


      英 [əˈtʃi:vmənt]

      美 [əˈtʃivmənt]


      动词: achieve


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  •       完成,达成,达到,实现,得到,获得
  •       成绩,成就,功绩,造诣,业绩
  •       【徽章】纹章
  •       缔结
  •       得意
  •       《成就》月刊


  •       [U]达到; 完成 the act or process of achieving sth
  •       [C]成就; 成绩; 功绩 a thing that sb has done successfully, especially using their own effort and skill


      1. the action of accomplishing something

      Synonym: accomplishment

      1. 成就;成绩;功绩
      An achievement is something which someone has succeeded in doing, especially after a lot of effort.


      e.g. Reaching this agreement so quickly was a great achievement...
      e.g. The Conference will be a celebration of women's achievements.

      2. 完成;达到;实现
      Achievement is the process of achieving something.

      e.g. Only the achievement of these goals will bring lasting peace.

      1. 成绩:envy:也叫invidiousness,但一个人缺少另一个人的更好状态(superior quality)、成绩(achievement)或拥有物(possession)时的一种感受,可能希望获得同样的东西,也可能希望他人失去更好的东西,类似'嫉妒'.

      2. achievement

      2. 完成:因此,在潜在(potential)和以后的完成(achievement)中间,我们看见基督赐下来了,也就成为最终之信,最完整,最高,最具体的一个启示. 希伯来书第一章告诉

      3. 成果:本发明揭露一种反向学习历程与鼓励教学之方法与系统,借着利用考卷评量、学习盲点诊断、个性化游戏、个性化课程四步曲的方法,显示学生的学习能力(Effort)、学习演进(Progress)与学习成果(Achievement),提供学习者完整的学习历程(Portfo

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配


    成就感 a feeling of pride


  •       The achievement of one's aim comes only out of hard work.
  •       The achievement of one's purpose depends largely on one's perseverance.
  •       The achievement of peace in this area is quite impossible.
  •       Her greatest achievement was winning an Olympic gold medal.
  •       The achievement goes unrecognized.
  •       This represents the highest achievement of Chinese ceramics.
  •       It surpasses all previous achievement in this field.
  •       We have probably not reached the highest possible achievement in this matter.
  •       We use standardized tests to measure scholastic achievement.
  •       The tunnel is a great engineering achievement.
  •       It was an astonishing achievement.
  •       Flying across the Atlantic for the first time was a great achievement.
  •       Whichever way you look at it, an Olympic silver medal is a remarkable achievement for one so young.
  •       Landing on the moon for the first time was an epic achievement.
  •       He has broken two world records in one day, which is quite an achievement!
  •       He was awarded the Noble Prize for achievements in physiology.
  •       She won a Nobel Prize for her remarkable achievement.
  •       The inventor was rewarded by the government for his scientific achievements.
  •       Without wishing to detract from your achievement in any way, can I remind you that other people also worked very hard on this book.
  •       We rejoiced in his remarkable achievement.
  •       He excels in reputation and achievement.
  •       He was proud of his daughter's achievements .
  •       It's impossible of achievement.
  •       They were proud of their children's achievements .

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解


  •       achievement的基本意思是“完成,达到”,指达到所期望的目标的过程。是抽象名词,不可数。
  •       achievement还可用作可数名词,常指因努力和技巧而取得的“成就,成绩”。


achievement, exploit, feat
  •       这组词的共同意思是“成就”“功绩”,其区别是:
  •       1.achievement 表示“卓越的事迹或工作”时,与 feat 同义。feat 尤指机智、勇敢的行为。
  •       2.achievement 强调克服困难或不顾别人反对而取得的成就。exploit 指英雄的功绩或冒险的业绩。
    •       高考真题例句

          高考真题例句OG 1.achievement

          First, you need to evaluate yourself, your values your strengths, your weaknesses, your achievements, your desires, etc.

          首先, 你需要评估你自己, 你的价值观你的优点, 你的缺点, 你的成就, 你的欲望等等。


    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          His achievement is astonishing and this book is the jewel in his crown.(他成就斐然,这本书是他的最得意之作。)

          This is really an achievement to be proud of.(这真的是一个很值得骄傲的成绩。)

          Please describe an achievement that you are proud of.(请描述一个你感到自豪的成就。)

          That is the achievement of the progress of human civilization.(那是人类文明进步的成果。)

          This is an achievement without parallel in modern times.(这是现代无可比拟的成就。)

          Exceptional efforts will gain an Outstanding Achievement Award.(杰出的工作将被冠以杰出成就奖。)

          Bringing up a child alone should give you a sense of achievement.(独力一人养大一个孩子会给你一种成就感。)

          It was a great achievement that a month later a global agreement was reached.(一个月后一个全球协议达成了,这是一个巨大的成就。)

          It's a souvenir or reward of the great achievement.(它是该伟大成就的纪念品或奖品。)

          It was a spectacular achievement on their part.(这是他们取得的一项了不起的成就。)

          achievement是什么意思 achievement在线翻译 achievement什么意思 achievement的意思 achievement的翻译 achievement的解释 achievement的发音 achievement的同义词
