


      英 [ˌækwɪˈzɪʃn]

      美 [ˌækwɪˈzɪʃən]




  •       详情解释

  •       双解释义

  •       英英释义

  •       词典解释

  •       网络解释


  •       获得,取得,得到
  •       获得物,取得物
  •       增添的人,添加物品
  •       购得物,购置物,收购的公司或股份,购置的产业
  •       购置,收购,买下
  •       习得
  •       【无线电】探测
  •       决定
  •       获得者
  •       合并,兼并,并购


  •       [U]获得; 得到 the act of getting sth, especially knowledge, a skill, etc.
  •       [C]〈正〉购得物 sth that sb buys to add to what they already won, usually sth valuable
  •       [U][C]购置; 收购; 购置物 a company, piece of land, etc., bought by sb, especially another company; the act of buying it


      1. the act of contracting or assuming or acquiring possession of something

      e.g. the acquisition of wealth
      the acquisition of one company by another

      2. an ability that has been acquired by training

      Synonym: skillaccomplishmentacquirementattainment

      3. the cognitive process of acquiring skill or knowledge

      e.g. the child's acquisition of language

      Synonym: learning

      4. something acquired

      e.g. a recent acquisition by the museum

      1. (对公司的)收购,并购
      If a company or business person makes an acquisition, they buy another company or part of a company.

      e.g. ...the acquisition of a profitable paper recycling company.
      e.g. ...the number of mergers and acquisitions made by Europe's 1,000 leading firms.

      2. 购买;添置
      If you make an acquisition, you buy or obtain something, often to add to things that you already have.

      e.g. How did you go about making this marvellous acquisition then?
      e.g. ...the President's recent acquisition of a helicopter.

      3. 购得物;获得物;增添物
      You can use acquisition to refer to an object that you buy or obtain, often to add to things that you already have.


      e.g. From her wardrobe Laura took her latest acquisition, a bright red dress.

      4. (知识、技能等的)获得,习得
      The acquisition of a skill or a particular type of knowledge is the process of learning it or developing it.

      e.g. ...language acquisition.

      1. 购买:● 采用新的企业合并会计准则,排除了权益联合法在企业合并中的使用,并明确了购买法的会计处理应当在收购(购买)(acquisition)的情况下采用;● 重申与财务信息相关的规定(Regulation S-X)中规则3n-02的要求,规范合并会计报表的合并范围;

      2. 获得:品返场修理或报废处理 17-1 后勤管理 后勤的功能¨ 需求(requirement) ¨ 获得(acquisition) ¨ 分配(distribution) ¨ 储存(storage) ¨ 维修(maintenance ) 17-2 需求面 企业后勤 成本面¨ 强调后勤成本占销售 额比率及总成本的概念,

      3. acquisition:acq; 截获

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配


  •       The acquisition of knowledge is a social process.
  •       The acquisition of wealth is his only purpose.
  •       Our museum's latest acquisition is a Picasso.
  •       His latest acquisition is a racehorse.
  •       Mary's new acquisitions were two dresses, a hat and a pair of shoes.
  •       He invited me to inspect his new acquisitions.
  •       This museum makes new acquisitions from the gifts of friends.
  •       What new acquisitions do you have?
  •       They have made acquisitions in several EU countries.
  •       This painting is her latest acquisition.
  •       Let me show you my latest acquisitions.
  •       He was showing off his latest acquisition, a new computer game.
  •       He invited me to look at his latest acquisition.
  •       This dictionary is my latest acquisition.
  •       I like your earrings—are they a recent acquisition?
  •       He is a valuable acquisition to the team.
  •       She is a valuable acquisition to the firm.
  •       He will be quite an acquisition to the firm.
  •       Self-discipline is an invaluable acquisition.
  •       The children progressed in the acquisition of basic skills.
  •       He spent hundreds of hours in the acquisition of skill at the piano.
  •       A library takes pride in its rare book acquisitions.
  •       She is always boasting of her daughter's acquisitions.
  •       She was proud of her acquisitions at the sale.
  •       The house is one of his latest acquisitions.
  •       The industry's wave of mergers and acquisitions continues.
  •       The Government offered to provide 90% of the process of cost of acquisition.
  •       The money will be spent on acquisitions for the university library.
  •       The museum has been heavily criticized over its acquisition of the four-million-dollar sculpture.
  •       He devotes his time to the acquisition of knowledge.
  •       With the acquisition of 19 rare specimens, the collection is unmatched.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       词语用法


  •       acquisition的基本意思是“获得,得到”,主要用于知识或技能的获得,指通过个人努力所获得的过程,是抽象名词,不可数。
  •       acquisition用作可数名词时,意思是“购得物”,往往指很有用的、贵重的物品,偶尔也指受欢迎的人。
  •       在商贸术语中, acquisition可作“购置,收购”解,指一种抽象的行为时不可数,作“收购的公司、购置的产业”解时可数。
  •       考研真题例句

      考研真题例句OG 1.acquisition

      What is true about Wunderlist and Sunrise after their acquisitions?



      考研真题例句OG 2.acquisition

      This week, it asked the five most valuable US tech companies for information about their many small acquisitions over the past decade.



      考研真题例句OG 3.acquisition

      Much more could be done to encourage "long-termism," such as changes in the tax code and quicker disclosure of stock acquisitions.



      考研真题例句OG 1.acquisition

      Its content acquisition costs nothing.



      考研真题例句OG 2.acquisition

      It is a central element in the acquisition of status and the production of scientific knowledge.



      考研真题例句OG 3.acquisition

      Humans are born with an innate language-acquisition capacity that dictates a universal grammar.



  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      One example of social learning is the acquisition of preferences for novel foods.(社会学习的一个例子是获得对新奇食物的偏好。)

      What's the cost of customer acquisition?(获得一个客户的成本有多大?)

      What's more, the study of language acquisition offers direct insight into how humans learn.(更重要的是,语言习得的研究为了解人类如何学习提供了直接的视角。)

      Commercial satellite acquisition processes.(商业卫星收购程序。)

      Indeed, ease of acquisition is the problem.(事实上,容易获得是个问题。)

      A second study concluded that post-acquisition gains to most acquiring firms were not adequate to cover the premiums paid to obtain acquired firms.(第二项研究得出结论,大多数收购公司的收购后收益不足以支付收购公司的溢价。)

      What do you think of this acquisition?(对于此次收购您有什么看法呢?)

      Acquisition and Retention...(获取和保持。)

      His second hypothesis is the natural order in the acquisition hypothesis.(他的第二个假说是习得学说中的自然秩序。)

      The Heerlen, Netherlands-based company said it will finance the acquisition from its existing cash.(荷兰海尔伦公司(Heerlen)表示,将从持有现金中向这次并购提供资金。)

      acquisition是什么意思 acquisition在线翻译 acquisition什么意思 acquisition的意思 acquisition的翻译 acquisition的解释 acquisition的发音 acquisition的同义词
