


      英 [dɪˈsembə(r)]

      美 [dɪˈsɛmbɚ]




  •       双解释义

  •       词典解释

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  •       [U][C]12月 the twelfth and last month of the year, between November and January

      1. 十二月
      December is the twelfth and last month of the year in the Western calendar.


      e.g. ...a bright morning in mid-December...
      12 月中旬的一个明媚的早晨
      e.g. Her baby was born on 4th December...
      她的孩子是 12 月 4 号出生的。

      1. December的反义词

      1. 十二月:<>(December)是乔治.温斯顿的四季专辑里的最后一张,也是最受青睐的一辑钢琴诗集. 最经典的<>便出自其中. 此外,另一曲<>(Night, Pt. 3 Minstrels),安静清扬,简单悦耳,只一段精短的旋律在不断重复的回响,

      2. 月:在音乐中,他将秋日描述成为万圣节的颂歌. 这张专辑<>后来被听众大受好评. 之后他的专辑<>(December)和<>(Winter into Spring)都获得了白金唱片的称号,并在1996年的的格莱美奖中获得最佳新世纪音乐专辑.

      3. 十二月<<得剩不>>十二月了日子还有得剩不:rumour-谣言,传闻,-辱么-制造谣言耻辱么 | December-十二月<>十二月了日子还有得剩不 | sale-贱卖<>贱卖谁要


      4. 痴儿西木:Der Zigeunerbaron. 吉普赛男爵 October 24, 1885 | Simplizius. 痴儿西木 December 17, 1887 | Ritter Pasman. 骑士帕斯曼 January 10, 1893

  •       情景对话

  •       常用例句



      A:What date is it today?

      B:Today is December 23, 2002.
      今天是2002 年12 月23 日。

      A:Oh, the day after tomorrow is Christmas.

      B:Merry Christmas to you!

      A:You too!


      A:When can you effect shipment? I'm terribly worried about late shipment.


      B:We can effect shipment in December or early next year at the latest.

      A:That's fine.


  •       December is the twelfth month of the year.12
  •       He started work here last December〔the December before last〕.
  •       Christmas falls on December 25.
  •       December 1 was appointed for the ceremony.
  •       On the morning of December 13,2000,Mr. Abell breathed his last.
  •       He is expected back early in December.
  •       This office will open in December 2001.
  •       The December weather favoured our voyage.
  •       I am fed up with this December weather.
  •       This December weather finds out my old wound.
  •       词语用法


  •       December是公历月份的第12个月,December不可用于中国的农历,“农历12月”通常用the twelfth moon来表示。
  •       December一般可缩写为Dec.。
  •       December可用作定语来修饰其他名词。
  •       临近词



      He departed his job December 16.(他于12月16日离职。)

      The rainy season in the Andes normally starts in December.(安第斯山脉的雨季一般从12月开始。)

      What is the date today? Today is December 20th.(今天是几号?今天是十二月二十日。)

      December is coming, and the snow is coming.(十二月快到了,离下雪也不远了。)

      Barry resigned his directorship in December 1973.(巴里于1973年12月辞去了董事一职。)

      I was born on December eleventh, 1996.(我是一九九六年十二月十一日出生的。)

      Prices dropped to a low of about $1.12 in December.(价格在12月份跌到大约$1.12的最低点。)

      The case went before Justice Henry on December 23 and was adjourned.(这个案件于12月23日提交给了亨利法官,之后被延期。)

      The bank celebrates its hundredth anniversary in December.(这家银行在12月庆祝其百年华诞。)

      Interest will be paid half-yearly in June and December.(利息将每半年一次于六月份和十二月份支付。)

      December是什么意思 December在线翻译 December什么意思 December的意思 December的翻译 December的解释 December的发音 December的同义词
