


      英 [jes]

      美 [jɛs]




      名词复数: yeses 过去式: yessed 过去分词: yessed 现在分词: yessing 第三人称单数: yeses


  •       详情解释

  •       双解释义

  •       英英释义

  •       词典解释

  •       网络解释


  •       是,是的,对
  •       得
  •       是吗?真的吗?是不是?
  •       在这儿
  •       不但如此,而且
  •       不错
  •       什么(事)
  •       能


  •       赞成(票)
  •       投赞成票的人,表示同意的人
  •       表示同意的答覆,“行”,同意,答应
  •       "是",肯定,同意,赞成,赞同,一致
  •       满口应承
  •       有


  •       对...说"是",同意,赞成
  •       唯命是从


  •       得
  •       真的,一点不假,答话时表示正确或真实,表示同意所说的话
  •       反驳否定的话
  •       好啊,表示答应或许可,接受提议或邀请
  •       询问某人所需
  •       礼貌地应答呼唤
  •       对了
  •       哦
  •       往下说
  •       说不准,也是也不是


  •       是 right


      1. an affirmative

      e.g. I was hoping for a yes

      In informal English, yes is often pronounced in a casual way that is usually written as yeah.

      1. (用于肯定回答)是的,对的
      You use yes to give a positive response to a question.


      e.g. 'Are you a friend of Nick's?' — 'Yes.'...
      e.g. 'You actually wrote it down, didn't you?' — 'Yes.'...

      2. (用于接受提议或请求,或表示许可)可以,好的
      You use yes to accept an offer or request, or to give permission.

      e.g. 'More wine?' — 'Yes please.'...
      e.g. 'Will you take me there?' — 'Yes, I will.'...

      3. (用于告诉对方其所说的话正确)对,是的
      You use yes to tell someone that what they have said is correct.

      e.g. 'Well I suppose it is based on the old lunar months isn't it.' — 'Yes that's right.'...
      e.g. 'That's a type of whitefly, is it?' — 'Yes, it is a whitefly.'

      4. (用于表示准备或愿意作出应答)什么事,来啦
      You use yes to show that you are ready or willing to speak to the person who wants to speak to you, for example when you are answering a telephone or a knock at your door.


      e.g. He pushed a button on the intercom. 'Yes?' came a voice...
      e.g. Yes, can I help you?

      5. (用于表示同意、接受或理解前一讲话者的话)是这样,确实如此
      You use yes to indicate that you agree with, accept, or understand what the previous speaker has said.

      e.g. 'A lot of people find it very difficult indeed to give up smoking.' —'Oh yes. I used to smoke nearly sixty a day.'...
      e.g. 'It's a fabulous opportunity.' — 'Yeah. I know.'

      6. (用于鼓励某人继续讲)往下说,接着呢
      You use yes to encourage someone to continue speaking.

      e.g. 'I remembered something funny today.' — 'Yeah?'

      7. (常接but,用于礼貌地引出与前一讲话者意见不同的话)
      You use yes, usually followed by 'but', as a polite way of introducing what you want to say when you disagree with something the previous speaker has just said.


      e.g. 'She is entitled to her personal allowance which is three thousand pounds of income.' — 'Yes, but she doesn't earn any money.'...
      e.g. Ah yes, but think of all the family life they're missing.

      8. (用于表示前一讲话者的否定陈述或问题是错误的)不是,不对
      You use yes to say that a negative statement or question that the previous speaker has made is wrong or untrue.

      e.g. 'That is not possible,' she said. 'Oh, yes, it is!' Mrs Gruen insisted...
      e.g. 'I don't know what you're talking about.' — 'Yes, you do.'

      9. (用于暗示不赞成或不同意前面讲话者的话,尤用于表示厌烦)真的吗,行啦
      You can use yes to suggest that you do not believe or agree with what the previous speaker has said, especially when you want to express your annoyance about it.

      e.g. 'There was no way to stop it.' — 'Oh yes? Well, here's something else you won't be able to stop.'

      10. (用于表示刚刚想起忘记的事情)对了
      You use yes to indicate that you had forgotten something and have just remembered it.


      e.g. What was I going to say. Oh yeah, we've finally got our second computer.

      11. (用于强调并确认自己的陈述)对,一点没错
      You use yes to emphasize and confirm a statement that you are making.


      e.g. He collected the £10,000 first prize. Yes, £10,000.

      12. 说不准;也是也不是
      You say yes and no in reply to a question when you cannot give a definite answer, because in some ways the answer is yes and in other ways the answer is no.

      e.g. 'Was it strange for you, going back after such a long absence?' — 'Yes and no.'

      13. 赞成者;赞成;赞成票
      A yes is a person who has answered 'yes' to a question or who has voted in favour of something, or the answer or vote they have made.

      e.g. The no-votes are leading the yeses...
      e.g. The noes have 50 percent, the yeses 35 percent and the rest are undecided.

