


      英 [eɪk]

      美 [ek]



      过去式: ached 过去分词: ached 现在分词: aching 第三人称单数: aches


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  •       疼痛
  •       病
  •       惆怅
  •       乙酰胆碱脂酶
  •       隐痛
  •       渴望
  •       想念


  •       疼痛
  •       感到痛苦
  •       渴望
  •       怀想
  •       巴望
  •       迫切
  •       哀痛
  •       沉痛
  •       发酸
  •       发痠
  •       极为想念
  •       同情
  •       怜悯
  •       隐痛
  •       痛
  •       感觉疼痛
  •       思慕


  •       vi. 隐隐作痛 have or suffer a continuous, but not violent, pain
  •       vi. 渴望 long for; want very much to do or have sth, especially when it is impossible


  •       [U][C]疼痛 a continuous, but not violent, pain
  •       [U][C]渴望 (mainly literary) a strong feeling that you want sth that you cannot have


      1. a dull persistent (usually moderately intense) pain

      Synonym: aching


      1. have a desire for something or someone who is not present

      e.g. She ached for a cigarette
      I am pining for my lover

      Synonym: yearnyenpinelanguish

      2. feel physical pain

      e.g. Were you hurting after the accident?

      Synonym: hurtsuffer

      3. be the source of pain

      Synonym: smarthurt

      1. (持续并较强烈地)疼痛
      If you ache or a part of your body aches, you feel a steady, fairly strong pain.

      e.g. Her head was throbbing and she ached all over...
      e.g. My leg still aches when I sit down...

      2. (身体某部位持续且较强烈的)疼痛
      An ache is a steady, fairly strong pain in a part of your body.

      e.g. You feel nausea and aches in your muscles...
      e.g. Poor posture can cause neck ache, headaches and breathing problems.

      3. 渴望(且因得不到而痛苦)
      If you ache for something or your heart aches, you want something very much, and feel very unhappy because you cannot have it.

      e.g. She still ached for the lost intimacy and sexual contact of marriage...
      e.g. But Spain was a country aching to get away from its past...

      4. (泛指较轻微的)身体疼痛
      You can use aches and pains to refer in a general way to any minor pains that you feel in your body.

      e.g. It seems to ease all the aches and pains of a hectic and tiring day.

      1. ache的翻译

      1. 疼痛:痛楚(Pain)是不适意的,疼痛(Ache)是不适意的,酷热是不适意的,寒冷是不适意的. 在这些不适意的感觉当中,它们都共同有不舒服的特质. 这种特质可以说是所有和合的东西(CompositeThings)的根本性质. 当禅修者感觉四肢疲倦时,

      2. 乙酰胆碱酯酶:于正常人群 [8] 神经元纤维缠结(NFT)是导致神经元纤记忆能力丧 失胆碱酯酶(ChE)是生物神经传导中的一种关键性的酶保证神经信号在生物体内 的正常传递胆碱酯酶依其催化底物的特异性分为乙酰 胆碱酯酶(AChE)和丁酰胆碱酯酶(B

      3. 痛:整体联想:阿Q(acu)对男人们(men)很有洞察力(acumen)一辆(a)车(che)撞了我好痛(ache)啊两扇破门(p---p)之间有一双眼睛(ee)在偷窥(peep)

      4. 乙酰胆碱脂酶:<AchE)在脑中的表达>><><><>在学术刊物上发表论文20篇(第一作者).

      5. ache:american council for headache education; 美国头痛教育委员会

      6. ache:acetyl choline esterase; 乙酰胆碱酯酶


      7. ache:anger control help excuse; 选择沮丧的原因

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


    渴望,想念 long for
    ache for sb

          Her heart aches for the homeless children.


          Her heart ached for the starving refugees.


          My heart aches for you.


          She ached for the hurt little dog.


          The workers' hearts ached for him and they begged him to wear gloves to prevent any more gashes.


    ache for sb/sth

          All of us are aching for him.


          He is aching for his mother.


          Her heart aches for her husband.


          Gara was aching for a cigarette.


          All winter Imes has been aching for sunshine.


          I was aching for home.


          The lonely girl aches for home.


          The children ached for a sight of the parade.


          We ached for his friendship.


          His heart aches for her love.



    太可怜了!My heart bleeds for you!


  •       Philip's head began to ache.
  •       All his limbs ached and he shivered with cold.
  •       My leg's aching.(=My leg aches.)
  •       My head aches badly.
  •       After climbing the mountain,I ached all over .
  •       His tooth ached all night.
  •       She ached at the very thought of what might happen to her husband.
  •       Her eyes ached from lack of sleep.
  •       His muscles ached from chopping wood.
  •       My whole body was aching with weariness.
  •       Her legs began to ache with cold.
  •       My head aches when the weather is hot.


  •       At that time how we ached to be free!
  •       Tom's heart ached to be free.
  •       He is aching to get even.
  •       She was aching to go.
  •       She is aching to join in the game.
  •       Who or what is he?Eby ached to know.
  •       Aching to see you again!
  •       I was aching to tell you all my news.

      用作动词 (v.)


      用作名词 (n.)

  •       Does not your heart ake for your Harriet?

    出自:S. Richardson
  •       I ached to see that race.

    出自:Sherwood Anderson
  •       The joints in his knees ached.

