


      英 [əˈkweɪnt]

      美 [əˈkwent]


      过去式: acquainted 过去分词: acquainted 现在分词: acquainting 第三人称单数: acquaints


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  •       熟悉的,了解的,认识的


  •       (使)了解,(使)熟悉,(使)知道,使...熟知
  •       把某事告知(通知、介绍)给某人,告知,通知,告诉,介绍
  •       (使)相识,(使)认识,与...相识
  •       使 ... 熟知


  •       vt. 使熟悉; 使了解 oneself make sb/oneself familiar with or aware of sth


      1. inform

      e.g. Please acquaint your colleagues of your plans to move

      2. make familiar or conversant with

      e.g. you should acquaint yourself with your new computer
      We familiarized ourselves with the new surroundings

      Synonym: familiarizefamiliarise

      3. cause to come to know personally

      e.g. permit me to acquaint you with my son
      introduce the new neighbors to the community

      Synonym: introducepresent

      1. 使认识;介绍;使了解
      If you acquaint someone with something, you tell them about it so that they know it. If you acquaint yourself with something, you learn about it.

      e.g. ...efforts to acquaint the public with their rights under the new law...
      e.g. I want to acquaint myself with your strengths and weaknesses.

      1. 使熟悉:acoustooptic 声光的 | acquaint 使熟悉 | acqualung 潜水呼吸器

      2. 使熟知:acquaint oneself with 开始知道 | acquaint 使熟知 | acquaintance 相识

      3. 使认识,使了解:accuse 指控,指责 They accused her publicly of stealing their... | acquaint 使认识,使了解 | activate 使活动起来,使开始起作用,启动 They have planted secret agents in many countries who could be activated...

      4. acquaint的意思

      4. 熟悉的:peer 因为有困难而努力的看 | acquaint 熟悉的 | quaint 稀奇的,古怪的

  •       常用例句

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  •       We're already acquainted.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       Though the Choiseuls will not acquaint with you.

    出自:Horace Walpole
  •       词语用法

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  •       词源解说


  •       acquaint是正式用词,基本意思是“让某人获知”,指向某人介绍某事的经过或传递有关全过程的信息,使其知晓。
  •       acquaint是及物动词,以“告知”的对象为间接宾语(名词、人称代词或反身代词),而直接宾语即告知的内容则由with引起的介词短语或名词性从句充当。
  •       acquaint的过去分词acquainted常用作形容词,用于系表结构中,强调熟悉或知晓的状态。


acquaint, advise, inform, notify, tell
  •       这组词的共同意思是“通知”,其区别是:
  •       1.除tell外是一般用词,其余各词均为正式用词。
  •       2.在“通知”的手段上, acquaint主要指向某人提供资料; tell是指将某事直接告诉某人或把某些内容向他人讲述,即口头通知; inform既可指提供有关资料或信息,也可指直接告知某事; notify指正式用书面通知; advise则常用于商业活动,既可指书面通知,即通告,电告,也可指口头告知或电话通知,但不一定是正式的。
  •       3.在通知的内容上, acquaint常用于范围广泛的内容复杂的信息; tell多指一个故事或一件事; inform既可指重要的信息,也可指普通的一件事; advise多指商业活动中对方应知晓的信息; notify则指严肃的事或对方应知晓的事,暗含事情紧迫,需立即答复或处理的意味。
  •       4.在用法上,这组词均为及物动词,可跟简单宾语或“间接宾语+that/wh-从句”, acquaint还可跟with短语,常用于被动结构; advise还可跟of短语; inform还可跟含“带疑问词的动词不定式和含介词as to或about的复合宾语”; notify还常跟of短语和含动词不定式的复合宾语,常用于被动结构。
    •       ☆ 13世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的的acointier,意为了解。
    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          To acquaint you with our purchase terms, we are enclosing a specimen of our contract for your reference.(为使你方熟悉我方交易条款,兹随函寄上合同格式一份以供参考。)

          You should try to acquaint yourself with the facts, before you express an opinion.(在发表看法前,你应该先了解事实真相。)

          Does he acquaint with there to this aspect?(他对这方面那里熟悉?)

          What he should perhaps have done was to acquaint his opponents that he proposed to follow a new method.(他也许应该做的是让他的对手们知道他提议采用一种新方法。)

          Acquaint him with your intention.(让他知道你的意向。)

          Today, we'd like to acquaint you with some of the world's most dangerous Bridges that are meant only for walking.(今天,我们将带你去认识一些对于步行来说世界上最危险的桥。)

          Perhaps they could acquaint themselves with a greater God.(也许他们可以认识一位更好的神。)

          You will first need to acquaint yourself with the filing system.(你首先需要熟悉文件归档方法。)

          It is necessary to acquaint with each other in a new working environment for it helps to improve working efficiency.(在一个新的工作环境中,很有必要使各成员相互认识和了解,这样有助于提高工作效率。)

          You must acquaint yourself with your new duties.(你必须熟悉自己的新职务。)

          acquaint是什么意思 acquaint在线翻译 acquaint什么意思 acquaint的意思 acquaint的翻译 acquaint的解释 acquaint的发音 acquaint的同义词