      1. 有:检查可以给你有(yes)或没有(no)的答案. 例如,接受肿瘤标记(biomarkers)的检查,作为癌症的筛检在特定的族群虽有些价值,但准确度却相当不一致. 医生目前所做的多数检查,都是为了发现已经出现的某些问题. 如果你没有任何症状或理由,

  •       情景对话

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


      A:I have a letter of introduction here.

      B:Your name, please?


      A:It‘s David Chou.


      B:Oh, yes, Mr. Chou. We‘ve been looking forward to this.


      A:Where can I catch a taxi?

      B:You can call the dispatcher and ask for one. Would you like me to call a taxi for you?

      B:Yes, please.


      A:Good morning, ABC Computers, Sally speaking. Can I help you?

      B:Yes, I'm Dave Michaels. I'd like to talk to Amy Winters, please.
      是的,我是Dave Michaels,请Amy Winters听电话。

      A:Just a moment, please. I'll transfer you.


      B:Thank you.


  •       “Is this book a dictionary?” “Yes, it is.”
  •       “Is there anything you need?” “Yes, there is.”
  •       “Don't you want to come with us?” “Yes, of course I do.”
  •       “English is a difficult language.” “Yes, but not as difficult as Chinese.”
  •       “Isn't she sweet?” “Yes, she is.”
  •       Yes, what you say is right.
  •       “Can I borrow this record?” “Yes, of course.”
  •       “Coffee?” “Yes, please.”
  •       “Williams.” “Yes, sir.”
  •       “Go and close the door.” “Yes, sir.”
  •       “Waiter!” “Yes?What can I do for you?”
  •       “Yes, please go with us!”
  •       “Yes?” “I'd like two tickets, please.”
  •       His composition is good, yes, very good.
  •       Tom is a good student, yes, the best in the class.
  •       He smiles on you, yes?
  •       “You haven't got a pen, have you?” “Yes,I have.”
  •       “You didn't mean to go there alone?” “Yes,I did mean it.”
  •       Didst thou hear these verses?..O, yes, I heard them all.

    出自:As You Like It,Shakespeare
  •       Tender-eyed blonde. Long ringlets...Says 'Yes?' when you tell her anything.

    出自:O. W. Holmes
  •       'It's not in the way, Charley.' 'Yes, it is,' said the boy, petulantly.

  •       Yes, I accept all this.

    出自:Day Lewis
  •       They found the process exciting, yes, and invigorating.

    出自:Daily Telegraph
  •       His intercom buzzed; he flipped the switch on his console. 'Yes?'

    出自:R. Ludlum
  •       词语用法

  •       常见错误

  •       词源解说


  •       yes的基本意思是“是”,还可指“不错”“好的”等,通常与肯定句连用。
  •       yes可用于对某事作出肯定的答复或用以表示某一说法正确或说话人同意某一观点; 或表示同意某人的要求。yes也可用以表示接受邀请或提议,或答应呼唤,还可以表示询问某人之所需。yes有时还用来对自己的话加以肯定或用来更正对方说的话。在口语里, yes有时能用以构成反意疑问句,但与yes构成这种反意疑问句呼应的主句却不必非是否定形式不可,也可以是肯定形式。
  •       yes在回答一个否定疑问句时,如果答案是肯定的,回答要用yes。



          误 Aren't you going out this evening?— Yes, not this evening.

          正 Aren't you going out this evening?— No, not this evening.


          误 “You aren't working on Sundays, are you?” “Yes,I'm not.”

          正 “You aren't working on Sundays, are you?” “No,I'm not.”

          析 不管前半部分陈述句是肯定式还是否定式,附加疑问句部分的简短答语都要依“事实”而定。简短答语中的谓语动词是肯定式,则可用Yes作答,如谓语动词是否定式,则须用No作答。

  •       ☆ 直接源自古英语的gese,意为是的。
  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      'Yes and no,' she replied cryptically.(“又是又不是。”她回答得很隐晦。)

      Yes, stupid, it's you I'm talking to!(对,傻子,我在跟你说话呢!)

      Yes, there's plenty of room.(是的,还很空呢。)

      Yes, officer, I saw what happened.(是,警察先生,我看到了发生的事。)

      If you ask her nicely she might say yes.(好好地跟她说,她也许会同意的。)

      I need a simple yes or no to my questions.(我的问题只需要简单地回答是或不是。)

      Yes, that's basically correct.(对,基本正确。)

      Yes? How can I help you?(有事吗?我能帮你什么忙?)

      Yes, that's a good point.(是的,那是个有说服力的论据。)

      Yes, I want to share my life with you.(是的,我想和你共享生活。)

      yes是什么意思 yes在线翻译 yes什么意思 yes的意思 yes的翻译 yes的解释 yes的发音 yes的同义词
