


      英 [ˈpəʊlɪʃ]

      美 [ˈpolɪʃ]





      名词: polisher 过去式: polished 过去分词: polished 现在分词: polishing 第三人称单数: polishes


  •       详情解释

  •       双解释义

  •       词典解释

  •       网络解释


  •       光泽
  •       光滑
  •       优美
  •       擦亮
  •       波兰语
  •       磨光
  •       完善
  •       上光剂
  •       磨光粉
  •       擦亮剂
  •       亮漆
  •       磨擦
  •       擦亮粉
  •       亮油
  •       修养
  •       推敲
  •       优雅
  •       擦光剂
  •       亮光剂


  •       变光滑
  •       使精炼
  •       擦亮
  •       磨光
  •       润饰
  •       推敲
  •       抛光
  •       发亮
  •       使简练
  •       使醇化
  •       使优美
  •       修磨
  •       涂油
  •       修改
  •       润色
  •       干掉
  •       杀死
  •       很快做完
  •       迅速吃光
  •       光滑
  •       文饰
  •       打光滑
  •       使精练
  •       使完美


  •       波兰的
  •       波兰(人)的
  •       波兰文化的


  •       vt. & vi. (使)光滑,擦亮 make or become smooth and shiny by rubbing with or without a chemical substance
  •       vt. 文饰 improve in behaviour, intellectual interests, etc.


  •       [U]光泽剂,上光蜡,亮漆 a liquid powder
  •       [S]光亮,光滑 a smooth shiny surface produced by rubbing
  •       [S]擦亮,磨光 an act of polishing
  •       [U]优美,高雅,完善 the quality of being polished

      1. 波兰的;波兰人的;波兰语(或文化)的
      Polish means belonging or relating to Poland, or to its people, language, or culture.

      e.g. The press conference was broadcast live on Polish television.
      e.g. ...the new Polish government.

      2. 波兰语
      Polish is the language spoken in Poland.


      1. Polish的解释

      1. 波兰语:她的书被翻译成法文 (French),荷兰语 (Dutch),波兰语 (Polish),韩语,英文,和汉文等六种语言. 在世界各地出版相关书籍,并与丈夫克雷.克拉克森合著了<>的工作经验. 她服务于美国国内外的母亲组织和单身组织. 萨莉和她的丈夫克雷联袂创办了

      2. 钻石抛光:评价切工耍从钻石几何形状比例(Proportions),整体评估 (Finish) 其中包括钻石抛光 (Polish) 和切工精细程度 (Precision). Marcel Tolkowsky 是现代钻石切工之父,今天各种切工特别园型切工(Round Brilliant Cut) 都是在他研究的基础上发展而成.

      3. Polish

      3. 抛光:基本上精准的判读,必须要以车工仪器来监定,如果是一克拉的裸石,GIA证书上会清楚的说明:深度(Depth)桌面(Table)抛光(Polish)及对称性(Symmetry)提供新人购买时的保障与依据.

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


    击倒; 除掉 knock out; get rid of or kill
    polish sth ⇔ off

          He polished off a whole roast duck in ten minutes.


          The hungry boys polished off a plateful of ham and then asked for more.


          After the contest we were all so hungry that we polished off the lunch in only a few minutes.


          Having polished off a slice or two of bread, she started work again.


          We can soon polish off that job.


          She had to polish off her work before going home.


          Do you think you can polish off these sheets of typing before four o'clock?


          Mary polished off her homework early so that she could watch TV.


          The cream buns and sausage rolls were polished off in nest to no time.


    polish sb ⇔ off

          The boxer polished off his opponent in the first round.


          The villain of the novel is polished off in the last chapter but one.



  •       The wood won't polish.
  •       Silver polishes easily.
  •       Leather shoes need polishing with good quality wax.


  •       He has polished his shoes.
  •       You had better polish your shoes with a brush.
  •       Polish the desk before you begin to study.
  •       Would you please polish my article right now?
  •       The speaker spent several days polishing her lecture.
  • 1
  •       The blackboard was polished clearly before the lecture began.
  •       The essay is well polished.

      用作动词 (v.)


      用作名词 (n.)

  •       The glossy polish that the best English boarding schools can sometimes provide.

    出自:L. Deighton
  •       I polish and oil it all the time.

    出自:N. Hinton
  •       He watched his father's employees polish and dust.

    出自:A. Desai
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


  •       polish的基本意思是“擦亮”,指通过用某些工具把一些旧的东西擦亮,可用作不及物动词或及物动词,用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语,有时也可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语; 用作不及物动词时,主动形式常含有被动意义。
  •       polish引申可作“文饰”解,主要是指人们对文章加以修改,使其更加符合语体习惯,用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。


polish, luster, sheen
  •       这三个词都可指“光亮,光泽”。polish指经摩擦或用过光亮剂等而形成的光泽; luster指反光所映射出来的光亮; sheen则指较稳定的光亮或光泽。
    •       ☆ 1300年左右进入英语,直接源自古法语的poliss;最初源自古典拉丁语的polire,意为使平滑。
    •       高考真题例句

          高考真题例句OG 1.Polish

          I can still remember how long it took to polish the legs of our coffee table.



    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          She played the cello with the polish of a much older musician.(她所演奏的大提琴颇有资深音乐家的风格。)

          East Prussia and the rest of Germany were separated, in 1919, by the Polish Corridor.(1919年,波兰走廊把东普鲁士和德国其他地方分隔开了。)

          Wax polish preserves wood and leather.(上光蜡可保护木材和皮革。)

          She's fluent in Polish.(她的波兰语很流利。)

          In Poland in the 1960s, according to a Polish woman who e-mailed me, "the authorities introduced the Hitchhiker's Booklet."(据一位波兰妇女给我发电子邮件说,在20世纪60年代的波兰,“当局介绍了《搭便车者手册》。”)

          To polish up your article, you can use more figures of speech such as metaphors.(为了给你的文章润色,你可以更多地使用例如比喻等修辞手法。)

          Well, I think she's either Russian or Polish.(嗯,我看她不是俄罗斯人就是波兰人。)

          The Catholic Church has played a prominent role throughout Polish history.(天主教在整个波兰历史中扮演了重要的角色。)

          Her father was a Polish count.(她父亲是波兰的一位伯爵。)

          They just need to polish their technique.(他们只需要改进一下自己的技艺。)

          Polish是什么意思 Polish在线翻译 Polish什么意思 Polish的意思 Polish的翻译 Polish的解释 Polish的发音 Polish的同义词