    出自:T. Sharpe
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


  •       ache是不及物动词,表示身体某部位持续地隐痛,或因一些小病或失调引起的感觉。其主语可以是痛的部位,也可以是感到疼痛的人。
  •       ache可用于比喻义,意思是“悲痛”“苦恼”。
  •       ache与for连用或接动词不定式时,可表示“同情,怜悯”或强烈地、持久地“愿望”或“渴望”,特别是不可能做某事或拥有某物时。ache后一般不接动名词。
  •       ache作为表示感觉的动词可以用于进行时态,意思上与一般时态无明显区别。


  •       ache表示的是由于某种潜在的失调而引起的持续的、局限的、固定的、轻微的隐痛、钝痛、酸痛或闷痛。偶尔引申表示某种不大可能立刻缓和而不得不长期忍受的精神痛苦。
  •       ache除用于文学上的表达外,一般很少单独使用。表示身体某部位疼痛,可以用“表示身体部位的名词+ache”构成复合词,也可以在ache后面接“in+表示身体部位的名词”构成介词短语。前者比后者更强调疼痛的感觉; 后者比前者更强调疼痛的部位。
  •       ache 后接疼痛的部位时,一般要用不定冠词,如:an ache in the ear, an ache in a tooth, an ache in one's head。其他情况用不定冠词时较多,如:I didn't like them to know I had a heartache。
  •       aches and pains 的词序是固定的,不能前后颠倒。


ache for, die for, hunger for, long for, sigh for, starve for, thirst for
  •       这组短语间的区别是:
  •       1.这组短语都可以表示“渴望得到某物”或“渴望做某事”; ache for和sigh for还可表示“想念某人”; hunger for还可表示“渴望知道某情况”。
  •       2.这组短语都可以人作主语; ache for和thirst for还可用表示身体某部位的名词作主语。
  •       3.这组短语都可以物作宾语; ache for, long for和sigh for还可以人作宾语。
  •       4.ache for和die for多用于进行时态; hunger for和thirst for多用于一般时态; 而long for则可用于各种时态。
  •       5.除starve for可用于被动语态作“缺乏”解外,其他6个短语极少用于被动语态。
  •       6.die for表示的是极端渴望; ache for和long for表示的是强烈的渴望; 其他4个短语所表示的语气则相对较轻。
  •       7.ache for和long for是口语用法; sigh for是文学用语; 其他4个短语则属于比喻用法。
  •       n.(名词)

    ache, pain, sting, stitch
  •       这组词的共同意思是“疼痛”。其区别是:
  •       1.pain使用最广泛,可替换本组其他各词。pain所表示的疼痛,可以是全身的,也可以是局部的; 可以是剧烈的,也可以是轻微的; 可以是长时间的,也可以是短暂的; 可以是身体上的,也可以是精神上的。而ache多指局部的、轻微的、持续的身体疼痛,尤指隐痛、闷痛,少指精神上的痛苦。例如“她痛得直叫。”显然是剧烈的、暂时的,故应译为She cried with pain.再如:As the infection developed, the dull ache in his joints became a sharp stabbing pain.由于感染的发展,他关节的隐痛变成了剧烈的刺痛。
  •       2.sting指“刺痛”,主要指植物的刺或动物叮蜇所引起的刺痛,也可指精神上所受到的刺激。例如:
  •       The sting of coral can be very painful.珊瑚刺伤可引起剧痛。
  •       I still feel the sting of her bitter remarks.她的刻薄话现在仍使我感到痛心。
  •       3.stitch特指胁部疼痛且往往伴以痉挛。例如:
  •       All that dancing gave me a stitch in my side.一直跳舞,我的胁部好疼呀!
  •       4.ache可以和表示身体一部分的名词构成复合词,而其他几个词则不能。
    •       ☆ 直接源自古英语的acan,意为受苦。
    •       高考真题例句

          高考真题例句OG 1.ache

          Her hand is aching.



    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          Have a cold or a tummy ache?(感冒了或者是肚子痛恶劣?)

          When the ache is bad enough it keeps me from sleeping.(疼得厉害的时候,我就睡不着了。)

          They ache like history: things long done with, that still remain as pain.(它们就像历史一样痛苦:事情已经过去很久了,却仍然为此感到痛苦。)

          You really ache for a simple list.(你可能对这种简单的清单感到头痛。)

          As I didn't have breakfast, my stomach started to ache.(因为没吃早饭,我的胃开始疼起来。)

          Generally speaking, stomach ache is not a big deal.(一般来说胃疼没什么大事。)

          It quite makes my forehead ache!(我的额头都疼死了!)

          If we had to listen to that signal every time we felt an ache or pain, we wouldn't be able to do anything.(如果我们每次感到疼痛时都要听那个信号,我们就什么都做不了了。)

          They said it could explain why women could wear high heels for hours but experiencing feet ache after removing them.(他们说,这可以解释为什么女性可以穿着高跟鞋数小时,但脱掉它们时只会经受脚部的疼痛。)

          Does your heart ache to tell the truth about Me?(谈论我的真理之时,你的心也痛吗?)

          ache是什么意思 ache在线翻译 ache什么意思 ache的意思 ache的翻译 ache的解释 ache的发音 ache的同义词
