ISET 电流反映到锯齿波(RAMP)电容(Cramp),再与误差放大器的输出进行比较,确定了开通时间(Ton). 随着输入电压增加而增加的Q10基极电压,要从ISET吸取更大的电流,这必然增加了RAMP的充电电流. 对于固定的输出负载而言,

      3. 公吨:水量的计算可直接以体积来换算容积或重量,小水池可以公升(liter)为计算单位,大水池则以公吨(ton)为计算单位,1公吨水等於1立方公尺(m3)的水量,即1000公升.

      4. ton的近义词

      4. ton:type of number; 编号类型

      5. ton:tonga; 东加

      6. ton:threshold odor number; 臭阈值


      7. ton:traumatic optic neuropathy; 外伤性视神经病

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


    严厉地(斥责或惩罚某人) (criticize or punish sb) with great force or violence


  •       The coal consumption of this boiler is in the vicinity of twenty tons a week.
  •       It is a ship of 3000 tons burden.
  •       Each stone weighs about two and a half tons.
  •       I have asked somebody tons of times.
  •       I bought tons of fruit while it was cheap.
  •       It will save a ton of money.
  •       In her early fifties, she wears tons of jewelry.
  •       Tons of people have asked about something tons of times.
  •       This book weighs a ton.
  •       The motorcyclist must have been doing a ton as he passed me.
  •       The police caught me doing a ton so I have to go to court for breaking the speed limit.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       'Do you kill many [pirates]?' 'Tons.'

    出自:J. M. Barrie
  •       It is the most elegant establishment.., and half the ton was there.

    出自:J. Aiken
  •       词语用法

  •       词源解说


  •       ton的基本意思是“吨”“公吨”,常用作重量单位,是可数名词,ton的复数形式与of连用时意思是“大量”。
  •       ton在俚语中可作“很重”“好重”解,也可作“每小时100英里”解。作这两个意思解时,常用单数名词形式,与不定冠词a连用。
  •       ☆ 直接源自古英语的tunne,意为桶。
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      We still have a ton to do.(我们仍然有很多事做。)

      They loaded about a ton of canned goods into the covered bed of a pickup truck.(他们将约一吨重的罐装食品装到了小卡车的有篷拖斗里。)

      The contract price quadrupled to nearly $100/ton.(合同价格是原来的四倍,达到100美元/每吨。)

      In short, this game is a ton of fun.(一句话,这游戏充满了乐趣。)

      I felt like I was hit by a whole ton of bricks.(我就像被整整一吨砖头砸到了头。)

      There was a ton of great work, too.(也发现了一大堆的工作。)

      The net profit amounts to 20 dollars per ton of ore.(每吨矿砂的净利达20美元。)

      Will I incur a ton of debt getting my degree?(为获得学位我需要背上一大笔债务吗?)

      The weight of this steel plate is one ton.(这块钢板的重量是一吨。)

      The stones each measure one ton, which makes them difficult to transport by truck.(每块石头有一吨重,用卡车运输很困难。)

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      ton是什么意思 ton在线翻译 ton什么意思 ton的意思 ton的翻译 ton的解释 ton的发音 ton的同义词
