


      英 [əˈkædəmi]

      美 [əˈkædəmi]


      名词复数: academies


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  •       研究院
  •       学会
  •       科学院
  •       学院
  •       专科学校
  •       大学
  •       艺术院
  •       私立高级中学
  •       协会
  •       高等教育
  •       中等学校
  •       柏拉图哲学
  •       学术协会
  •       文艺协会
  •       柏拉图学园
  •       书院
  •       私立学校
  •       学园(柏拉图讲学处)
  •       柏拉图追随者


  •       [C]专科院校 a school or college for special training; a school for training in a special art or skill
  •       [C]研究院; 学会 a type of official organization which aims to encourage and develop art, literature, science, etc.
  •       [C](苏格兰)中等学校; (美国)私立学校 a secondary school in Scotland or a private school in the US



      1. a learned establishment for the advancement of knowledge

      2. a school for special training

      3. a secondary school (usually private)

      4. an institution for the advancement of art or science or literature

      Synonym: honorary society

      1. 专科院校;学院;(美国的)私立中学
      Academy is sometimes used in the names of schools and colleges, especially those specializing in particular subjects or skills, or private high schools in the United States.

      e.g. ...the Royal Academy of Music.
      e.g. ...her experience as a police academy instructor.

      2. (某一领域的)学会,研究院
      Academy appears in the names of some societies formed to improve or maintain standards in a particular field.


      e.g. ...the American Academy of Psychotherapists...
      e.g. The British Academy of Film and Television Arts.

      1. 研究院:第二组则完成前沿驻地的同时,在前沿驻地进行相关重要建筑的配件、设备制造,特别是[战车制造中心](Factory)、[飞行器制造中心](Starport)和[研究院](Academy)这三个单位,是米乐向最先配置进入[丰饶之境]的建筑.

      2. 步兵学院:事实上,人族已经不再拥有步兵学院(Academy)了,但在兵营(Barrack)上增加了一个附加建筑,就像兵工厂一样. 而且机枪兵也有一项新的升级,能让他们增加15点的HP.

      3. 兴建学院:)BN 兴建市镇中心 ( Town Center )BP 兴建寺庙 ( Temple )BT 兴建防卫塔 ( Tower )BW 兴建城墙 ( Wall )BY 兴建学院 ( Academy )由微软推出即时策略游戏帝国时代(Age of Empire)在相当长的一段时间内牢牢占据着广大玩家的硬盘,

  •       常用例句


  •       My daughter attends the police academy.
  •       That's a military academy.
  •       His mother works in the Royal Academy.
  •       He graduated from an academy of music in his early days.
  •       She was the first woman to be elected to the French Academy.
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解


  •       academy作“研究院; 学会”解时主要用于艺术、文学、科学等领域。


academy, college, institute, school, university
  •       这组词都有“学校”的意思。其区别在于:school一般指儿童或中学生学习或受教育的场所; university指综合性大学,可授予各种学位; college多指与综合性大学相对应的或综合大学内的专科院校,尤指军事、体育或艺术院校; academy指培训特别是特别技术或技能的学校、学院; institute主要指研究所、学会,在俄罗斯常指专科院校,而在英美教育体系中则很少见。例如:
  •       Children must attend school.儿童必须上学。
  •       The college is affiliated to the university.这所学院隶属于那所大学。
  •       He graduated from an academy of music in his early days.他早年毕业于一所音乐专科学校。
  •       He was graduated from the Dalian Institute of Foreign Languages in the class of 1963.他是大连外国语学院1963届的毕业生。
    •       高考真题例句


          Wang serves as head of the Architecture Department at the China Academy of Art(CAA).



    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          Academy president Sid Ganis told nominees at the Beverly Hilton hotel on Monday to expect some daring tweaks to the telecast.(学院院长西德·加尼斯周一在贝弗利希尔顿酒店告诉被提名者们可以期待电视广播做出一些大胆的调整。)

          I'm a student too, and I'm at the sports academy.(我也是一个学生,并且我在体育学院上学。)

          I've started taking lessons at a small academy just a couple of streets away from my house.(我开始在离我家几条街的一家小型学院上课。)

          The movie won nine Academy Awards, including Best Picture.(这部电影荣获九项奥斯卡金像奖,包括最佳影片奖。)

          Instead, the task fell to members of the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture.(相反,这项任务落到了皇家绘画和雕塑学院的成员身上。)

          The girls on the Wesleyan Academy softball team were waiting for their next turns at bat during practice.(卫斯理亚学院垒球队的女孩们在练习中等待着下一轮击球。)

          Pierre is a 25-year-old penguin at the California Academy of Sciences.(这只企鹅名为皮埃尔,25岁,来自加利福尼亚科学院。)

          In 1850, he exhibited 4 of these late paintings in the Academy, in the year before he died.(1850年,也就在他去世的前一年,他在学院的展览上展出了4幅这样的晚期作品。)

          A new study, just published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences challenges the rosy picture.(最近发表在《国家科学院院刊》上的一项新研究对这一乐观前景提出了挑战。)

          "For all the anxiety the essay causes," says Bill McClintick of Mercersburg Academy in Pennsylvania, "it's a very small piece of the puzzle."(“尽管这篇文章引起了焦虑,”宾夕法尼亚州麦瑟斯堡学院的比尔·麦克林蒂克说,“但它只是谜团中非常小的一块。”)

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