关于Server Application Unavailable错误的处理经验分享

东坡下载 2011年06月16日 11:31:54

      本文跟大家提供分享的是关于作者遇到IIS的一个莫名错误Server Application Unavailable 错误的处理经验分享,希望能对大家有所帮助。

      Server Application Unavailable
      The web application you are attempting to access on this web server is currently unavailable.  Please hit the "Refresh" button in your web browser to retry your request.

      Administrator Note: An error message detailing the cause of this specific request failure can be found in the application event log of the web server. Please review this log entry to discover what caused this error to occur.





      后来在同事的帮助下,发现Services里的一个服务停了。重新打开这个服务ASP.net state Service后,IIS就正常了。


      [更正:Wednesday, March 22, 2006 3:41:18 PM]


      The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID
      to the user WEBB-COUNTRY-WU\ASPNET SID (S-1-5-21-1343024091-113007714-725345543-1010).  This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool.

      For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.
