

      英 [əˈkʌstəmd]

      美 [əˈkʌstəmd]




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  •       通常的,惯常的,惯例的
  •       习惯的,适应了的,习惯了的
  •       习惯于…的,有…的习惯的
  •       特有的,独特的


  •       习惯于 familiar with sth and accepting it as normal or usual
  •       〈正〉通常的; 惯常的 usual; regular


      1. (often followed by `to') in the habit of or adapted to

      e.g. accustomed to doing her own work
      I've grown accustomed to her face

      2. commonly used or practiced

      e.g. his accustomed thoroughness
      took his customary morning walk
      his habitual comment
      with her wonted candor

      Synonym: customaryhabitualwonted(a)

      1. 习惯的;适应的
      If you are accustomed to something, you know it so well or have experienced it so often that it seems natural, unsurprising, or easy to deal with.

      e.g. I was accustomed to being the only child at a table full of adults...
      e.g. She had not yet become accustomed to the fact that she was a rich woman.

      2. (眼睛对光线变化)习惯了的,适应了的
      When your eyes become accustomed to darkness or bright light, they adjust so that you start to be able to see things, after not being able to see properly at first.

      e.g. My eyes were becoming accustomed to the gloom.

      3. 通常的;惯常的
      You can use accustomed to describe an action that someone usually does, a quality that they usually show, or an object that they usually use.

      e.g. He took up his accustomed position with his back to the fire...
      e.g. Freed acted with his accustomed shrewdness.


      1. 通常的:accustom 使习惯于 | accustomed 通常的 | accutron 电子手表

      2. 惯常的,习惯的:accuse 谴责,指控,告发 | accustomed 惯常的,习惯的 | ache 疼痛,酸痛

      3. 通常的/习惯的:accuse 控告,谴责 | accustomed 通常的,习惯的 | ache 痛,疼痛

  •       情景对话

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


      A:I could never (get used to/ grow accustomed to) it, though.


      B:It’s not too bad


  •       On her face is her accustomed smile.
  •       He was sitting in his accustomed armchair.
  •       Things don't run in their accustomed channels.
  •       This is his accustomed hour to go to bed.
  •       Pauline went to her accustomed restaurant for lunch.
  •       He took his accustomed seat by the fire.
  •       She likes buying food in the accustomed shop.
  •       He's out of his accustomed walk.
  •       He drove with his accustomed, casual ease.

      用作形容词 (adj.)

  •       The accustomed nightingale still broods On her accustomed bough.

  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解


  •       accustomed的基本意思是“惯常的”,是正式用词,作定语时,表示长期如此而养成的习惯,已被别人熟悉和了解,作表语时表示“习惯于某事”或“习惯于做某事”。
  •       be accustomed后可接“to+动名词”,也可接动词不定式,其意义无明显差别,只是接“to+动名词”时更强调“习惯于(做)…”,接动词不定式时更强调“习以为常”。
  •       accustomed不用于比较等级。


accustomed, usual
  •       这组词的共同意思是“习惯的”。其区别是:
  •       accustomed为正式用语,作定语时,表示长期如此而养成的习惯,已被别人熟悉和了解,作表语时,可作“习惯于某事”或“习惯于做某事”解; usual作“通常”解,是指在正常事态发展中经常发生而不带任何特异性的因素。
    •       考研真题例句

          考研真题例句OG 1.accustomed

          State governments are well accustomed to managing forests, but traditionally they've focused on wildlife, watersheds and opportunities for recreation.



          考研真题例句OG 2.accustomed

          These brands have hijacked fashion cycles, shaking an industry long accustomed to a seasonal pace.



    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          The Mole's cap was missing from its accustomed peg.(鼹鼠莫尔帽子从常挂在钩子上不见了。)

          The availability of jobs in railway construction attracted many rural laborers accustomed to seasonal and temporary employment.(铁路建设方面的就业机会也吸引了许多习惯于季节性和临时性工作的农村劳动力。)

          Some are so accustomed to pigging out, they can't cut back.(有些人习惯暴饮暴食了,他们不可能缩减食量。)

          The old generations who are accustomed to everything of the past are hostile to change.(习惯了过去的一切的老一代人反对改变。)

          Ronald and Lois are only children, and "onlies" grow up accustomed to being the apple of their parents' eyes.(罗纳德和露易丝是独生子女,“独生子女”长大时习惯于做父母的掌上明珠。)

          Bill is accustomed to sitting down and reading the paper or watching TV until dinner is ready.(比尔习惯于在晚饭准备好之前坐下来看报或看电视。)

          I was accustomed to being the only child at a table full of adults.(我习惯了作为惟一的孩子坐在满是成年人的桌旁。)

          As twilight drew on, the ferryboat went back to her accustomed business and the skiffs disappeared.(天快黑的时候,渡船又回到它常去的地方,小船也不见了。)

          We spend a large part of our daily life talking with other people and, consequently, we are very accustomed to the art of conversing.(我们在日常生活中花了大量的时间与他人交谈,因此,我们非常熟悉交谈的艺术。)

          My eyes were becoming accustomed to the gloom and I was able to make out a door at one side of the room.(我的双眼逐渐适应了这种昏暗,能够看到那个房间的一侧有一扇门。)

          accustomed是什么意思 accustomed在线翻译 accustomed什么意思 accustomed的意思 accustomed的翻译 accustomed的解释 accustomed的发音 accustomed的同义词
